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Taylor's Work History/Portfolio

Work History/Portfolio

About Me

Hello, I'm Taylor. A Web Developer who currently resides in Phoenix, AZ.


Open Source

Javascript Video Poker

[//]: # ( - Older Version)

[//]: # ( - Newer Version)

In the iTunes App Store - Using Cordova/PhoneGap (No longer in app store, Apple Developer Membership expired, the websites work just as good as the app did [although with less prestige] so I didn't renew.)

Gulp Build System


My go-to static code generator, which has been adapted to a wide variety of projects.

Grunt Build System


This is a project to replace my reliance on DocPad for a dev enviornment with LiveReload, Jade, Stylus and CoffeeScript.

National Academy of Sports Medicine ~ 2015

[] -, a brand new site developed almost entirely by me for NASM

Deep Space Robots

Redstone Foods

Redstone Foods

Reskinned a ruby on rails based ecommerce site with a new responsive bootstrap based look. A complete departure from the old look and feel.

Nolan Catholic High School

This WordPress project is still being worked on by the client, uses Custom Post Types, Custom Plugins, Themes and more.


Solo Development

The StarBound BoundStart game server has been taken offline along with the supporting websites. It was fun while it lasted!

In the course of development for I developed and released an NPM package called Transients

NPM Package

IIFYM, Alante Air, Cactus Stone, AFAA, The Card -

Modassic Marketing, Globe Runner, AM Design, Deep Space Robots OH Partners, Creative Circle, Technical Resource Group, X-Team - Fox, Rogers Digital Media - Watch Station, Relic, Michele - Gila River Casions - Standish Salon Goods - Redstone Foods

Reap Marketing

Freelance Web Developer
August 2013 - 2015

After X-Team, I started doing work on a freelance basis for Reap Marketing. I have done a wide variety of work for them, from recommending a better LAN setup and Google Apps, to development of a highly custom 3DCart eCommerce theme and management application. Other examples include migrating a bunch of WordPress websites from shared hosting to WP Engine, improving performance and adding Git version control during the process; Leading an effort to upgrade and update their WordPress sites and plugins to the latest version, while checking for venerabilities with WPScan; And finally, general cleanup work, like reducing the number of requests a page makes, eliminating 404's and JavaScript errors, or replacing hard-coded sidebars and menus with proper WordPress Dashboard managed versions. What Reap does not offer is an environment where I can work with other developers.

New 3DCart Theme Developed

Existing Sites (upgraded, maintained & improved)


WordPress/PHP Developer
March 2013 - July 2013

At X-Team, I worked first for Rogers Digital Media. As part of a globally distributed team we conquered an out of control Jira ticket backlog covering more than 50 WordPress websites across 3 WordPress Network installations. Because to the shared codebase of the WordPress Network sites we had to identify duplicate issues, and issues which were reported only once, but affected many sites. Some of these fixes had to be pushed to every site in the network, so it was very careful meticulous work.

Existing Sites (upgraded, maintained & improved)

After we got the bug reports under control, we started work on a brand new WordPress network for Breakfast Television to replace existing sites. My notable contributions to Breakfast Television include implementation of the forever scroll (pagination) feature on the home and video pages, the watch live feature that replaces the sideshow with a live video stream when the show is broadcasting, and much of the responsiveness of the layout. The smaller breakpoints were still being designed as we developed the site, I received flat HTML web pages of the largest breakpoint from another developer and turned those into the responsive templates currently in use across all six sites. I worked directly with the designer, providing feedback and helping solve some of the layout issues on the smaller breakpoints. I like to think I was the developer responsible for making the site responsive, but it was certainly a team effort.

New Devlopment (part of a team effort)

After Rogers, X-Team sent me to LA to work for Fox Broadcasting on-site. There I was brought in to help finish a new So You Think You Can Dance website before the season premier. Once again, I brought my responsive website skills and solved a number of layout issues with the site. I also helped rescue the Mass Relevance Twitter widget. The system that we premiered with SYTYCD is now being used for new Fox productions like Cosmos.

After the premier of SYTYCD I was put in charge of integrating NextGuide with the website. I worked directly with the developers from NextGuide on their first external integration and implemented the "Remind Me to Watch" buttons sprinkled across and a variety of other Fox TV-series websites.

Existing Sites (upgraded, maintained & improved)

Technical Resource Group

Web Developer
May 2012 - March 2013

For Technical Resource Group, I worked on-site at Fossil's HQ. I was in charge of frontend development for Watch Station and Relic. I reviewed and merged pull requests from the SEO/Tracking team, integrated features built for into Watch Sation and completed all frontend development tasks. I received PSD's from the creative department and turned them into interactive features, mostly slideshows and catalogs, that were published to the sites monthly. In addition I investigated all bug reports and issues, fixed and patched everything I could and passed the remaining issues on to the backend developers or merchandisers.

I also created a couple of jQuery plugins that are in use across many Fossil sites. The code that triggers a pop-up for first time visitors suggesting they subscribe to email updates was created by me, as well as the code that adds social media share buttons to product pages. I also identified a cache issue with Akamai that messed up layouts for a time after new updates were deployed, and led the implementation of a cachebusting solution. All 3 of these solutions were deployed across all Fossil "portfolio" eCommerce sites: WatchStation, Relic, Skagen, Michele, and Diesel Timeframes.

I assisted other developers whenever possible, and took on various special projects. One such project was a website that allowed users to search for watch instructions by SKU. Unfortunately the site was not finished before I left, and I have not seen it publicly published. There is a chance it's still just for internal use. It covered all watches manufactured by Fossil, almost 30 brands. I revived a rather mangled series of spreadsheets which I normalized and cleaned up using a series of NodeJS scripts that parsed the data, identified relationships between watches and movements, and placed all this data into a WordPress database. The frontend enabled easy searching by SKU and returned HTML or PDF watch instructions, while the Dashboard used Custom Post Types, Posts2Posts and Simple Page Ordering to provide an intuitive interface that allowed merchandisers to cleanup the imported data and connections, make new connections and edit/add content.

eCommerce (upgraded, maintained & improved)

MODassic Marketing

Web Developer
Sept 2010 - May 2012

At MODassic Marketing I took on a wide variety of assignments. I assisted in the design and led the development of more than a dozen WordPress websites, developing numerous custom themes and plugins along the way. In addition to working with WordPress I developed a number of traditional HTML websites, lots of HTML emails, and re-skinned a couple of eCommerce websites. I also designed (with art direction) and sent to press a wide variety of direct mailings, brochures, sales sheets and business cards. In addition, we also produced videos. I did a little bit of video editing, a lot of grip and lighting work, and some audio recording.

I also a unique opportunity to help improve the IT environment at MODassic. They were on a shared building wide network and used CD's and thumbdrives to transfer files. I setup a secure LAN, a RAID5 network storage device, off site backups, and firewall. Near the end of my time at MODassic I also introduced Git and local development environments to prevent some collaboration issues we experienced.

Custom WP Sites

  • others that I can't disclose here

Custom HTML Site

Existing WP Sites (upgraded, maintained & improved)

Commercial Theme Based WP Sites

eCommerce (upgraded, maintained & improved)

Significantly changed from my original work.

No longer operating



Jr. Support Technician
January 2010 - Sept 2010

Zyrka is an outsourced IT department that mostly serves private equity companies. At Zyrka I answered the phones and provided technical support, made in building and remote on-site service calls, and helped manage and document a wide variety of LAN's and IT environments. The work ranged from basic user support, computer troubleshooting and repair, to installing secure LANs and VPS tunnels at home offices. I also got my professional start at Zyrka, creating a few simple websites for the company and a couple of our clients.

Thank you for taking the time to review my work history. If you have any questions, or would like to learn more, please send me an email or give me a call.


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