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Forked from slacy/
Created May 31, 2013 18:25
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import datetime
import time
import random
import logging
from minimongo.model import Model, MongoCollection
from pyramid.interfaces import ISession
from zope.interface import implements
from pyramid.response import Response
# The Session object that we construct in memory has some extra bookkeeping
# fields on it. We don't save these in the Session with the DB, but we just
# keep them in RAM, here in this special object that isn't saved to the DB.
class SessionGuts(object):
"""Guts / tracking information for the session object."""
def __init__(self, request, dirty, rotate_session_key, rotate_csrf_token):
self.request = request
self.dirty = dirty
self.rotate_session_key = rotate_session_key
self.rotate_csrf_token = rotate_csrf_token
def get_session_key():
"""Get a new key for a session and return it."""
# We construct the session key with the first part being a timestamp,
# and the second part being a session key, so that they are in roughly
# ascending order, for MongoDB to more efficiently index the session
# keys.
timestamp = "%08x" % time.time()
session_key = '%s%s' % (timestamp, "%016x" % random.getrandbits(64))
return session_key
def wrap_access(wrapped):
"""Wrap access to the session object and set the dirty bit any time
anything is accessed. """
def accessed(session, *args, **kwargs):
"""The wrapping method"""
session.accessed =
# Wrapped methods get called when we're loading and saving from the
# DB, and we don't have _guts yet, so we skip the dirty bits when we
# don't have _guts.
if hasattr(session, '_guts'):
if not session._guts.dirty:
session._guts.dirty = True
return wrapped(session, *args, **kwargs)
accessed.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__
return accessed
def MinimongoSessionFactoryConfig(
timeout=30 * 86400, # 30-day sessions
class MinimongoSession(Model):
mongo = MongoCollection(database='web', collection='session')
# configuration parameters
_cookie_name = cookie_name
_cookie_max_age = cookie_max_age
_cookie_path = cookie_path
_cookie_domain = cookie_domain
_cookie_secure = cookie_secure
_cookie_httponly = cookie_httponly
_cookie_on_exception = cookie_on_exception
_timeout = timeout
def __init__(self, request=None):
if not request:
# This entire object represents the session, and is stored in
# MongoDB, except for the _guts field, which isn't saved.
self._guts = SessionGuts(request=request,
now =
cookieval = None
if request:
cookieval = request.cookies.get(self._cookie_name)
if cookieval is not None:
session_object = MinimongoSession.collection.find_one(
{'_id': cookieval})
# Take what was stored in the DB, and update 'self' to
# mirror all it's fields. This is what we'll save back to
# the DB when things change.
if session_object:
# Check to see if we loaded a session from the DB, if we didn't
# then initialize one from scratch.
if not '_id' in self:
self['_id'] = get_session_key()
self['created'] = now
self['session_id'] = '%016x' % random.getrandbits(128)
if 'accessed' not in self:
self['accessed'] =
if now - self['accessed'] > datetime.timedelta(
# Remove the old session, and replace it with a nice new one.
# Setting values via dict-access will set self._dirty, causing
# the session to be written out at the end of the request.
self['accessed'] = now
# ISession methods
def changed(self):
""" This is intentionally a noop; the session is
serialized on every access, so unnecessary"""
def invalidate(self):
"""Invalidate the current session. Essentially, nukes the
session and replaces it with a new one."""
old_guts = self._guts
self.clear() # XXX probably needs to unset cookie
# Put the guts back (has tracking data we don't really want to lose.)
self._guts = old_guts
self._id = get_session_key()
# A fresh clean, session:
self['created'] = now
self['session_id'] = '%016x' % random.getrandbits(128)
# non-modifying dictionary methods
get = wrap_access(Model.get)
__getitem__ = wrap_access(Model.__getitem__)
items = wrap_access(Model.items)
iteritems = wrap_access(Model.iteritems)
values = wrap_access(Model.values)
itervalues = wrap_access(Model.itervalues)
keys = wrap_access(Model.keys)
iterkeys = wrap_access(Model.iterkeys)
__contains__ = wrap_access(Model.__contains__)
has_key = wrap_access(Model.has_key)
__len__ = wrap_access(Model.__len__)
__iter__ = wrap_access(Model.__iter__)
# modifying dictionary methods
clear = wrap_access(Model.clear)
update = wrap_access(Model.update)
setdefault = wrap_access(Model.setdefault)
pop = wrap_access(Model.pop)
popitem = wrap_access(Model.popitem)
__setitem__ = wrap_access(Model.__setitem__)
__delitem__ = wrap_access(Model.__delitem__)
def _set_session_cookie(self, request, response):
"""Get the cookie value for this session, also, since this is
called at the end of the request, cleans up some things."""
# At this point, we've saved the session, set the cookie, and we
# think the request is over, so we break a circular reference
# between the request and the session.
self._guts.request = None
# If the response isn't a Response, then we just bail and don't
# set the cookie (this time). This is used for unit testing, I
# think, when the Response is a mock. Maybe this code should go
# away?
if not isinstance(response, Response):
return True
# If the view has requested that the session key be rotated,
# then we do that now (at the end of the request)
if self._guts.rotate_session_key:
old_id = self._id
self._id = get_session_key()
{'_id': old_id},
self, upsert=True)
self._guts.dirty = True
# This could be optimized to not do 2 writes.
# If the view has requested that the CSRF token be rotated, then
# we do that now (at the end of the request)
if self._guts.rotate_csrf_token:
self._guts.dirty = True
# Save the current state out to the db.
if self._guts.dirty:
# Rip out the guts, save the object, and then put the guts
# back.
guts = self._guts
del self._guts
self._guts = guts
self._guts.dirty = False
return True
def rotate_session_key(self):
"""Rotate the session key at the end of this request"""
self._guts.rotate_session_key = True
def rotate_csrf_token(self):
"""Rotate the session key at the end of this request"""
self._guts.rotate_csrf_token = True
def new_csrf_token(self):
"""Generate, set and return a new CSRF token for this session."""
token = "%016x" % random.getrandbits(128)
# This assignment will set the dirty bit automatically.
self['csrft'] = token
return token
def get_csrf_token(self):
"""Get the current CSRF token value, generating a new one if
token = self.get('csrft', None)
if token is None:
token = self.new_csrf_token()
return token
def csrf_valid(self, csrf_token):
"""Check to see if the CSRF value is valid, and rotate the CSRF
value at the end of the request."""
equal = (csrf_token == self.get_csrf_token())
if not equal:
logging.warning("CSRF INVALID: %s != %s",
csrf_token, self.get_csrf_token())
# Once the CSRF is checked, we say that we should rotate the
# CSRF token at the end of this request. We only rotate the
# CSRF token if it's actually checked, otherwise we just keep
# plugging along with the same one.
return equal
return MinimongoSession
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