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Created April 25, 2017 07:09
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SaltStack & Nginx Webserver Bootstrap
# download and run the SaltStack bootstrap installer
curl -o -L
sh git develop
# stop the salt-minion service in preparation for reconfiguration
systemctl stop salt-minion
# create the required directory for Salt state files to live
mkdir /srv/salt
# download and unzip the Nginx webserver Salt state files
unzip ./
# move the Nginx webserver Salt state files into place
mv ./salt-nginx-webserver-master/* /srv/salt
# reconfigure the salt-minion service to run as a 'Masterless Minion'
sed -i -- 's/#file_client: remote/file_client: local/' /etc/salt/minion
# restart and enable the salt-minion service after reconfiguration
systemctl start salt-minion.service
systemctl enable salt-minion.service
# download and run the Nginx repo install script
curl '' -o
# run the Salt states
echo "Running final Salt States ..."
salt-call --local state.highstate
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