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Last active September 3, 2018 13:38
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JS Logger Class
* Logger.class.js: Simple logger based on console wrapper with colors
* and multiple levels
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Sergey Petrenko <>
* @homepage
* @license MIT
* @version 2.1.0
* @history
* * 2.1.0 at 09/03/2018
* - Added bold flag
* - Created once-called customs flags storage nextCallCustoms
* - Wrapped main handler into try-catch
* * 2.0.0 at 08/14/2018
* - Initial rewritten
import { default as EventHandler } from "./modules/Event";
const LoggerLevels = {
"trace": 0,
"debug": 1,
"info": 2,
"warn": 3,
"error": 4,
"silent": 5
export default class Logger {
static colors = [ "red", "orange", "green", "darkgreen", "magenta", "blue", "black" ];
static lastColor = 0;
static levelStyles = {
trace: "color: #666666; background: #eeeeee",
debug: "color: #666666; background: #DCE2FF",
info: "color: white; background: blue",
warn: "color: white; background: orange",
error: "color: white; background: red",
silent: "color: white; background: #cccccc"
static stackRegExp = new RegExp('^\\s*?at\\s*(\\S*?)\\s');
constructor(name, options) {
if(!options) {
options = {};
} = name || "default";
this.level = options.level || 0;
this.color = ( === "default"
? "#666666"
: options.color || Logger.colors[Logger.lastColor++]
this.nextCallCustoms = null;
if(Logger.lastColor === Logger.colors.length) {
Logger.lastColor = 0;
this.onLog = EventHandler();
this.formatter = (level, args) => {
if(LoggerLevels[level] && LoggerLevels[level] >= this.level) {
let str;
if(args && args.length > 0) {
str = args.shift();
let fontWeight = "normal";
if(this.nextCallCustoms !== null) {
if(this.nextCallCustoms.bold) {
fontWeight = "900";
return console[level](
`%c${} %c${level}%c `,
`color: ${this.color}`,
`border-radius: 4px; padding: 0 3px; ${Logger.levelStyles[level]}`,
`color: initial; font-weight: ${fontWeight}`,
(args.length > 0 ? args : "")
);// + "::" + level, args);
} else {
console.log('muted', args);
let levels = Object.keys(LoggerLevels);
if(levels.length > 0) {
for(let level of levels) {
if(!this.hasOwnProperty(level)) {
this[level] = (...args) => {
return this._log(level, args);
this.onLog.push((payload) => {
try {
// Run output handler:
this.formatter(payload[0], payload[1]);
if (this.nextCallCustoms !== null) {
// Handle trace flag
if (this.nextCallCustoms.traced) {
let stack = this.stacktrace();
if (stack) {
`%cChain of calls: %c` + stack.join(" -> "),
"font-weight: bold",
"color: #666666"
// Notice: bold flag handled in formatter
} catch(e) {
console.error('Failed to execute logger handler, due to:');
} finally {
this.nextCallCustoms = null;
_log(level, args) {
this.onLog.trigger([ level, args ]);
traced() {
if(this.nextCallCustoms === null) {
this.nextCallCustoms = {};
this.nextCallCustoms.traced = true;
return this;
bold() {
if(this.nextCallCustoms === null) {
this.nextCallCustoms = {};
this.nextCallCustoms.bold = true;
return this;
stacktrace() {
let result = null;
try {
throw Error();
} catch(e) {
let lines = e.stack.split("\n");
if(lines.length > 0) {
result = [];
for(let line of lines) {
let parts = Logger.stackRegExp.exec(line);
if(parts && parts.length && parts.length > 1) {
if(parts[1] && parts[1].length > 0 && typeof parts[1] === 'string') {
} finally {
return result;
log(...args) {
return this._log('debug', args);
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