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Created August 3, 2020 09:53
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a bash example on traps, background processes and arrays as function args
# en: an example of killing background tasks using ctrl+c from bash
# useful when you need to start/kill a bunch of services
# ru: пример работы с убиваемыми по ctrl-c фоновыми задачами в баш-скрипте
# полезно, когда надо перезапускать много задач в фоне, например серверов
function ctrl_c() { # trap ctrl-c and call ctrl_c()
echo "** Trapped CTRL-C"
arr=("$@") #take first arg, it's an array
for i in "${arr[@]}";
echo "killing ${i}"
kill $i
echo '=> starting first background task [sleep 60 &]'
sleep 60 & # fake some long running process, could be: python2 &
TASK1_PID=$! # take a process PID
echo '=> starting second background task [sleep 180 &]'
sleep 180 &
echo "=> command1 PID is ${TASK1_PID}"
echo "=> command2 PID is ${TASK2_PID}"
PIDS_TO_KILL=("${TASK1_PID}" "${TASK2_PID}") #make an array of pids
trap 'ctrl_c "${PIDS_TO_KILL[@]}"' INT #set a trap
# trap "ctrl_c 1 " INT #reboot with sudo lol, kills process 1
echo '...done'
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