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Created October 19, 2011 02:12
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Cloud9 IDE `help` command output
$ help
beautify reformat selected JavaScript code in the editor
c9 alias for 'open'
cd change working directory
clear clear all the messages from the console
closeallbutme close all opened tabs, but the tab that is currently active
closealltabs close all opened tabs
closetab close the tab that is currently active
debug run and debug a node program on the server
find open the quicksearch dialog to quickly search for a phrase
findnext search for the next occurrence of the search query your entered last
findprevious search for the previous occurrence of the search query your entered last
git the stupid content tracker
gotofile search for a filename and jump to it
gotoline enter a linenumber and jump to it in the active document
gototableft navigate to the next tab, left to the tab that is currently active
gototabright navigate to the next tab, right to the tab that is currently active
help show general help information and a list of available commands
hg mercural source control
ls list directory contents
newfile create a new file resource
newfolder create a new directory resource
open open a file to edit in a new tab
pwd return working directory name
quicksave save the currently active file to disk
quicksearch quickly search for a string inside the active document, without further options (see 'search')
quickwatch quickly inspect the variable that is under the cursor
redo redo one edit step in the active document
resume resume the current paused process
revealtab reveal current tab in the file tree
run run a node program on the server
saveas save the file to disk with a different filename
search search for a string inside the active document
searchinfiles search for a string through all files in the current workspace
searchreplace search for a string inside the active document and replace it
send send a message to the server
showsettings open the settings window
stepinto step into the function that is next on the execution stack
stepout step out of the current function scope
stepover step over the current expression on the execution stack
stripws strip whitespace at the end of each line
switchconsole toggle focus between the editor and the console
tab0 navigate to the tenth tab
tab1 navigate to the first tab
tab2 navigate to the second tab
tab3 navigate to the third tab
tab4 navigate to the fourth tab
tab5 navigate to the fifth tab
tab6 navigate to the sixth tab
tab7 navigate to the seventh tab
tab8 navigate to the eighth tab
tab9 navigate to the ninth tab
undo undo one edit step in the active document
zen toggle zen mode
zenslow toggle zen mode in slow-motion
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