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Jeremy Helms digitaljhelms

  • USA
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digitaljhelms / gist:303071
Created February 12, 2010 22:39
Quick way to see files in a given hg changset
cat << __EOT
Usage: hglist <revision>
where <revision> is the number of a commit revision you'd like to use.
exit 1
digitaljhelms / gist:306823
Created February 17, 2010 17:18
Fluid SSB userstyle for PyCon Live Stream
* Fluid SSB userstyle for PyCon Live Stream by
* Download the x512 SSB application icon here:
* Screenshots:
* 1 -
* 2 -
digitaljhelms / position:fixed.css
Created July 20, 2010 20:18
Fixed positioning, even in IE6
html, body { min-height:100%; *height:auto !important; height:100%; }
#foobar { height:100%; width:100%; overflow:hidden; position:fixed; z-index:0; top:0; left:0; }
/* IE6 doesn't recognize position:fixed */
/* */
body { _background-image:url(about:blank); _background-attachment:fixed; }
/* */
digitaljhelms / campfireuicleanup.user.js
Created February 9, 2011 18:36
Campfire UI Cleanup
// ==UserScript==
// @name Campfire UI Cleanup
// @namespace
// @description Some crap is just unnecessary
// @author Jeremy Helms
// @include **
// ==/UserScript==
try {
var css = "#conference {display:none;}\n#corner_logo {display:none;}\nul.participant-list {height:auto;}\n";
digitaljhelms / growlnotificationswithmessagesforcampfireandfluid.user.js
Created March 23, 2011 03:36
Modified version of Growl for Campfire &
// ==UserScript==
// @name Growl notifications with messages for Campfire and
// @namespace
// @description If your name is mentioned in a message, a growl notification shows what was said.
// @author Tim Harper
// @homepage
// @include **
// ==/UserScript==
digitaljhelms / nph-sass.cgi
Created March 25, 2011 21:18
CGI wrapper around Sass, written in Ruby
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# This is a simple CGI wrapper around Sass.
# Copy it into a directory on your site with CGI enabled. When invoked, the
# script will search its directory and parent directories for a YAML file named
# "config/sass.yml" in order to load configuration information.
# If you set the environment variable "sass_generate_output_file" to
# "true" the concatenation will be cached to disk. Use it in conjunction with
digitaljhelms / img_coverage.rb
Created May 9, 2011 17:04 — forked from angelo/img_coverage.rb
finds unused image assets in a website project.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'fileutils'
files = Dir['**/*.{htm,html,shtml,php,css,js}']
images = Dir['**/*.{jpg,png,gif,bmp}']
puts "#{images.size} images found & #{files.size} files found to search against"
content = ""
digitaljhelms / nph-sprockets.cgi
Created August 5, 2011 06:17
Use Sprockets to serve JavaScript outside of a Ruby environment using an RVM instance (and optional gemset)
#!/usr/bin/env /User/<username>/.rvm/bin/<instance>[@gemset]
# This is a simple CGI wrapper around Sprockets.
# Copy it into a directory on your site with CGI enabled. When invoked, the
# script will search its directory and parent directories for a YAML file named
# "config/sprockets.yml" in order to load configuration information.
# If you set the environment variable "sprockets_generate_output_file" to
# "true" the concatenation will be cached to disk. Use it in conjunction with
digitaljhelms / gist:1297318
Created October 19, 2011 02:12
Cloud9 IDE `help` command output
$ help
beautify reformat selected JavaScript code in the editor
c9 alias for 'open'
cd change working directory
clear clear all the messages from the console
closeallbutme close all opened tabs, but the tab that is currently active
closealltabs close all opened tabs
closetab close the tab that is currently active
debug run and debug a node program on the server
find open the quicksearch dialog to quickly search for a phrase
digitaljhelms / README.MD
Created November 4, 2011 19:10 — forked from wynst/README.MD
A Thor Task to unwatch *all* Github watched repositories (excluding owned) and optionally export to delicious.

A Thor Task to unwatch all Github watched repositories (excluding owned) and optionally export to delicious.

Sorry Github, for I have sinned. I use the Watch feature as a bookmarker.

Install required gems:

gem install thor rest-client

Use it as such: