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Last active May 9, 2022 10:46
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A broadcast client implementation for's Web SDK
* Agora Broadcast Client
var agoraAppId = ''; // set app id
var channelName = 'AgoraBroadcastDemo'; // set channel name
// create client instance
var client = AgoraRTC.createClient({mode: 'live', codec: 'vp8'}); // h264 better detail at a higher motion
var mainStreamId; // reference to main stream
// set video profile
// [full list:]
var cameraVideoProfile = '720p_6'; // 960 × 720 @ 30fps & 750kbs
// keep track of streams
var localStreams = {
uid: '',
camera: {
camId: '',
micId: '',
stream: {}
// keep track of devices
var devices = {
cameras: [],
mics: []
var externalBroadcastUrl = '';
// default config for rtmp
var defaultConfigRTMP = {
width: 640,
height: 360,
videoBitrate: 400,
videoFramerate: 15,
lowLatency: false,
audioSampleRate: 48000,
audioBitrate: 48,
audioChannels: 1,
videoGop: 30,
videoCodecProfile: 100,
userCount: 0,
userConfigExtraInfo: {},
backgroundColor: 0x000000,
transcodingUsers: [],
// set log level:
// -- .DEBUG for dev
// -- .NONE for prod
// init Agora SDK
client.init(agoraAppId, function () {
console.log('AgoraRTC client initialized');
joinChannel(); // join channel upon successfull init
}, function (err) {
console.log('[ERROR] : AgoraRTC client init failed', err);
// client callbacks
client.on('stream-published', function (evt) {
console.log('Publish local stream successfully');
// when a remote stream is added
client.on('stream-added', function (evt) {
console.log('new stream added: ' +;
client.on('stream-removed', function (evt) {
var stream =;
stream.stop(); // stop the stream
stream.close(); // clean up and close the camera stream
console.log("Remote stream is removed " + stream.getId());
//live transcoding events..
client.on('liveStreamingStarted', function (evt) {
console.log("Live streaming started");
client.on('liveStreamingFailed', function (evt) {
console.log("Live streaming failed");
client.on('liveStreamingStopped', function (evt) {
console.log("Live streaming stopped");
client.on('liveTranscodingUpdated', function (evt) {
console.log("Live streaming updated");
// ingested live stream
client.on('streamInjectedStatus', function (evt) {
console.log("Injected Steram Status Updated");
// when a remote stream leaves the channel
client.on('peer-leave', function(evt) {
console.log('Remote stream has left the channel: ' +;
// show mute icon whenever a remote has muted their mic
client.on('mute-audio', function (evt) {
console.log('Mute Audio for: ' + evt.uid);
client.on('unmute-audio', function (evt) {
console.log('Unmute Audio for: ' + evt.uid);
// show user icon whenever a remote has disabled their video
client.on('mute-video', function (evt) {
console.log('Mute Video for: ' + evt.uid);
client.on('unmute-video', function (evt) {
console.log('Unmute Video for: ' + evt.uid);
// join a channel
function joinChannel() {
var token = generateToken();
var userID = 0; // set to null to auto generate uid on successfull connection
// set the role
client.setClientRole('host', function() {
console.log('Client role set as host.');
}, function(e) {
console.log('setClientRole failed', e);
// client.join(token, 'allThingsRTCLiveStream', 0, function(uid) {
client.join(token, channelName, userID, function(uid) {
createCameraStream(uid, {});
localStreams.uid = uid; // keep track of the stream uid
console.log('User ' + uid + ' joined channel successfully');
}, function(err) {
console.log('[ERROR] : join channel failed', err);
// video streams for channel
function createCameraStream(uid, deviceIds) {
console.log('Creating stream with sources: ' + JSON.stringify(deviceIds));
var localStream = AgoraRTC.createStream({
streamID: uid,
audio: true,
video: true,
screen: false
// The user has granted access to the camera and mic.
localStream.on("accessAllowed", function() {
if(devices.cameras.length === 0 && devices.mics.length === 0) {
console.log('[DEBUG] : checking for cameras & mics');
// The user has denied access to the camera and mic.
localStream.on("accessDenied", function() {
localStream.init(function() {
console.log('getUserMedia successfully');'full-screen-video'); // play the local stream on the main div
// publish local stream
if($.isEmptyObject( {
enableUiControls(localStream); // move after testing
} else {
//reset controls
$("#mic-btn").prop("disabled", false);
$("#video-btn").prop("disabled", false);
$("#exit-btn").prop("disabled", false);
client.publish(localStream, function (err) {
console.log('[ERROR] : publish local stream error: ' + err);
}); = localStream; // keep track of the camera stream for later
}, function (err) {
console.log('[ERROR] : getUserMedia failed', err);
function leaveChannel() {
client.leave(function() {
console.log('client leaves channel'); // stop the camera stream playback; // clean up and close the camera stream
client.unpublish(; // unpublish the camera stream
//disable the UI elements
$('#mic-btn').prop('disabled', true);
$('#video-btn').prop('disabled', true);
$('#exit-btn').prop('disabled', true);
$("#add-rtmp-btn").prop("disabled", true);
$("#rtmp-config-btn").prop("disabled", true);
}, function(err) {
console.log('client leave failed ', err); //error handling
// use tokens for added security
function generateToken() {
return null; // TODO: add a token generation
function changeStreamSource (deviceIndex, deviceType) {
console.log('Switching stream sources for: ' + deviceType);
var deviceId;
var existingStream = false;
if (deviceType === "video") {
deviceId = devices.cameras[deviceIndex].deviceId
if(deviceType === "audio") {
deviceId = devices.mics[deviceIndex].deviceId;
}, deviceId, function(){
console.log('successfully switched to new device with id: ' + JSON.stringify(deviceId));
// set the active device ids
if(deviceType === "audio") { = deviceId;
} else if (deviceType === "video") { = deviceId;
} else {
console.log("unable to determine deviceType: " + deviceType);
}, function(){
console.log('failed to switch to new device with id: ' + JSON.stringify(deviceId));
// helper methods
function getCameraDevices() {
console.log("Checking for Camera Devices.....")
client.getCameras (function(cameras) {
devices.cameras = cameras; // store cameras array
cameras.forEach(function(camera, i){
var name = camera.label.split('(')[0];
var optionId = 'camera_' + i;
var deviceId = camera.deviceId;
if(i === 0 && === ''){ = deviceId;
$('#camera-list').append('<a class="dropdown-item" id="' + optionId + '">' + name + '</a>');
$('#camera-list a').click(function(event) {
var index ='_')[1];
changeStreamSource (index, "video");
function getMicDevices() {
console.log("Checking for Mic Devices.....")
client.getRecordingDevices(function(mics) {
devices.mics = mics; // store mics array
mics.forEach(function(mic, i){
var name = mic.label.split('(')[0];
var optionId = 'mic_' + i;
var deviceId = mic.deviceId;
if(i === 0 && === ''){ = deviceId;
if(name.split('Default - ')[1] != undefined) {
name = '[Default Device]' // rename the default mic - only appears on Chrome & Opera
$('#mic-list').append('<a class="dropdown-item" id="' + optionId + '">' + name + '</a>');
$('#mic-list a').click(function(event) {
var index ='_')[1];
changeStreamSource (index, "audio");
function startLiveTranscoding() {
console.log("start live transcoding");
var rtmpUrl = $('#rtmp-url').val();
var width = parseInt($('#window-scale-width').val(), 10);
var height = parseInt($('#window-scale-height').val(), 10);
var configRtmp = {
width: width,
height: height,
videoBitrate: parseInt($('#video-bitrate').val(), 10),
videoFramerate: parseInt($('#framerate').val(), 10),
lowLatency: ($('#low-latancy').val() === 'true'),
audioSampleRate: parseInt($('#audio-sample-rate').val(), 10),
audioBitrate: parseInt($('#audio-bitrate').val(), 10),
audioChannels: parseInt($('#audio-channels').val(), 10),
videoGop: parseInt($('#video-gop').val(), 10),
videoCodecProfile: parseInt($('#video-codec-profile').val(), 10),
userCount: 1,
userConfigExtraInfo: {},
backgroundColor: parseInt($('#background-color-picker').val(), 16),
transcodingUsers: [{
uid: localStreams.uid,
alpha: 1,
width: width,
height: height,
x: 0,
y: 0,
zOrder: 0
// set live transcoding config
if(rtmpUrl !== '') {
client.startLiveStreaming(rtmpUrl, true)
externalBroadcastUrl = rtmpUrl;
function addExternalSource() {
var externalUrl = $('#external-url').val();
var width = parseInt($('#external-window-scale-width').val(), 10);
var height = parseInt($('#external-window-scale-height').val(), 10);
var injectStreamConfig = {
width: width,
height: height,
videoBitrate: parseInt($('#external-video-bitrate').val(), 10),
videoFramerate: parseInt($('#external-framerate').val(), 10),
audioSampleRate: parseInt($('#external-audio-sample-rate').val(), 10),
audioBitrate: parseInt($('#external-audio-bitrate').val(), 10),
audioChannels: parseInt($('#external-audio-channels').val(), 10),
videoGop: parseInt($('#external-video-gop').val(), 10)
// set live transcoding config
client.addInjectStreamUrl(externalUrl, injectStreamConfig)
injectedStreamURL = externalUrl;
// TODO: ADD view for external url (similar to rtmp url)
// RTMP Connection (UI Component)
function addExternalTransmitionMiniView(rtmpUrl){
var container = $('#rtmp-controlers');
// append the remote stream template to #remote-streams
$('<div/>', {'id': 'rtmp-container', 'class': 'container row justify-content-end mb-2'}).append(
$('<div/>', {'class': 'pulse-container'}).append(
$('<button/>', {'id': 'rtmp-toggle', 'class': 'btn btn-lg col-flex pulse-button pulse-anim mt-2'})
$('<input/>', {'id': 'rtmp-url', 'val': rtmpUrl, 'class': 'form-control col-flex" value="rtmps://', 'type': 'text', 'disabled': true}),
$('<button/>', {'id': 'removeRtmpUrl', 'class': 'btn btn-lg col-flex close-btn'}).append(
$('<i/>', {'class': 'fas fa-xs fa-trash'})
$('#rtmp-toggle').click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('pulse-anim')) {
} else {
client.startLiveStreaming(externalBroadcastUrl, true)
$('#removeRtmpUrl').click(function() {
externalBroadcastUrl = '';
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