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Created April 25, 2018 19:10
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multi threaded restore dbatools
# Get credentials and store them securely in an encrypted xml file
if (-NOT (Test-Path "${env:\userprofile}\DBA001.Cred")){
$Credential = Get-Credential
$Credential | Export-CliXml -Path "${env:\userprofile}\DBA001.Cred"
#Load the credentials
$SqlCredential = Import-CliXml -Path "${env:\userprofile}\DBA001.Cred"
# Create a CSV of all the databases that are in the availability group. This updates each time to be complete
# The -SqlInstance parameter should be the primary server in the AG
$AgDatabases = Get-DbaAgDatabase -SqlCredential $SqlCredential -SqlInstance "<Your Server Name, Port if needed>"
$AgDatabases | select DatabaseName | Export-Csv "${env:\userprofile}\ag_servers.csv"
$CsvPath = "${env:\userprofile}\ag_servers.csv"
#Load the databases into the variable, skipping the first line
$DatabasesToRestore = Get-Content -Path $CsvPath | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ConvertFrom-Csv
$DatabasesToRestore = $DatabasesToRestore | Foreach {"$($_.DatabaseName)"}
# Create a workflow so that the restores can run in parallel, still not sure exactly how this is working
workflow mt_command {
param ([string[]]$DatabasesToRestore)
$DestinationServer = "<Name of server to restore to>"
$CredentialsForInline = Import-CliXml -Path "${env:\userprofile}\DBA001.Cred"
foreach -parallel ($Database in $DatabasesToRestore){
InlineScript {
Restore-DbaDatabase -SqlCredential $Using:CredentialsForInline -SqlInstance $Using:DestinationServer -Path ('\\storageserver\path\servername\'+$Using:Database+'\') -MaintenanceSolutionBackup -DestinationDataDirectory D:\SQLDATA -DestinationLogDirectory L:\SQLLOGS
mt_command -DatabasesToRestore $DatabasesToRestore
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