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Created February 3, 2013 08:20
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# collect
# global
# states entries|searches|inserts|removals [diff]
# counters match|bad-offset|fragment|...|synproxy [diff]
# (see pfctl -si output, same strings)
# interface name pass|block packets|bytes in|out v4|v6 [diff]
# queue name passed|dropped|other packets|bytes|number [diff]
collect 1 = interface "nfe0" pass bytes in ipv4 diff
collect 2 = interface "nfe0" pass bytes out ipv4 diff
collect 3 = global states entries
image "/usr/local/www/data/hour/inoutspeed.jpg" {
from 1 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 1 bps "in" "bits/s" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 2 bps "out" "bits/s" color 0 0 255
graph 3 "states" "entries" color 192 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/12hours/inoutspeed.jpg" {
from 12 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 1 bps "in" "bits/s" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 2 bps "out" "bits/s" color 0 0 255
graph 3 "states" "entries" color 192 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/day/inoutspeed.jpg" {
from 1 days to now
width 980 height 300
graph 1 bps "in" "bits/s" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 2 bps "out" "bits/s" color 0 0 255
graph 3 "states" "entries" color 192 192 0
collect 4 = interface "nfe0" pass packets in ipv4 diff
collect 5 = interface "nfe0" pass packets out ipv4 diff
collect 6 = interface "nfe0" block packets in ipv4 diff
collect 7 = interface "nfe0" block packets out ipv4 diff
image "/usr/local/www/data/hour/packetspassedblocked.jpg" {
from 1 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 4 "pass in" "packets/s" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 5 "pass out" "packets/s" color 0 0 255
graph 6 "block in" "packets/s" color 255 0 0,
graph 7 "block out" "packets/s" color 192 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/12hours/packetspassedblocked.jpg" {
from 12 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 4 "pass in" "packets/s" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 5 "pass out" "packets/s" color 0 0 255
graph 6 "block in" "packets/s" color 255 0 0,
graph 7 "block out" "packets/s" color 192 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/day/packetspassedblocked.jpg" {
from 1 days to now
width 980 height 300
graph 4 "pass in" "packets/s" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 5 "pass out" "packets/s" color 0 0 255
graph 6 "block in" "packets/s" color 255 0 0,
graph 7 "block out" "packets/s" color 192 192 0
collect 8 = global states inserts diff
collect 9 = global states removals diff
collect 10 = global states searches diff
image "/usr/local/www/data/hour/states.jpg" {
from 1 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 8 "inserts" "states/s" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 9 "removals" "states/s" color 0 0 255
graph 10 "searches" "states/s" color 255 0 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/12hours/states.jpg" {
from 12 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 8 "inserts" "states/s" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 9 "removals" "states/s" color 0 0 255
graph 10 "searches" "states/s" color 255 0 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/day/states.jpg" {
from 1 days to now
width 980 height 300
graph 8 "inserts" "states/s" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 9 "removals" "states/s" color 0 0 255
graph 10 "searches" "states/s" color 255 0 0
collect 11 = queue "out_std" pass bytes diff
collect 12 = queue "out_games" pass bytes diff
collect 13 = queue "out_highpri" pass bytes diff
collect 14 = queue "out_ack" pass bytes diff
collect 15 = queue "out_dns" pass bytes diff
image "/usr/local/www/data/hour/queue-out.jpg" {
from 1 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 11 bps "std" "bits/s" color 255 0 0,
graph 12 bps "games" "bits/s" color 192 192 0,
graph 13 bps "highpriority" "bits/s" color 0 192 0,
graph 14 bps "ack" "bits/s" color 0 0 255,
graph 15 bps "dns" "bits/s" color 0 255 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/12hours/queue-out.jpg" {
from 12 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 11 bps "std" "bits/s" color 255 0 0,
graph 12 bps "games" "bits/s" color 192 192 0,
graph 13 bps "highpriority" "bits/s" color 0 192 0,
graph 14 bps "ack" "bits/s" color 0 0 255,
graph 15 bps "dns" "bits/s" color 0 255 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/day/queue-out.jpg" {
from 1 days to now
width 980 height 300
graph 11 bps "std" "bits/s" color 255 0 0,
graph 12 bps "games" "bits/s" color 192 192 0,
graph 13 bps "highpriority" "bits/s" color 0 192 0,
graph 14 bps "ack" "bits/s" color 0 0 255,
graph 15 bps "dns" "bits/s" color 0 255 0
collect 16 = queue "in_lcl" pass bytes diff
collect 17 = queue "in_std" pass bytes diff
collect 18 = queue "in_games" pass bytes diff
collect 19 = queue "in_highpri" pass bytes diff
image "/usr/local/www/data/hour/queue-in.jpg" {
from 1 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 16 bps "lcl" "bits/s" color 255 0 0,
graph 17 bps "std" "bits/s" color 192 192 0,
graph 18 bps "games" "bits/s" color 0 192 0,
graph 19 bps "highpriority" "bits/s" color 0 0 255
image "/usr/local/www/data/12hours/queue-in.jpg" {
from 12 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 16 bps "lcl" "bits/s" color 255 0 0,
graph 17 bps "std" "bits/s" color 192 192 0,
graph 18 bps "games" "bits/s" color 0 192 0,
graph 19 bps "highpriority" "bits/s" color 0 0 255
image "/usr/local/www/data/day/queue-in.jpg" {
from 1 days to now
width 980 height 300
graph 16 bps "lcl" "bits/s" color 255 0 0,
graph 17 bps "std" "bits/s" color 192 192 0,
graph 18 bps "games" "bits/s" color 0 192 0,
graph 19 bps "highpriority" "bits/s" color 0 0 255
collect 20 = global counters match diff
collect 21 = global counters bad-offset diff
collect 22 = global counters fragment diff
collect 23 = global counters short diff
collect 24 = global counters normalize diff
collect 25 = global counters memory diff
collect 26 = global counters bad-timestamp diff
collect 27 = global counters congestion diff
collect 28 = global counters ip-option diff
collect 29 = global counters proto-cksum diff
collect 30 = global counters state-mismatch diff
collect 31 = global counters state-insert diff
collect 32 = global counters state-limit diff
collect 33 = global counters src-limit diff
collect 34 = global counters synproxy diff
image "/usr/local/www/data/hour/errors.jpg" {
from 1 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 22 "frag" "/s" color 192 0 192,
graph 27 "cong" "/s" color 0 192 192,
graph 28 "iopt" "/s" color 0 0 255,
graph 29 "csum" "/s" color 192 192 0,
graph 30 "mism" "/s" color 255 0 0
# others are usually all zero here
graph 20 "match" "/s" color 0 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/12hours/errors.jpg" {
from 12 hours to now
width 980 height 300
graph 22 "frag" "/s" color 192 0 192,
graph 27 "cong" "/s" color 0 192 192,
graph 28 "iopt" "/s" color 0 0 255,
graph 29 "csum" "/s" color 192 192 0,
graph 30 "mism" "/s" color 255 0 0
# others are usually all zero here
graph 20 "match" "/s" color 0 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/day/errors.jpg" {
from 1 days to now
width 980 height 300
graph 22 "frag" "/s" color 192 0 192,
graph 27 "cong" "/s" color 0 192 192,
graph 28 "iopt" "/s" color 0 0 255,
graph 29 "csum" "/s" color 192 192 0,
graph 30 "mism" "/s" color 255 0 0
# others are usually all zero here
graph 20 "match" "/s" color 0 192 0
collect 35 = interface "nfe0" pass bytes in ipv4
collect 36 = interface "nfe0" pass bytes out ipv4
collect 37 = interface "nfe0" pass bytes in ipv6
collect 38 = interface "nfe0" pass bytes out ipv6
image "/usr/local/www/data/daytransfer.jpg" {
from 1 days to now
width 980 height 300
graph 35 "in (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 37 "in (IPv6)" "GB" color 255 0 0 filled,
graph 36 "out (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 0 255,
graph 38 "out (IPv6)" "GB" color 192 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/weektransfer.jpg" {
from 1 weeks to now
width 980 height 300
graph 35 "in (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 37 "in (IPv6)" "GB" color 255 0 0 filled,
graph 36 "out (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 0 255,
graph 38 "out (IPv6)" "GB" color 192 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/totaltransfer.jpg" {
from 1 months to now
width 980 height 300
graph 35 "in (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 37 "in (IPv6)" "GB" color 255 0 0 filled,
graph 36 "out (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 0 255,
graph 38 "out (IPv6)" "GB" color 192 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/sixmonthtransfer.jpg" {
from 6 months to now
width 980 height 300
graph 35 "in (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 37 "in (IPv6)" "GB" color 255 0 0 filled,
graph 36 "out (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 0 255,
graph 38 "out (IPv6)" "GB" color 192 192 0
image "/usr/local/www/data/yearlytransfer.jpg" {
from 12 months to now
width 980 height 300
graph 35 "in (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 192 0 filled,
graph 37 "in (IPv6)" "GB" color 255 0 0 filled,
graph 36 "out (IPv4)" "GB" color 0 0 255,
graph 38 "out (IPv6)" "GB" color 192 192 0
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