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Created April 12, 2011 07:36
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Simple REQ/REP socket setup ...


Start the REQ "client" first, after starting that, start the script, it will sit and wait for 10 seconds for the script do its business, which should be way shorter, but what can I say, I am careful.

What happens

After the server starts up, the client connects, sends data and then dies before the REP socket server can receive it and handle it. At this point a send on that socket is getting sent to nothingness.

What I expected

The thing that I expected to happen was that the server would block on s.recv() until a client came back that sent something while the server was expecting it. There seems to be no point in having the REP server do huge calculations or something CPU intensive when the result is simply going to be swallowed up by the ether.

The whole point of REQ/REP sockets is to send a request and receive a reply, if the endpoint for the reply is missing already before the REP receives the request then what is the point? I understand the same situation is possible when the REP socket has received the data and then the client is killed, but at least at that point we have best effort in getting back before the client is killed...

Is this expected?

Is this how it is supposed to work? Am I thinking of this in the wrong way?

What I am trying to accomplish

I want to implement an LRU queue, in older versions of ZeroMQ (at least as I can remember, 2.x, will test as soon as I have time) if a REQ socket went away before the REP socket received it from ZeroMQ then that data would be lost. This is the behavior I expected and wish was the case.

The LRU queue would work as follows:

Worker 1 --REQ--> Server  
Worker 2 --REQ--> Server  
Worker 3 --REQ--> Server  

Server fetches items to process from mail server

Server   --REP--> Worker 1  
Server   --REP--> Worker 2  
Server   --REP--> Worker 3  

Worker 3 --REQ--> Server  

Server   --REP--> Worker 3  

Now, it does have a retry algorithm so for example if Worker 2 died while processing eventually it would be picked up by the next worker to come back to us, however if Worker 1 and Worker 2 die before we even get a chance to call recv() on the REP socket then we have at least two time-outs that need to fire before we get to Worker 3 who then gets the work that was destined for Worker 1/2. This means that at least for the first request in a long time (lets say unstable network with lots of Workers joining and leaving) we may not even process the message if we reach some sort of retry limit before any of our Workers respond.

#!/bin/env python
import zmq
import time
ctx = zmq.Context(1)
s = ctx.Socket(zmq.REP)
# Wait for a client to send something, and then die
print s.recv() # This is now "WOOT" eventhough the remote client is gone
# Do expensive CPU cycle work here
# This gets sent into the ether, so why bother?
s.send("WOOT WOOT")
#!/bin/env python
import zmq
ctx = zmq.Context(1)
s = ctx.Socket(zmq.REQ)
exit(127) # Die a horrible death ...
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