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Created May 21, 2019 23:23
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Patience Implementation in Swift
import UIKit
struct DiffLine: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
enum DiffLineType {
case equal
case remove
case add
case replace
let textA: String
let textB: String
let type: DiffLineType
var debugDescription: String {
switch type {
case .equal:
return textA
case .remove:
return "--- \(textA)"
case .add:
return "+++ \(textB)"
case .replace:
return "+++ \(textB)"
class PatienceStrategy {
typealias DiffFallback = ([String], [String]) -> [DiffLine]
let linesA: [String]
let linesB: [String]
let fallback: DiffFallback
init(linesA: [String], linesB: [String], diffFallback: @escaping DiffFallback ) {
self.linesA = linesA
self.linesB = linesB
self.fallback = diffFallback
struct Slice {
let a_low: Int
let a_high: Int
let b_low: Int
let b_high: Int
var a_range: CountableRange<Int> {
return a_low..<a_high
var b_range: CountableRange<Int> {
return b_low..<b_high
func isNotEmpty() -> Bool {
return (a_low < a_high) && (b_low < b_high)
class Match {
var prev: Match?
var next: Match?
let a_line: Int
let b_line: Int
init(a_line: Int, b_line: Int){
self.a_line = a_line
self.b_line = b_line
typealias registerLine = (Int, Int, Int, Int)
func unique_matching_lines(slice: Slice) -> [Match] {
var counts = [String: registerLine]()
slice.a_range.forEach { position in
var register = counts[linesA[position]] ?? (0, 0, Int.max, Int.max)
register.0 += 1
register.2 = min(position, register.2)
counts[linesA[position]] = register
slice.b_range.forEach { position in
var register = counts[linesB[position]] ?? (0, 0, Int.max, Int.max)
register.1 += 1
register.3 = min(position, register.3)
counts[linesB[position]] = register
let results = counts.filter { (key, value) in
return ((value.0 == 1) && (value.1 == 1))
}.sorted { itemA, itemB in
return itemA.value.2 < itemB.value.2
}.map { key, value in
return Match(a_line: value.2, b_line: value.3)
return results
func patience_sort(matches: [Match]) -> Match? {
var stacks = [Match]()
matches.forEach{ match in
let i = binary_search(stacks: stacks, match: match)
if i >= 0 {
match.prev = stacks[i]
var match: Match? = stacks.last
guard match != nil else { return nil }
while let newMatch = match?.prev {
newMatch.prev?.next = match
match = newMatch.prev
return match
func binary_search(stacks: [Match], match: Match) -> Int {
var low = -1
var high = stacks.count
while ((low + 1) < high) {
let mid: Int = (low + high) / 2
if stacks[mid].b_line < match.b_line {
low = mid
} else {
high = mid
return low
func fallback_diff(slice: Slice) -> [DiffLine] {
let sublinesA = Array(linesA[slice.a_range])
let sublinesB = Array(linesB[slice.b_range])
return self.fallback(sublinesA, sublinesB)
func diff(slice: Slice) -> [DiffLine] {
var match = self.patience_sort(matches: self.unique_matching_lines(slice: slice))
if match == nil {
return self.fallback_diff(slice: slice)
var lines = [DiffLine]()
var a_line = slice.a_low
var b_line = slice.b_low
repeat {
let a_next = (match != nil) ? match!.a_line : slice.a_high
let b_next = (match != nil) ? match!.a_line : slice.b_high
let subslice = Slice(a_low: a_line, a_high: a_next, b_low: b_line, b_high: b_next)
lines.append(contentsOf: self.diff(slice: subslice))
if match == nil {
return lines
lines.append(.init(textA: linesA[(match?.a_line ?? 0)], textB: linesB[(match?.b_line ?? 0)], type: .equal))
a_line = (match?.a_line ?? 0) + 1
b_line = (match?.b_line ?? 0) + 1
match = match?.next
} while(match != nil)
return lines
func patience() {
let firstSlice = Slice(a_low: 0, a_high: linesA.count, b_low: 0, b_high: linesB.count)
let lines = self.diff(slice: firstSlice)
lines.forEach { line in
extension String {
func lines() -> [String] {
return self.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
func execute(valueA: String, valueB: String) {
let linesA = valueA.lines()
let linesB = valueB.lines()
let strategy = PatienceStrategy(linesA: linesA, linesB: linesB) { blockA, blockB in
var lines = [DiffLine]()
(0..<max(blockA.count, blockB.count)).forEach { numberLine in
guard blockA.count > numberLine else { lines.append(DiffLine(textA: "", textB: blockB[numberLine], type: .add)) ; return }
guard blockB.count > numberLine else { lines.append(DiffLine(textA: blockA[numberLine], textB: "", type: .remove)) ; return }
lines.append(DiffLine(textA: blockA[numberLine], textB: blockB[numberLine], type: (blockA[numberLine] == blockB[numberLine]) ? .equal : .replace))
return lines
let a = """
let b = """
execute(valueA: a, valueB: b)
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