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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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import javax.swing.JFrame;
import org.math.plot.*;
public class GradientDescent{
private double theta0;
private double theta1;
private int trendline;
// Algorithm settings
double alpha = 0.01; // learning rate
double tol = 1e-11; // tolerance to determine convergence
int maxiter = 9000; // maximum number of iterations in case convergence is not reached
int dispiter = 100; // interval for displaying results during iterations
int iters = 0;
//track of results
double[] theta0plot = new double[maxiter+1];
double[] theta1plot = new double[maxiter+1];
double[] tplot = new double[maxiter+1];
InitialData initial_data;
Plot2DPanel plot;
public GradientDescent(InitialData id){
//initial guesses
this.theta0 = 0;
this.theta1 = 0;
this.initial_data = id;
plot = new Plot2DPanel();
plot.addScatterPlot("X-Y", initial_data.x, initial_data.y);
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Final X-Y Data");
frame.setSize(600, 600);
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