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Created September 28, 2014 19:38
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package com.learn.dbhakuni.ds;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: dbhakuni
* Date: 31/8/14
* Time: 5:27 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public class MergeSort {
public static void main(String a[]) {
int array[] = { 10, 8, 4, 80, 13, 1, 3, 11 };
System.out.println("STARTING ARRAY\n");
printHorzArray(-1, -1, array, 49);
// Send the array, 0 and the array size
mergeSort_srt(array, 0, array.length - 1);
System.out.print("FINAL SORTED ARRAY\n");
printHorzArray(-1, -1, array, 49);
// Receives the array, 0 and the array size
public static void mergeSort_srt(int array[], int lo, int n) {
int low = lo;
int high = n;
if (low >= high) {
// Find the middle index of the array
int middle = (low + high) / 2;
// Send the array, 0 and the middle index of the array
mergeSort_srt(array, low, middle);
// Send the array, the middle index + 1 and the highest
// index of the array
mergeSort_srt(array, middle + 1, high);
// Store the last index of the first array
int end_low = middle;
// Store the first index of the second array
int start_high = middle + 1;
// If the lowest index is less than or equal to the bottom arrays
// highest index & the lowest index of the 2nd array is less than
// or equal to its highest index
while ((lo <= end_low) && (start_high <= high)) {
System.out.println("\nBOTTOM ARRAY");
printSmallArray(array, lo, middle);
System.out.println("\nTOP ARRAY");
printSmallArray(array, start_high, high);
printHorzArray(-1, -1, array, 49);
// If the value in the 1st index of the 1st array is less
// than the value in the 1st index of the 2nd array
System.out.println("Is " + array[low] + " < " + array[start_high]
+ "? " + (array[low] < array[start_high]));
if (array[low] < array[start_high]) {
// Increment to the next index in the 1st array
} else {
// Store the value in the 1st index of the 2nd array
int Temp = array[start_high];
System.out.println("Temp: " + Temp);
// Decrement backwards through the first array starting
// at the last index in the first array
for (int k = start_high - 1; k >= low; k--) {
System.out.println("array[" + k + "] = " + array[k]
+ " Stored in array index " + (k + 1));
array[k + 1] = array[k];
System.out.println(Temp + " is stored in index " + low);
printHorzArray(-1, -1, array, 49);
array[low] = Temp;
printHorzArray(-1, -1, array, 49);
// Used to print out the smaller arrays
static void printSmallArray(int theArray[], int lo, int high) {
int[] tempArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(theArray, lo, high);
int tempArrayDashes = tempArray.length * 6;
System.out.println("Array Index Start " + lo + " and End " + high);
printHorzArray(-1, -1, tempArray, tempArrayDashes);
static void printHorzArray(int i, int j, int theArray[], int numDashes) {
for (int n = 0; n < numDashes; n++)
for (int n = 0; n < theArray.length; n++) {
System.out.format("| %2s " + " ", n);
for (int n = 0; n < numDashes; n++)
for (int n = 0; n < theArray.length; n++) {
System.out.print(String.format("| %2s " + " ", theArray[n]));
for (int n = 0; n < numDashes; n++)
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