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Created July 7, 2015 14:57
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Test Scala Scripting
println("Hello, World!")
for{i <- 0 to args.length - 1 }
println(" args %d index value is %s ".format(i,args(i)))
//There are three string insterpolation method out of the box s, f and raw
//Using s String Interpolator
val name = "Ashish"
println(s"$name mera bagal m betha hai")
println(s" 1 + 1 kitna hota hai ${ 1 + 1} hota hai")
//Using f Interpolator (its like formating with s Interpolator like printf) and it typesafe and if there is no % char that mean it is %s by default
val height:Double = 100.9d
println(f"Hight of $name%s is $height%02.5f meters ")
val testInt:Int = 10000000
println(f" Int test $testInt%4d ")
//Using raw Interpolator
println(raw" First Line \n Second Line ")
import java.util._
val date:Date = new Date("10/04/1990")
date setHours 16
date setMinutes 30
val sdate:String = date.toString
implicit class JsonHelper(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal {
def json(args: Any*): JSONObject = sys.error("TODO - IMPLEMENT")
def giveMeSomeJson(x: JSONObject) : { println "Hello JSON"+x }
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