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Created June 9, 2023 16:18
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Loop elimination in a weighted, directed graph
namespace App\Graph;
use Ds\{Set, Stack};
class LoopEliminatior {
const INFINITE = 1000000000;
// Simple array based graph representation $graph['alice']['bob'] = 40
// First index is the person who owes the value to the person in the second index
// So in our example Alice owes Bob 40
protected $graph = [];
public function __construct($graph)
$this->graph = $graph;
protected function getAdjacentEdges($v)
return array_keys(
// Do not return those edges which are already reduced to 0 weight ...
array_filter($this->graph[$v], fn($w) => $w !== 0)
// Define a function to find a cycle in the graph using depth-first search
protected function findCycle($start): array
// Initialize a stack to store the vertices to visit
$stack = new Stack();
// Initialize a set to store the visited vertices
$visited = new Set();
// Initialize a dictionary to store the parent of each vertex
$parent = [];
// Loop until the stack is empty
while (!$stack->isEmpty()) {
// Pop a vertex from the stack
$v = $stack->pop();
// Mark it as visited
// Loop through its neighbors
foreach ($this->getAdjacentEdges($v) as $u) {
// If the neighbor is the start vertex, we have found a cycle
if ($u === $start) {
// Initialize a list to store the cycle
$cycle = [];
// Trace back the path from v to start using the parent dictionary
while ($v !== $start) {
// Add the edge (v, parent[v]) to the cycle
$cycle[] = [$v, $parent[$v]];
// Move to the parent vertex
$v = $parent[$v];
// Complete the cycle with adding the 'last' edge to it ... ugly
$cycle[] = [$v, $cycle[0][0]];
// Return the cycle
return $cycle;
// If the neighbor is not visited, push it to the stack and update its parent
} elseif (!$visited->contains($u)) {
$parent[$u] = $v;
// If no cycle is found, return an empty array ...
return [];
protected function minWeight(array $cycle = []): int
return array_reduce($cycle, function ($carry, $edge) {
list($v, $u) = $edge;
return $this->graph[$u][$v] < $carry
? $this->graph[$u][$v]
: $carry;
}, self::INFINITE);
public function getGraph(): array
return $this->graph;
// Define a function to cancel a cycle by subtracting the minimum weight from all edges in the cycle
protected function cancelCycle($cycle)
// Find the minimum weight of the cycle
$min_weight = $this->minWeight($cycle);
// Loop through the edges in the cycle
foreach ($cycle as list($v, $u)) {
// Subtract the minimum weight from the edge weight
$this->graph[$u][$v] -= $min_weight;
// Define a function to reduce the number of payments using the algorithm
public function reducePayments(): self
// Get the first vertex in the graph
$vertices = array_keys($this->graph);
$firstVertex = reset($vertices);
// Loop until there are no more cycles in the graph
while ($cycle = $this->findCycle($firstVertex)) {
// Cancel the cycle
return $this;
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