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Created July 15, 2022 11:11
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Useful python functions for data analysis
""" GLOBAL functions: Functions used over several projects.
* group_with_freq
Author: Juan Sebastian Diaz Boada
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
def group_with_freq(df,col,group_unique=False,new_name=None):
""" Groups identical values and calculates their frequency, returning an updated dataframe.
Calculates the frequency of each value in the column named 'col' from
dataframe 'df', adding it into a column named 'freq_'+col. It also assigns a group number
to each unique value in the column 'group_'+col. If the parameter 'group_unique'
is True, it groups sequences that appear only once in one group labelled as -1. The suffix
of the new column is by default the name of 'col', but can be changed adding a string as
'new_name' parameter.
df : pd.DataFrame
Dataframe with the column of values to group
col : string
Name of the column holding the values to analyze.
group_unique : bool, optional
Wether to group samples that only appear once in a group labelled '-1' or mantain each
unique element as a separate group. Default is False.
new_name : string, optional
Suffix of the neame of the new column, instead of using the name of the old column.
Default is None.
Dataframe with additional columns for group number and frequency.
DF = df.copy()
freq_col_name = 'freq_' + col if new_name is None else 'freq_' + new_name
group_col_name = 'group_'+col if new_name is None else 'group_' + new_name
DF[freq_col_name] = DF.loc[:,col].map(DF.loc[:,col].value_counts()).astype(pd.Int64Dtype())
DF = DF.sort_values(by=[freq_col_name,col],ascending=False)
if group_unique:
# Default dict for cluster numbers. Return -1 if unseen instance
seq2idx = defaultdict(lambda : -1)
n_rep = len(DF.loc[DF[freq_col_name]!=1])
seqs = DF.loc[:,col].iloc[:n_rep].unique()
seq2idx = {}
seqs = DF.loc[:,col].unique()
for n,g in enumerate(seqs):
seq2idx[g]= n
# Array with cluster numbers for each sequence
group = np.array([seq2idx[i[col]] if not isinstance(i[col], float) \
else pd.NA for _,i in DF.iterrows()])
DF[group_col_name]=group # Add cluster number to df
return DF
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