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Last active January 16, 2022 03:14
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satisfiablity modulo wordle
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Satisfiability modulo wordle: solving that annoying game for you, once and
# for all.
# Usage:
# $ python3 -m venv ./venv
# $ source ./venv/bin/activate
# (venv) $ pip install z3-solver
# (venv) $ python
import argparse
import logging
import sys
import z3
from typing import Dict, List
solver = z3.Solver()
solver.set(':core.minimize', True)
letters = z3.Ints('l1 l2 l3 l4 l5')
clauses: Dict[z3.Bool, z3.ExprRef] = {}
def parse_args(argv: List[str]) -> argparse.Namespace:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Wordle cheater",
ivyp = parser.add_argument_group("Parameters")
ivyp.add_argument("-d", "--dictfile",
help="The path to a newline-separated file of English words.",
ivyp.add_argument("-v", "--verbose",
help="Dump more info. More 'v's ==> more info.",
action='count', default=0)
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
return args
def init_logging(args: argparse.Namespace):
if args.verbose == 0:
l = logging.WARNING
if args.verbose == 1:
l = logging.INFO
elif args.verbose >= 2:
l = logging.DEBUG
raise Exception(f"Unxpected verbosity level {args.verbose}")
logging.basicConfig(format='surdle:%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=l)
def remember_expr(e: z3.ExprRef):
""" Inserts the expr into the solver, and remembers it with a fresh
identifier so unsat_core can tell us something useful."""
fresh_id = z3.Bool("b" + str(len(clauses)))
clauses[fresh_id] = e
solver.assert_and_track(e, fresh_id)
def encode_char(i: int, c: str) -> z3.ExprRef:
assert(len(c) == 1)
return letters[i] == ord(c)
def encode(s: str) -> List[z3.ExprRef]:
assert(len(s) == 5)
return [encode_char(i,c) for i,c in enumerate(s)]
def decode(model: List[z3.ExprRef]) -> str:
ords: List[int] = [model[l].as_long() for l in letters]
s = "".join([chr(i) for i in ords])
assert(len(s) == 5)
return s
def domain_constraints() -> z3.And:
""" Adds a conjunction constraining the range of all letters. """
return z3.And([
z3.And([l >= ord('a'),
l <= ord('z')]) for l in letters])
def dictionary_constraints(fn: str) -> z3.Or:
"""Adds a disjunction of five-letter English words."""
constraints: List[z3.And] = []
with open(fn) as f:"Reading dictionary at {fn}...")
for line in f:
line = line.lower().strip()
if len(line) != 5:
constraints.append(z3.And(*encode(line)))"Added {len(constraints)} dictionary constraints.")
return z3.Or(*constraints)
def green_constraint(i: int, c: str) -> z3.ExprRef:
""" Encodes the fact that letter i is exactly c. """
logging.debug(f"Remembering that letter {i} is {c}")
return letters[i] == ord(c)
def yellow_constraint(i: int, c: str) -> z3.ExprRef:
"""" Encodes the fact that c is in the word but not at position i."""
constraints = []
candidates = []
for j in range(len(letters)):
if j != i:
constraints.append(letters[j] == ord(c))
logging.debug(f"Remembering that one or more of {str(candidates)} is {c}")
return z3.And(
letters[i] != ord(c),
def black_constraint(i: int, c: str) -> z3.ExprRef:
""" Encodes the fact that c is nowhere in the word."""
logging.debug(f"Remembering that no letter is {c}")
constraints = [letters[j] != ord(c) for j in range(5)]
return z3.And(*constraints)
def read_resp() -> str:
while True:
feedback = input("> ").strip()
valid = [c in "🟩🟨⬛gyb" for c in feedback]
if len(feedback) == 5 and all(valid):
return feedback
def main(argv: List[str]) -> int:
args = parse_args(argv[1:])
action_table = {
'⬛': black_constraint,
'🟨': yellow_constraint,
'🟩': green_constraint,
'b': black_constraint,
'y': yellow_constraint,
'g': green_constraint
while True:
while solver.check() == z3.sat:"Solving...")
m = solver.model()
guess = decode(m)
print(f"Guessing {guess}")
# Check for unique solutions
sat = solver.check()
if sat == z3.unsat:
feedback = read_resp()
for i, c in enumerate(feedback):
unsats = [clauses[u] for u in solver.unsat_core()]
logging.error(f"Contradiction involving some of these clauses! {[clauses[u] for u in solver.unsat_core()]}...")
break"Resetting solver state...")
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
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The word list didn't leak - it's in the client side code. There are two lists of words - a list of ~2k of words used for the puzzles and another ~12k it accepts for guesses. Happy to send it your way to reproduce.

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Oh, sure, I'd appreciate that, thank you! I am n b taylor at gmail dot com !

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