This guide provides step-by-step instructions for running macOS on VMware Workstation.
First, download and install the latest version of VMware Workstation. For example, I used version 17.6.3.
To enable macOS support in VMware, download and extract the BDisp/unlocker repository. Then, run win-install.bat as Administrator.
Download and install the latest Windows version of QEMU from the official website.
Use the Utils section of the macrecovery tool from the OpenCorePkg repository to create the necessary macOS recovery disk.
Run the following commands to create and navigate to the necessary directory:
mkdir macrecovery
cd macrecovery
git clone
cd OpenCorePkg/Utilities/macrecovery
Then, execute the following command to download the macOS recovery image for your version:
python -b Mac-XXX -m MACMODEL -os latest
Open Command Prompt and run:
cd "C:\Program Files\qemu"
qemu-img convert -O vmdk -o compat6 BaseSystem.dmg recovery.vmdk
This will convert BaseSystem.dmg to a VMware-compatible VMDK file.
- Open VMware Workstation and select Create a New Virtual Machine.
- Choose "Typical" or "Custom" setup.
- Select Apple Mac OS X as the operating system.
- Do not select an ISO file. Choose "I will install the operating system later".
- Configure virtual machine settings (RAM, CPU, disk, etc.) and finalize the creation.
- Do not start the machine yet.
- Open the virtual machine settings.
- Add a New Disk.
- Select SATA as the type.
- Choose Use an existing disk.
- Select the recovery.vmdk file you created earlier.
- Start the virtual machine.
- Follow the macOS installation process.
- Once the installation is complete, your system will be ready to use.
By following these steps, you can successfully run macOS on VMware Workstation. 🎉