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Last active September 14, 2021 17:09
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Combined deviance and quantile residuals check plots for GAMs
## nicer version of gam.check/rqgam.chack
# - deviance residuals for the Q-Q and histogram
# - RQR for resids vs linear pred
# - response vs fitted
# hist.p gives the quantiles of the residuals to show
better_check <- function(b, k.sample = 5000, k.rep = 200, rep = 0, level = 0.9,
rl.col = 2, rep.col = "gray80", hist.p=c(0.01, 0.099), ...){
# layout stuff
opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
# grab the randomised quantile residuals
# requires statmod package
# need to do the right thing for mgcv's Tweedie
p.val <- b$family$getTheta(TRUE)
environment(b$family$variance)$p <- p.val
qres <- qres.tweedie(b)
# and for negbin
}else if(grepl("^Negative Binomial",b$family$family)){
# need to set $theta
if("" %in% class(b$family)){
# for SNW's extended family, need to set TRUE in getTheta as theta
# is on the wrong scale
b$theta <- b$family$getTheta(TRUE)
b$theta <- b$family$getTheta()
qres <- qres.nbinom(b)
stop("Only negative binomial and Tweedie response distributions are supported.")
# values of the linear predictor
linpred <- napredict(b$na.action, b$linear.predictors)
## get the deviance residuals
resid <- residuals(b, type = "deviance")
## Q-Q plot of deviance resids
qq.gam(b, rep = rep, level = level, type = "deviance", rl.col = rl.col,
rep.col = rep.col, main="Quantile-quatile plot", ...)
## Q resids vs. linear pred
plot(linpred, qres, main="Resids vs. linear pred.",
xlab="linear predictor", ylab="Randomised quantile residuals",
pch=19, cex=0.5, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.6), ...)
lines(lowess(linpred, qres), col = 2)
## histogram of deviance resids
vps <- baseViewports()
# partial histogram
hist(resid[resid >= quantile(resid, hist.p[1]) &
resid <= quantile(resid, hist.p)[2]],
xlab = "deviance residuals", main = "Histogram of residuals",...)
# setup the smaller plot
pushViewport(viewport(x=-.4, y=.45 ,width=.3, height=.3))
oopar <- par(plt = gridFIG(), new=TRUE)
# histogram of full data
hist(resid, xlab = "", main="", axes=FALSE, ylab="", ...)
axis(1, cex.axis=0.5, mgp=c(3, 0.1, 0), tck=-0.02)
# reset grid options for next plot
## Response vs. Fitted Values
plot(fitted(b), b$y,
main="Response vs. Fitted Values",
xlab="Fitted Values", ylab="Response",
pch=19, cex=0.5, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.6), ...)
lines(lowess(b$fitted.values, b$y), col = 2)
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gavinsimpson commented Aug 25, 2016

Nice! A couple of comments:

If you do opar <- par() and then at the end do par(opar) as here and the function bails out for whatever reason before the par(opar) line, you'll leave the user's graphics device in a state it wasn't in before the function call. Better to do:

op <- par(mfrow = c(2,2))

and don't have a call to par as the last line of the function.

To be honest it's probably easier to do


But that may just be me...

For some weird reason, the Response vs Fitted (lower right) is smaller than all the other figures?

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