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Ubuntu 20 - CERTBOT without SNAP/SNAPD

CERTBOT - Install using Python PIP

Install Certbot using Python PIP (Package Installer for Python) without using SNAP, APT or SYSTEMD) (Debian/Ubuntu)

This guide will help you install LetsEncrypt / Certbot and a DNS plugin (certbot-dns-route53) using PIP under Debian/Ubuntu.

  • You should already be somewhat familiar with LetsEncrypt, Certbot and any plugin you might need.

  • This guide uses a DNS provider plugin (AWS Route53), but this is really about the install method - not plugins, or validation methods.

  • This pip Python install method should also work on other Linux distributions that support python3 + pip.

In my opinion, this is the best install method (as of now) as the APT version is always behind and I refuse to use SNAPD.

Brady Shea / bmatthewshea 28SEP2021
Last Updated: 17MAR2022

1. Install Python PIP, PIP dependencies and Certbot

Some cleanup first - just in case.
Ignore any 'not found' errors:

sudo apt remove --purge certbot*  # Purge any old certbots via apt.
sudo apt-add-repository --remove ppa:certbot/certbot  # Remove certbot repo.
sudo apt update && sudo apt autoremove  # Re-update and remove any orphaned packages.

Install Python pip:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Install Certbot using Python pip to a system area (sudo -H) - NOT the user area (/home/.local):

sudo -H pip3 install certbot

Optional - If you use AWS-Route53 DNS you'll need this. Or, pick your own plugin (if needed):

sudo -H pip3 install certbot-dns-route53

For errors such as:

ERROR: zope-component 5.0.1 has requirement zope.interface>=5.3.0a1, but you'll have zope-interface 4.7.1 which is incompatible.

Upgrade the individual python package mentioned in error:

sudo -H pip3 install zope.interface --upgrade

You should see: "Successfully installed zope.interface-5.4.0" depending on name-version.
Reinstalling certbot (using the pip3 command above) should give 0 errors. If so, continue on..

2. Create an AWS-IAM credentials file

Again, I include this here for completeness only.
This guide is really about installing certbot using pip. If you do not use Route53, skip this.


sudo mkdir /root/.aws && sudo chmod 700 /root/.aws
sudo touch /root/.aws/credentials && sudo chmod 600 /root/.aws/credentials
sudo nano /root/.aws/credentials # (Add your own IAM creds in this file and save.)

3. Dry Run and Execution

Running this will also write /etc/letsencrypt/ folders/files (if they don't exist):

sudo certbot certonly --dry-run --dns-route53 --cert-name example -d -d *

You should see: "The dry run was successful.". If so, execute same line w/o dry-run:

sudo certbot certonly --dns-route53 --cert-name example -d -d *

4. Optional, but recommended: Setup automatic renewal and "hooks"

-The Cronjob-

Setup a cron certbot renew job:

sudo nano /etc/cron.d/certbot

Add the following lines:

# Execute every Sunday with a delay of up to 1 day/86400 seconds:
0 0 * * SUN root test -x /usr/local/bin/certbot && perl -e 'sleep int(rand(86400))' && /usr/local/bin/certbot renew

-Renewal Hooks-

"Global" hook methods (affects all certificate renewals the same):

  • LetsEncrypt offers various way to execute a command/script using pre-hook and post-hook (run before or after certificate renewal).
  • You can opt to add to cli.ini. Example: post-hook /full/path/to/script/or/command
  • You can opt to do it directly on renew command line: Example: certbot renew --pre-hook do_something --post-hook do_something
  • You can add a script to /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks + /post or /pre areas

For more granularity we are doing it a bit differntly here:

Edit the certficate renewal file(s).
Note: the '(certname)' is what you set for --cert-name (when you created it):

sudo nano /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/(certname).conf

Under "[renewalparams]" add a line similar to one of the examples.

Example #1:

post_hook = systemctl restart apache2

Example #2:

post_hook = systemctl restart nginx postfix dovecot

Example #3:

pre_hook  = systemctl stop nginx
post_hook = systemctl start nginx

If you need to execute something after certbot gets done with a renewal, you would add a post_hook. Once a renewal happens, you will need to reload or restart any daemons/services which depend on this renewed certificate. (Examples would be a webserver, email services, etc.)

If you need to execute something before renew runs, you can use a pre_hook = as well. An example of when this is needed is when you are using standalone as the Certbot verification type and need to stop the system webserver before renewal. You would issue a 'stop' on the pre_hook and a 'start' on the post_hook to Apache, Nginx, etc, so they aren't blocking the port Certbot uses for verfication.

5. Expanding the certificate

If you forgot a domain, or need to add one at a later date, you can update it. Make sure you include all the original domains as well, or they will get removed.
Using the --expand parameter:

sudo certbot certonly --expand --dns-route53 --cert-name example \
-d -d * -d -d * -d -d *

6. Upgrading

To upgrade certbot (and all dependencies) later if you install using this method, run:

sudo -H pip3 install certbot --upgrade


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