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Last active April 13, 2024 20:36
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`fetch` wrapper with timeout
class TimeoutError extends Error {
error: unknown;
constructor(timeoutMs: number, error: unknown) {
super(`Operation timed out after ${timeoutMs}ms`); = 'TimeoutError';
this.error = error;
const fetchTimeout = async (
url: RequestInfo | URL,
timeoutMs = 5000,
fetcher = fetch,
}: RequestInit & { timeoutMs?: number; fetcher?: typeof fetch } = {}
): Promise<Response> => {
const controller = new AbortController();
let timedOut = false;
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
timedOut = true;
}, timeoutMs);
const handleOgAbort = () => {
options.signal?.addEventListener('abort', handleOgAbort);
const cleanup = () => {
options.signal?.removeEventListener('abort', handleOgAbort);
try {
const response = await fetcher(url, {
signal: controller.signal,
return response;
} catch (error) {
throw timedOut ? new TimeoutError(timeoutMs, error) : error;
} finally {
const ab = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => ab.abort(), 5);
fetchTimeout('', { timeoutMs: 15 }),
fetchTimeout('', { timeoutMs: 4, signal: ab.signal }),
fetchTimeout('', { timeoutMs: 5, signal: ab.signal }),
fetchTimeout('', { timeoutMs: 6, signal: ab.signal }),
fetchTimeout('', { timeoutMs: 250 }),
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A simpler approach that uses AbortSignal.any() and AbortSignal.timeout() methods:

const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000;

const fetchTimeout = async (
    url: RequestInfo | URL,
        timeoutMs = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_MS,
        fetcher = fetch,
    }: RequestInit & { timeoutMs?: number; fetcher?: typeof fetch } = {}
): Promise<Response> => {
    const signal = AbortSignal.any(
            timeoutMs !== undefined && AbortSignal.timeout(timeoutMs),

    return fetcher(url, {

const is =
    <T>(instanceType: new (...args: unknown[]) => T) =>
    (instance: unknown): instance is T =>
        instance ? instance instanceof instanceType : false;

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