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Created April 27, 2020 03:03
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.AR;
public class ARPlacementInteractableSingle : ARBaseGestureInteractable
[Tooltip("A GameObject to place when a raycast from a user touch hits a plane.")]
public GameObject placementPrefab;
[Tooltip("Callback event executed after object is placed.")]
private ARObjectPlacementEvent onObjectPlaced;
private GameObject placementObject;
private static List<ARRaycastHit> hits = new List<ARRaycastHit>();
private static GameObject trackablesObject;
protected override bool CanStartManipulationForGesture(TapGesture gesture)
if (gesture.StartPosition.IsPointOverUIObject())
return false;
// Allow for test planes
if (gesture.TargetObject == null || gesture.TargetObject.layer == 9)
return true;
return false;
protected override void OnEndManipulation(TapGesture gesture)
if(Input.touchCount == 0)
var touch = Input.GetTouch(0);
var touchPosition = touch.position;
bool isOverUI = touchPosition.IsPointOverUIObject();
if (gesture.WasCancelled)
// If gesture is targeting an existing object we are done.
// Allow for test planes
if (gesture.TargetObject != null && gesture.TargetObject.layer != 9)
//Checking if touch is over UI element
if (isOverUI)
Debug.Log("UI is touched");
// if (!isOverUI && GestureTransformationUtility.Raycast(gesture.StartPosition, hits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinPolygon))
// Raycast against the location the player touched to search for planes.
if (GestureTransformationUtility.Raycast(gesture.StartPosition, hits, TrackableType.PlaneWithinPolygon))
var hit = hits[0];
// Use hit pose and camera pose to check if hittest is from the
// back of the plane, if it is, no need to create the anchor.
if (Vector3.Dot(Camera.main.transform.position - hit.pose.position, hit.pose.rotation * Vector3.up) < 0)
//if(placementObject == null)
placementObject = Instantiate(placementPrefab, hit.pose.position, hit.pose.rotation);
// Create anchor to track reference point and set it as the parent of placementObject.
// TODO: this should update with a reference point for better tracking.
var anchorObject = new GameObject("PlacementAnchor");
anchorObject.transform.position = hit.pose.position;
anchorObject.transform.rotation = hit.pose.rotation;
placementObject.transform.parent = anchorObject.transform;
// Find trackables object in scene and use that as parent
if (trackablesObject == null)
trackablesObject = GameObject.Find("Trackables");
if (trackablesObject != null)
anchorObject.transform.parent = trackablesObject.transform;
onObjectPlaced?.Invoke(this, placementObject);
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using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.AR;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;

public class Singleplacement : ARBaseGestureInteractable
private GameObject placementPrefab;

private ARObjectPlacementEvent onObjectPlaced;

private GameObject placementObject;
private static List<ARRaycastHit> hits = new List<ARRaycastHit>();
private static GameObject trackablesObject;

protected override bool CanStartManipulationForGesture(TapGesture gesture)
    if (gesture.targetObject == null)
        return true;
    return false;

protected override void OnEndManipulation(TapGesture gesture)
    if (gesture.targetObject != null)
    if (GestureTransformationUtility.Raycast(gesture.startPosition, hits, xrOrigin, TrackableType.PlaneWithinPolygon))
        var hitPose = hits[0].pose;

        // Allow a new game object for AR placement object
        if (placementObject == null)
            placementObject = PlaceObject(hitPose);

            onObjectPlaced?.Invoke(this, placementObject);

// Edited method to handle placement similar to ARPlacementInteractable
protected virtual GameObject PlaceObject(Pose pose)
    var placementObject = Instantiate(placementPrefab, pose.position, pose.rotation);

    // Create anchor to track reference point and set it as the parent of placementObject.
    var anchor = new GameObject("PlacementAnchor").transform;
    anchor.position = pose.position;
    anchor.rotation = pose.rotation;
    placementObject.transform.parent = anchor;

    // Use Trackables object in scene to use as parent
    var trackablesParent = xrOrigin != null
        ? xrOrigin.TrackablesParent
        : (xrOrigin != null ? xrOrigin.TrackablesParent : null);

    if (trackablesParent != null)
        anchor.parent = trackablesParent;

    return placementObject;

this is a working script for single prefab placement

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