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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Catalyst matching order
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Most;
use lib 't/lib';
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET POST DELETE PUT);
package MyApp::Controller::Root {
use Moose;
use MooseX::MethodAttributes;
extends 'Catalyst::Controller';
__PACKAGE__->config( namespace => '' );
sub index : Index {
# Path
# Path actions could be declared from "greedy" matching to "most exact"
# matching conditions
sub any : Path Args {
$_[1]->res->body('any #1');
sub path : Path('path') Args {
$_[1]->res->body('path #1');
sub path_zero : Path('path') Args(0) {
$_[1]->res->body('path zero #1');
sub path_one : Path('path') Args(1) {
$_[1]->res->body('path one #1');
sub path_one_post : POST Path('path') Args(1) {
$_[1]->res->body('path one post #1');
# But also "any" (or default) path could be defined at the end
# Override actions
sub path_one_post2 : POST Path('path') Args(1) {
$_[1]->res->body('path one post');
# GET is needed to skip POST matching
sub path_one2 : GET Path('path') Args(1) {
$_[1]->res->body('path one');
sub path_zero2 : Path('path') Args(0) {
$_[1]->res->body('path zero');
sub path2 : Path('path') Args {
sub any2 : Path Args {
# Chained
sub base : Chained('/') PathPart('chain') CaptureArgs(0) { }
# Chained with CaptureArgs should be declared with most greedy - at the top
sub chain_any : Chained('base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub chain_del : DELETE Chained('base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(0) { }
sub chained_any : Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args {
$_[1]->res->body('chained any');
sub chained_any_get : GET Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args {
$_[1]->res->body('chained any get');
# BUT!
# Chained actions with Args(0) should be declared in __REVERSED__ order:
# most greedy - at the end
sub chained_zero_post : POST Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args(0) {
$_[1]->res->body('chained zero post');
sub chained_zero_get : GET Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args(0) {
$_[1]->res->body('chained zero get');
# Also you can't override Chained action with Args(0)
sub chained_zero1 : Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args(0) {
$_[1]->res->body('chained zero');
sub chained_zero : Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args(0) {
# XXX never executed
$_[1]->res->body('chained zero #1');
# Chained actions with Args(N), where N>0, should be declared like Path:
# most greedy - first!
sub chained_one1 : Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args(1) {
$_[1]->res->body('chained one #1');
sub chained_one : Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args(1) {
$_[1]->res->body('chained one');
sub chained_one_post : POST Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args(1) {
$_[1]->res->body('chained one post');
sub chained_one_get : GET Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args(1) {
$_[1]->res->body('chained one get');
# You can't declare "default" Chained (with Args) at the end.
# MUST be defined at the top of controller
# sub chained_any2 : Chained('chain_any') PathPart('') Args {
# $_[1]->res->body('chained any second');
# }
sub chained_any_del : Chained('chain_del') PathPart('') Args(1) {
$_[1]->res->body('chained any delete');
package MyApp {
use Catalyst;
use Catalyst::Test 'MyApp';
subtest 'Path' => sub {
is( request( GET '/' )->content, 'index' );
is( request( GET '/any/location' )->content, 'any' );
is( request( GET '/path/a/n/y/_/n/u/m/b/e/r' )->content, 'path' );
is( request( GET '/path' )->content, 'path zero' );
is( request( GET '/path/one' )->content, 'path one' );
is( request( POST '/path/one' )->content, 'path one post' );
subtest 'Chained' => sub {
is( request( GET '/chain/a/n/y' )->content, 'chained any get' );
is( request( POST '/chain/a/n/y' )->content, 'chained any' );
is( request( DELETE '/chain/1' )->content, 'chained any delete' );
is( request( GET '/chain/1' )->content, 'chained one get' );
is( request( POST '/chain/1' )->content, 'chained one post' );
is( request( PUT '/chain/1' )->content, 'chained one' );
is( request( GET '/chain' )->content, 'chained zero get' );
is( request( POST '/chain' )->content, 'chained zero post' );
is( request( PUT '/chain' )->content, 'chained zero' );
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