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Created March 24, 2015 16:46
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package CatalystX::OrderedActions;
use Moose::Role;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Carp;
use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number';
use List::MoreUtils 'uniq';
use Data::Dumper;
after setup_finalize => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $ns = ref $self;
for my $dt ( @{ $self->dispatcher->dispatch_types } ) {
my $type = ref $dt;
$type =~ s/^Catalyst::DispatchType:://;
if ( $type eq 'Path' ) {
$self->log->debug("Reorder Path actions...") if $self->debug;
# warn Dumper($dt);
for my $actions ( values %{ $dt->_paths } ) {
croak "Not array" unless ref $actions eq 'ARRAY';
= [ sort { $self->compare_actions( $a, $b ) } @{$actions} ];
# warn Dumper($dt);
elsif ( $type eq 'Chained' ) {
$self->log->debug("Reorder Chained actions...") if $self->debug;
# warn Dumper( $dt->_children_of );
for my $paths ( values %{ $dt->_children_of } ) {
croak "Not hash" unless ref $paths eq 'HASH';
for my $actions ( values %{$paths} ) {
croak "Not array" unless ref $actions eq 'ARRAY';
#<<< no tidy
my @zero_actions =
sort { $self->compare_actions( $a, $b ) }
grep {
0 == (
exists $_->attributes->{Args}
? ( $_->attributes->{Args} || [] )->[0] // -1
: -1
} @{$actions};
my @undef_actions =
sort { $self->compare_actions( $a, $b ) }
grep {
not defined(
exists $_->attributes->{Args}
? ( $_->attributes->{Args} || [] )->[0]
: undef
} reverse @{$actions};
my @args_actions =
sort { $self->compare_actions( $a, $b ) }
grep {
0 < (
exists $_->attributes->{Args}
? ( $_->attributes->{Args} || [] )->[0] // -1
: -1
} reverse @{$actions};
$actions = [
reverse @undef_actions,
# warn Dumper( $dt->_children_of );
elsif ( $self->debug ) {
$self->log->debug("Don't know how to reorder $type actions...");
# Compare rules to future compare sort order.
# HASH with rules:
# (
# )
# RULE := string
# DEFINITION:= -1 | 0 | 1 | coderef
# Default rule (no sorting): * => 0
# When DEFINITION is integer, then RULE is being used
# as action attribute key to get values:
# $self->attributes->{RULE} * DEFINITION
# When DEFINITION is coderef, then rule value is
# result of calling DEFINITION->($self)
sub _compare_rules {
my %rules = (
'*' => 0,
Args => sub {
my $action = shift;
my ($val) = @{ $action->attributes->{Args} || [] };
return looks_like_number($val) ? $val : ( ~0 >> 4 );
Scheme => -1,
Method => -1,
Consumes => -1,
$rules{CaptureArgs} = $rules{Args};
return %rules;
# Rules keys. Order of keys is equal to compare order checks
sub _action_compare_keys {
my ( $self, $action ) = @_;
my @known = ( 'Args', 'CaptureArgs', 'Scheme', 'Method', 'Consumes' );
my @available;
for my $key (@known) {
next unless exists $action->attributes->{$key};
push( @available, $key );
shift(@available) if $key eq 'CaptureArgs' && $available[0] eq 'Args';
return @available;
# rule definition for specified rule
sub _compare_rule {
my ( $self, $attr ) = @_;
my %rules = $self->_compare_rules;
return ( $rules{$attr} // $rules{'*'} );
# rule value for specified rule
sub _action_compare_value {
my ( $self, $action, $attr ) = @_;
my $rule = $self->_compare_rule($attr);
if ( ref $rule eq 'CODE' ) {
return $rule->($action);
else {
return 0 unless exists $action->attributes->{$attr};
return $rule * @{ $action->attributes->{$attr} || [] };
sub compare_actions {
my ( $self, $a1, $a2 ) = @_;
my %cmp = (
a1 => {},
a2 => {},
my @a1keys = $self->_action_compare_keys($a1);
my @a2keys = $self->_action_compare_keys($a2);
for my $attr ( uniq( @a1keys, @a2keys ) ) {
$cmp{a1}{$attr} = $self->_action_compare_value( $a1, $attr ) * @a1keys;
$cmp{a2}{$attr} = $self->_action_compare_value( $a2, $attr ) * @a2keys;
my $cmp = 0;
$cmp ||= $cmp{a1}{$_} <=> $cmp{a2}{$_} for uniq( @a1keys, @a2keys );
return $cmp;
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