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Created March 17, 2013 14:35
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* Laravel IDE Helper <>
* Implements code completion for Laravel 4 in JetBrains PhpStorm and SublimeText 2
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @method static bool check() Determine if the current user is authenticated.
* @method static bool guest() Determine if the current user is a guest.
* @method static void user() Get the currently authenticated user.
* @method static bool attempt(array $credentials, bool $remember) Attempt to authenticate a user using the given credentials.
* @method static void login(Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface $user, bool $remember) Log a user into the application.
* @method static void logout() Log the user out of the application.
* @method static void getCookieJar() Get the cookie creator instance used by the guard.
* @method static void setCookieJar(Illuminate\CookieJar $cookie) Set the cookie creator instance used by the guard.
* @method static void getDispatcher() Get the event dispatcher instance.
* @method static void setDispatcher(Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher) Set the event dispatcher instance.
* @method static void getSession() Get the session store used by the guard.
* @method static array getQueuedCookies() Get the cookies queued by the guard.
* @method static void getProvider() Get the user provider used by the guard.
* @method static void getUser() Return the currently cached user of the application.
* @method static void setUser(Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface $user) Set the current user of the application.
* @method static string getName() Get a unique identifier for the auth session value.
* @method static string getRecallerName() Get the name of the cookie used to store the "recaller".
class Auth extends Illuminate\Auth\Guard {}
* @method static bool has(string $key) Determine if an item exists in the cache.
* @method static mixed get(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
* @method static void put(string $key, mixed $value, int $minutes) Store an item in the cache.
* @method static void forever(string $key, mixed $value) Store an item in the cache indefinitely.
* @method static void remember(string $key, int $minutes, Closure $callback) Get an item from the cache, or store the default value.
* @method static void rememberForever(string $key, Closure $callback) Get an item from the cache, or store the default value forever.
* @method static void forget(string $key) Remove an item from the cache.
* @method static void flush() Remove all items from the cache.
* @method static int getDefaultCacheTime() Get the default cache time.
* @method static void setDefaultCacheTime(int $minutes) Set the default cache time in minutes.
* @method static bool existsInMemory(string $key) Determine if an item is in memory.
* @method static array getMemory() Get all of the values in memory.
* @method static mixed getFromMemory(string $key) Get the value of an item in memory.
* @method static void setInMemory(string $key, mixed $value) Set the value of an item in memory.
* @method static bool offsetExists(string $key) Determine if a cached value exists.
* @method static mixed offsetGet(string $key) Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
* @method static void offsetSet(string $key, mixed $value) Store an item in the cache for the default time.
* @method static void offsetUnset(string $key) Remove an item from the cache.
class Cache extends Illuminate\Cache\Store {}
* @method static bool has(string $key) Determine if the given configuration value exists.
* @method static mixed get(string $key, mixed $default) Get the specified configuration value.
* @method static void set(string $key, mixed $value) Set a given configuration value.
* @method static void getEnvironment(string $package, string $hint, string $namespace) Register a package for cascading configuration.
* @method static void afterLoading(string $namespace, Closure $callback) Register an after load callback for a given namespace.
* @method static void addNamespace(string $namespace, string $hint) Add a new namespace to the loader.
* @method static void getLoader() Get the loader implementation.
* @method static string getEnvironment() Get the current configuration environment.
* @method static array getAfterLoadCallbacks() Get the after load callback array.
* @method static array getItems() Get all of the configuration items.
* @method static bool offsetExists(string $key) Determine if the given configuration option exists.
* @method static bool offsetGet(string $key) Get a configuration option.
* @method static bool offsetSet(string $key) Set a configuration option.
* @method static bool offsetUnset(string $key) Unset a configuration option.
class Config extends Illuminate\Config\Repository {}
* @method static bool has(string $key) Determine if a cookie exists and is not null.
* @method static mixed get(string $key, mixed $default) Get the value of the given cookie.
* @method static void make(string $name, string $value, int $minutes) Create a new cookie instance.
* @method static void forever(string $name, string $value) Create a cookie that lasts "forever" (five years).
* @method static void forget(string $name) Expire the given cookie.
* @method static void getRequest() Get the request instance.
* @method static void getEncrypter() Get the encrypter instance.
class Cookie extends Illuminate\Cookie\CookieJar {}
* @method static void useDefaultQueryGrammar() Set the query grammar to the default implementation.
* @method static void useDefaultSchemaGrammar() Set the schema grammar to the default implementation.
* @method static void useDefaultPostProcessor() Set the query post processor to the default implementation.
* @method static void getSchemaBuilder() Get a schema builder instance for the connection.
* @method static void table(string $table) Begin a fluent query against a database table.
* @method static void raw(mixed $value) Get a new raw query expression.
* @method static mixed selectOne(string $query, array $bindings) Run a select statement and return a single result.
* @method static array pretending(string $query, array $bindings) Run a select statement against the database.
* @method static bool insert(string $query, array $bindings) Run an insert statement against the database.
* @method static int update(string $query, array $bindings) Run an update statement against the database.
* @method static int delete(string $query, array $bindings) Run a delete statement against the database.
* @method static bool pretending(string $query, array $bindings) Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.
* @method static int pretending(string $query, array $bindings) Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.
* @method static array prepareBindings(array $bindings) Prepare the query bindings for execution.
* @method static mixed transaction(Closure $callback) Execute a Closure within a transaction.
* @method static array pretend(Closure $callback) Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.
* @method static void logQuery(string $query, array $bindings) Log a query in the connection's query log.
* @method static PDO getPdo() Get the currently used PDO connection.
* @method static string getDriverName() Get the PDO driver name.
* @method static void getQueryGrammar() Get the query grammar used by the connection.
* @method static void setQueryGrammar(Illuminate\Database\Query\Grammars\Grammar) Set the query grammar used by the connection.
* @method static void getSchemaGrammar() Get the schema grammar used by the connection.
* @method static void setSchemaGrammar(Illuminate\Database\Schema\Grammars\Grammar) Set the schema grammar used by the connection.
* @method static void getPostProcessor() Get the query post processor used by the connection.
* @method static void setPostProcessor(Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors\Processor) Set the query post processor used by the connection.
* @method static void getEventDispatcher() Get the event dispatcher used by the connection.
* @method static void setEventDispatcher(Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher) Set the event dispatcher instance on the connection.
* @method static void getPaginator() Get the paginator environment instance.
* @method static void setPaginator(Illuminate\Pagination\Environment|Closure $paginator) Set the pagination environment instance.
* @method static bool pretending() Determine if the connection in a "dry run".
* @method static int getFetchMode() Get the default fetch mode for the connection.
* @method static int setFetchMode(int $fetchMode) Set the default fetch mode for the connection.
* @method static array getQueryLog() Get the connection query log.
* @method static string getDatabaseName() Get the name of the connected database.
* @method static string setDatabaseName(string $database) Set the name of the connected database.
* @method static string getTablePrefix() Get the table prefix for the connection.
* @method static void withTablePrefix(Illuminate\Database\Grammar $grammar) Set the table prefix and return the grammar.
class DB extends Illuminate\Database\Connection {}
* @var static void incrementing Indicates if the IDs are auto-incrementing.
* @var static void timestamps Indicates if the model should be timestamped.
* @var static void exists Indicates if the model exists.
* @method static void fill(array $attributes) Fill the model with an array of attributes.
* @method static void newInstance(array $attributes, bool $exists) Create a new instance of the given model.
* @method static void newExisting(array $attributes) Create a new model instance that is existing.
* @method static void create(array $attributes) Save a new model and return the instance.
* @method static void on(string $connection) Begin querying the model on a given connection.
* @method static void all(array $columns) Get all of the models from the database.
* @method static void find(mixed $id, array $columns) Find a model by its primary key.
* @method static void with(array $relations) Being querying a model with eager loading.
* @method static void hasOne(string $related, string $foreignKey) Define a one-to-one relationship.
* @method static void morphOne(string $related, string $name, string $foreignKey) Define a polymorphic one-to-one relationship.
* @method static void belongsTo(string $related, string $foreignKey) Define an inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
* @method static void morphTo(string $name) Define an polymorphic, inverse one-to-one or many relationship.
* @method static void hasMany(string $related, string $foreignKey) Define a one-to-many relationship.
* @method static void morphMany(string $related, string $name, string $foreignKey) Define a polymorphic one-to-many relationship.
* @method static void belongsToMany(string $related, string $table, string $foreignKey, string $otherKey) Define a many-to-many relationship.
* @method static string joiningTable(string $related) Get the joining table name for a many-to-many relation.
* @method static void delete() Delete the model from the database.
* @method static bool save() Save the model to the database.
* @method static mixed freshTimestamp() Get a fresh timestamp for the model.
* @method static void newQuery() Get a new query builder for the model's table.
* @method static void newCollection(array $models) Create a new Eloquent Collection instance.
* @method static string getTable() Get the table associated with the model.
* @method static void setTable(string $table) Set the table associated with the model.
* @method static mixed getKey() Get the value of the model's primary key.
* @method static string getKeyName() Get the primary key for the model.
* @method static bool usesTimestamps() Determine if the model uses timestamps.
* @method static int getPerPage() Get the number of models to return per page.
* @method static void setPerPage(int $perPage) Set the number of models ot return per page.
* @method static string getForeignKey() Get the default foreign key name for the model.
* @method static array getHidden() Get the hidden attributes for the model.
* @method static void setHidden(array $hidden) Set the hidden attributes for the model.
* @method static array getFillable() Get the fillable attributes for the model.
* @method static void fillable(array $fillable) Set the fillable attributes for the model.
* @method static void guard(array $guarded) Set the guarded attributes for the model.
* @method static bool isFillable(string $key) Determine if the given attribute may be mass assigned.
* @method static bool getIncrementing() Get the value indicating whether the IDs are incrementing.
* @method static void setIncrementing(bool $value) Set whether IDs are incrementing.
* @method static string toJson(int $options) Convert the model instance to JSON.
* @method static array toArray() Convert the model instance to an array.
* @method static array relationsToArray() Get the model's relationships in array form.
* @method static mixed getAttribute(string $key) Get an attribute from the model.
* @method static bool hasGetMutator(string $key) Determine if a get mutator exists for an attribute.
* @method static void setAttribute(string $key, mixed $value) Set a given attribute on the model.
* @method static bool hasSetMutator(string $key) Determine if a set mutator exists for an attribute.
* @method static array getAttributes() Get all of the current attributes on the model.
* @method static void setRawAttributes(array $attributes, bool $sync) Set the array of model attributes. No checking is done.
* @method static array getOriginal(string|null $key, mixed $default) Get the model's original attribute values.
* @method static void syncOriginal() Sync the original attributes with the current.
* @method static mixed getRelation(string $relation) Get a specified relationship.
* @method static void setRelation(string $relation, mixed $value) Set the specific relationship in the model.
* @method static void getConnection() Get the database connection for the model.
* @method static string getConnectionName() Get the current connection name for the model.
* @method static void setConnection(string $name) Set the connection associated with the model.
* @method static void resolveConnection(string $connection) Resolve a connection instance by name.
* @method static void getConnectionResolver() Get the connection resolver instance.
* @method static void setConnectionResolver(Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolverInterface $resolver) Set the connection resolver instance.
class Eloquent extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {}
* @method static bool hasTable(string $table) Determine if the given table exists.
* @method static void table(string $table, Closure $callback) Modify a table on the schema.
* @method static void create(string $table, Closure $callback) Create a new table on the schema.
* @method static void drop(string $table) Drop a table from the schema.
* @method static void dropIfExists(string $table) Drop a table from the schema if it exists.
* @method static void rename(string $from, string $to) Rename a table on the schema.
* @method static void getConnection() Get the database connection instance.
* @method static void setConnection(Illuminate\Database\Connection) Set the database connection instance.
class Schema extends Illuminate\Database\Schema\Builder {}
* @method static string encrypt(string $value) Encrypt the given value.
* @method static string decrypt(string $value) Decrypt the given value.
class Crypt extends Illuminate\Encryption\Encrypter {}
* @method static void stop() Stop the propagation of the event to other listeners.
* @method static bool isStopped() Determine if the event has been stopped from propagating.
class Event extends Illuminate\Events\Event {}
* @method static bool exists(string $path) Determine if a file exists.
* @method static string get(string $path) Get the contents of a file.
* @method static string getRemote(string $path) Get the contents of a remote file.
* @method static mixed getRequire(string $path) Get the returned value of a file.
* @method static void requireOnce(string $file) Require the given file once.
* @method static int put(string $path, string $contents) Write the contents of a file.
* @method static int append(string $path, string $data) Append to a file.
* @method static bool delete(string $path) Delete the file at a given path.
* @method static void move(string $path, string $target) Move a file to a new location.
* @method static void copy(string $path, string $target) Copy a file to a new location.
* @method static string extension(string $path) Extract the file extension from a file path.
* @method static string type(string $path) Get the file type of a given file.
* @method static int size(string $path) Get the file size of a given file.
* @method static int lastModified(string $path) Get the file's last modification time.
* @method static bool isDirectory(string $directory) Determine if the given path is a directory.
* @method static array glob(string $pattern, int $flags) Find path names matching a given pattern.
* @method static array filetype(string $directory) Get an array of all files in a directory.
* @method static bool makeDirectory(string $path, int $mode, bool $recursive) Create a directory.
* @method static void copyDirectory(string $directory, string $destination, int $options) Copy a directory from one location to another.
* @method static void deleteDirectory(string $directory, bool $preserve) Recursively delete a directory.
* @method static void cleanDirectory(string $directory) Empty the specified directory of all files and folders.
class File extends Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem {}
* @method static string getBootstrapFile() Get the application bootstrap file.
* @method static void registerAliasLoader(array $aliases) Register the aliased class loader.
* @method static void ExceptionServiceProvider() Start the exception handling for the request.
* @method static string detectEnvironment(array|string $environments) Detect the application's current environment.
* @method static bool runningInConsole() Determine if we are running in the console.
* @method static bool runningUnitTests() Determine if we are running unit tests.
* @method static void register(Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider $provider, array $options) Register a service provider with the application.
* @method static mixed make(string $abstract, array $parameters) Resolve the given type from the container.
* @method static void booting(mixed $callback) Register a new boot event listener.
* @method static void before(Closure|string $callback) Register a "before" application filter.
* @method static void after(Closure|string $callback) Register an "after" application filter.
* @method static void close(Closure|string $callback) Register a "close" application filter.
* @method static void finish(Closure|string $callback) Register a "finish" application filter.
* @method static void run() Handles the given request and delivers the response.
* @method static void dispatch(Illuminate\Foundation\Request $request) Handle the given request and get the response.
* @method static void handle(Illuminate\Foundation\Request $request, int $type, bool $catch) Handle the given request and get the response.
* @method static void prepareRequest(Illuminate\Foundation\Request $request) Prepare the request by injecting any services.
* @method static void prepareResponse(mixed $value, Illuminate\Foundation\Request $request) Prepare the given value as a Response object.
* @method static void setLocale(string $locale) Set the current application locale.
* @method static void abort(int $code, string $message, array $headers) Throw an HttpException with the given data.
* @method static void error(Closure $callback) Register an application error handler.
* @method static void NotFoundHttpException(Closure $callback) Register a 404 error handler.
* @method static array getLoadedProviders() Get the service providers that have been loaded.
* @method static void setDeferredServices(array $services) Set the application's deferred services.
class App extends Illuminate\Foundation\Application {}
* @method static void call(string $command, array $parameters, Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface $output) Run an Artisan console command by name.
class Artisan extends Illuminate\Foundation\Artisan {}
* @method static array make(string $value) Hash the given value.
* @method static bool check(string $value, string $hashedValue, array $options) Check the given plain value against a hash.
class Hash extends Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher {}
* @method static void instance() Return the Request instance.
* @method static string root() Get the root URL for the application.
* @method static string url() Get the URL (no query string) for the request.
* @method static string fullUrl() Get the full URL for the request.
* @method static string path() Get the current path info for the request.
* @method static bool is(string $pattern) Determine if the current request URI matches a pattern.
* @method static bool ajax() Determine if the request is the result of an AJAX call.
* @method static bool secure() Determine if the request is over HTTPS.
* @method static bool has(string|array $key) Determine if the request contains a given input item.
* @method static array all() Get all of the input and files for the request.
* @method static string input(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve an input item from the request.
* @method static array only(array $keys) Get a subset of the items from the input data.
* @method static array except(array $keys) Get all of the input except for a specified array of items.
* @method static string query(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a query string item from the request.
* @method static string cookie(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a cookie from the request.
* @method static void file(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a file from the request.
* @method static bool hasFile(string $key) Determine if the uploaded data contains a file.
* @method static string header(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a header from the request.
* @method static string server(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a server variable from the request.
* @method static string old(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve an old input item.
* @method static void flash(string $filter, array $keys) Flash the input for the current request to the session.
* @method static void flashOnly(dynamic string) Flash only some of the input to the session.
* @method static void flashExcept(dynamic string) Flash only some of the input to the session.
* @method static void flush() Flush all of the old input from the session.
* @method static void merge(array $input) Merge new input into the current request's input array.
* @method static void replace(array $input) Replace the input for the current request.
* @method static object json() Get the JSON payload for the request.
* @method static void getSessionStore() Get the Illuminate session store implementation.
* @method static void setSessionStore(Illuminate\Session\Store $session) Set the Illuminate session store implementation.
class Input extends Illuminate\Http\Request {}
* @method static void instance() Return the Request instance.
* @method static string root() Get the root URL for the application.
* @method static string url() Get the URL (no query string) for the request.
* @method static string fullUrl() Get the full URL for the request.
* @method static string path() Get the current path info for the request.
* @method static bool is(string $pattern) Determine if the current request URI matches a pattern.
* @method static bool ajax() Determine if the request is the result of an AJAX call.
* @method static bool secure() Determine if the request is over HTTPS.
* @method static bool has(string|array $key) Determine if the request contains a given input item.
* @method static array all() Get all of the input and files for the request.
* @method static string input(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve an input item from the request.
* @method static array only(array $keys) Get a subset of the items from the input data.
* @method static array except(array $keys) Get all of the input except for a specified array of items.
* @method static string query(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a query string item from the request.
* @method static string cookie(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a cookie from the request.
* @method static void file(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a file from the request.
* @method static bool hasFile(string $key) Determine if the uploaded data contains a file.
* @method static string header(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a header from the request.
* @method static string server(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve a server variable from the request.
* @method static string old(string $key, mixed $default) Retrieve an old input item.
* @method static void flash(string $filter, array $keys) Flash the input for the current request to the session.
* @method static void flashOnly(dynamic string) Flash only some of the input to the session.
* @method static void flashExcept(dynamic string) Flash only some of the input to the session.
* @method static void flush() Flush all of the old input from the session.
* @method static void merge(array $input) Merge new input into the current request's input array.
* @method static void replace(array $input) Replace the input for the current request.
* @method static object json() Get the JSON payload for the request.
* @method static void getSessionStore() Get the Illuminate session store implementation.
* @method static void setSessionStore(Illuminate\Session\Store $session) Set the Illuminate session store implementation.
class Request extends Illuminate\Http\Request {}
* @var static void original The original content of the response.
* @method static void withCookie(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie $cookie) Add a cookie to the response.
* @method static void setContent(mixed $content) Set the content on the response.
* @method static mixed getOriginalContent() Get the original response content.
class Response extends Illuminate\Http\Response {}
* @method static void useFiles(string $path, string $level) Register a file log handler.
* @method static void useDailyFiles(string $path, int $days, string $level) Register a daily file log handler.
* @method static void getMonolog() Get the underlying Monolog instance.
class Log extends Illuminate\Log\Writer {}
* @method static void alwaysFrom(string $address, string $name) Set the global from address and name.
* @method static void send(string|array $view, array $data, Closure|string $callback) Send a new message using a view.
* @method static void pretend(bool $value) Tell the mailer to not really send messages.
* @method static void getViewEnvironment() Get the view environment instance.
* @method static Swift_Mailer getSwiftMailer() Get the Swift Mailer instance.
* @method static void setSwiftMailer(Swift_Mailer $swift) Set the Swift Mailer instance.
* @method static void setLogger(Illuminate\Log\Writer $logger) Set the log writer instance.
* @method static void setContainer(Illuminate\Container $container) Set the IoC container instance.
class Mail extends Illuminate\Mail\Mailer {}
* @method static void setupPaginationContext() Setup the pagination context (current and last page).
* @method static void links() Get the pagination links view.
* @method static string getUrl(int $page) Get a URL for a given page number.
* @method static void addQuery(string $key, string $value) Add a query string value to the paginator.
* @method static int getCurrentPage() Get the current page for the request.
* @method static int getLastPage() Get the last page that should be available.
* @method static array getItems() Get the items being paginated.
* @method static int getTotal() Get the total number of items in the collection.
* @method static ArrayIterator getIterator() Get an iterator for the items.
* @method static int count() Get the number of items for the current page.
* @method static bool offsetExists(mixed $key) Determine if the given item exists.
* @method static mixed offsetGet(mixed $key) Get the item at the given offset.
* @method static void offsetSet(mixed $key, mixed $value) Set the item at the given offset.
* @method static void offsetUnset(mixed $key) Unset the item at the given key.
class Paginator extends Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator {}
* @method static void connect() Connect to the Redis database.
* @method static mixed command(string $method, array $parameters) Run a command against the Redis database.
* @method static string buildCommand(string $method, array $parameters) Build the Redis command syntax.
* @method static mixed parseResponse(string $response) Parse the Redis database response.
* @method static string fileRead(int $bytes) Read the specified number of bytes from the file resource.
* @method static string fileGet(int $bytes) Get the specified number of bytes from a file line.
* @method static void fileWrite(string $commnad) Write the given command to the file resource.
* @method static resource getConnection() Get the Redis socket connection.
class Redis extends Illuminate\Redis\Database {}
* @method static void back(int $status, array $headers) Create a new redirect response to the previous location.
* @method static void to(string $path, int $status, array $headers, bool $secure) Create a new redirect response to the given path.
* @method static void secure(string $path, int $status, array $headers) Create a new redirect response to the given HTTPS path.
* @method static void route(string $route, array $parameters, int $status, array $headers) Create a new redirect response to a named route.
* @method static void action(string $action, array $parameters, int $status, array $headers) Create a new redirect response to a controller action.
* @method static void setSession(Illuminate\Session\Store $session) Set the active session store.
class Redirect extends Illuminate\Routing\Redirector {}
* @method static void get(string $pattern, mixed $action) Add a new route to the collection.
* @method static void post(string $pattern, mixed $action) Add a new route to the collection.
* @method static void put(string $pattern, mixed $action) Add a new route to the collection.
* @method static void patch(string $pattern, mixed $action) Add a new route to the collection.
* @method static void delete(string $pattern, mixed $action) Add a new route to the collection.
* @method static void match(string $method, string $pattern, mixed $action) Add a new route to the collection.
* @method static void any(string $pattern, mixed $action) Add a new route to the collection.
* @method static void controllers(array $controllers) Register an array of controllers with wildcard routing.
* @method static void controller(string $controller, string $uri) Route a controller to a URI with wildcard routing.
* @method static void resource(string $resource, string $controller, array $options) Route a resource to a controller.
* @method static void group(array $attributes, Closure $callback) Create a route group with shared attributes.
* @method static void makeReferences(Illuminate\Routing\Route $route, string $original) Replace any route back-references in a route.
* @method static void dispatch(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request) Get the response for a given request.
* @method static void before(Closure|string $callback) Register a "before" routing filter.
* @method static void after(Closure|string $callback) Register an "after" routing filter.
* @method static void close(Closure|string $callback) Register a "close" routing filter.
* @method static void finish(Closure|string $callback) Register a "finish" routing filters.
* @method static void addFilter(string $name, Closure|string $callback) Register a new filter with the application.
* @method static Closure getFilter(string $name) Get a registered filter callback.
* @method static void matchFilter(string $pattern, string|array $names) Tie a registered filter to a URI pattern.
* @method static array findPatternFilters(Illuminate\Foundation\Request $request) Find the patterned filters matching a request.
* @method static mixed callFinishFilter(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request, Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response $response) Call the "finish" global filter.
* @method static void prepare(mixed $value, Illuminate\Foundation\Request $request) Prepare the given value as a Response object.
* @method static bool currentRouteNamed(string $name) Determine if the current route has a given name.
* @method static bool currentRouteUses(string $action) Determine if the current route uses a given controller action.
* @method static bool filtersEnabled() Determine if route filters are enabled.
* @method static void enableFilters() Enable the running of filters.
* @method static void disableFilters() Disable the runnning of all filters.
* @method static void getRequest() Get the current request being dispatched.
* @method static void getCurrentRoute() Get the current route being executed.
* @method static void setCurrentRoute(Illuminate\Routing\Route $route) Set the current route on the router.
* @method static void getRoutes() Retrieve the entire route collection.
* @method static void setContainer(Illuminate\Container $container) Set the container instance on the router.
class Route extends Illuminate\Routing\Router {}
* @method static string to(string $path, array $parameters, bool $secure) Generate a absolute URL to the given path.
* @method static string secure(string $path) Generate a secure, absolute URL to the given path.
* @method static string asset(string $path, bool $secure) Generate a URL to an application asset.
* @method static string secureAsset(string $path) Generate a URL to a secure asset.
* @method static string route(string $name, array $parameters, bool $absolute) Get the URL to a named route.
* @method static string action(string $action, array $parameters, bool $absolute) Get the URL to a controller action.
* @method static bool isValidUrl(string $path) Determine if the given path is a valid URL.
* @method static void getRequest() Get the request instance.
* @method static void setRequest(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request) Set the current request instance.
* @method static void getGenerator() Get the Symfony URL generator instance.
* @method static void setGenerator(Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator $generator) Get the Symfony URL generator instance.
class URL extends Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator {}
* @method static void beforeFilter(string $filter, array $options) Register a new "before" filter on the controller.
* @method static void afterFilter(string $filter, array $options) Register a new "after" filter on the controller.
* @method static void callAction(Illuminate\Container $container, Illuminate\Routing\Router $router, string $method, array $parameters) Execute an action on the controller.
* @method static array getFilters() Get the code registered filters.
class Controller extends Illuminate\Routing\Controllers\Controller {}
* @method static bool has(string $key, string $locale) Determine if a translation exists.
* @method static string get(string $id, array $parameters, string $locale) Get the translation for a given key.
* @method static string choice(string $id, int $number, array $parameters, string $locale) Get a translation according to an integer value.
* @method static string trans(string $id, array $parameters, string $domain, string $locale) Get the translation for a given key.
* @method static string transChoice(string $id, int $number, array $parameters, string $domain, string $locale) Get a translation according to an integer value.
* @method static string load(string $group, string $namespace, string $locale) Load the specified language group.
* @method static void addNamespace(string $namespace, string $hint) Add a new namespace to the loader.
* @method static string getLocale() Get the default locale being used.
* @method static void setLocale(string $locale) Set the default locale.
* @method static void getSymfonyTranslator() Get the base Symfony translator instance.
* @method static void setSymfonyTranslator(Symfony\Translation\Translator $trans) Get the base Symfony translator instance.
class Lang extends Illuminate\Translation\Translator {}
* @method static bool passes() Determine if the data passes the validation rules.
* @method static bool fails() Determine if the data fails the validation rules.
* @method static array getExtensions() Get the array of custom validator extensions.
* @method static void addExtensions(array $extensions) Register an array of custom validator extensions.
* @method static void addExtension(string $rule, Closure $extension) Register a custom validator extension.
* @method static array getData() Get the data under validation.
* @method static void setData(array $data) Set the data under validation.
* @method static array getRules() Get the validation rules.
* @method static array getFiles() Get the files under validation.
* @method static void setFiles(array $files) Set the files under validation.
* @method static void getPresenceVerifier() Get the Presence Verifier implementation.
* @method static void setPresenceVerifier(Illuminate\Validation\PresenceVerifierInterface $presenceVerifier) Set the Presence Verifier implementation.
* @method static void getTranslator() Get the Translator implementation.
* @method static void setTranslator(Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatorInterface $translator) Set the Translator implementation.
* @method static void messages() Get the message container for the validator.
* @method static void errors() An alternative more semantic shortcut to the message container.
* @method static void getMessageBag() Get the messages for the instance.
class Validator extends Illuminate\Validation\Factory {}
* @method static void make(string $view, array $data) Get a evaluated view contents for the given view.
* @method static string renderEach(string $view, array $data, string $iterator, string $empty) Get the rendered contents of a partial from a loop.
* @method static void share(string $key, mixed $value) Add a piece of shared data to the environment.
* @method static Closure composer(string $view, Closure|string $callback) Register a view composer event.
* @method static void callComposer(Illuminate\View\View $view) Call the composer for a given view.
* @method static void startSection(string $section, string $content) Start injecting content into a section.
* @method static void inject(string $section, string $content) Inject inline content into a section.
* @method static string yieldSection() Stop injecting content into a section and return its contents.
* @method static string stopSection() Stop injecting content into a section.
* @method static string yieldContent(string $section) Get the string contents of a section.
* @method static void flushSections() Flush all of the section contents.
* @method static void incrementRender() Increment the rendering counter.
* @method static void decrementRender() Decrement the rendering counter.
* @method static bool doneRendering() Check if there are no active render operations.
* @method static void addLocation(string $location) Add a location to the array of view locations.
* @method static void addNamespace(string $namespace, string|array $hints) Add a new namespace to the loader.
* @method static void addExtension(string $extension, string $engine, Closure $resolver) Register a valid view extension and its engine.
* @method static void getEngineResolver() Get the engine resolver instance.
* @method static void getFinder() Get the view finder instance.
* @method static void getDispatcher() Get the event dispatcher instance.
* @method static void getContainer() Get the IoC container instance.
* @method static void setContainer(Illuminate\Container $container) Set the IoC container instance.
* @method static array getShared() Get all of the shared data for the environment.
* @method static array getSections() Get the entire array of sections.
class View extends Illuminate\View\Environment {}
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