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Last active November 13, 2020 18:50
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The "each Leaflet object as a Svelte component" thing wasn't the first I tried. My first attempt manages the state manually with a process similar to what I described here: Essentially I had some code blocks that keep track of which objects I had created in Leaflet, and manually reconciled that with the declarative state from the reactive statements, adding or removing markers/lines/etc. I had a code block like this for each type of object that the app used.

// A Map containing all the markers that we have created.
let markers = new Map();
let allLocations = {...};

// Create the markers.
for (let [id, data] of Object.entries(allLocations)) {
  let marker = L.marker(data.location, { icon: data.icon });
  markers.set(id, marker);

// Pretend this is a complicated set of logic to recalculate what is visible.
$: enabledIds = new Set(findRelationships(currentCity, activeCities));

function syncMarkers(markersMap, includedSet) {
  for (let [id, marker] of markersMap.entries()) {
    if (includedSet.has(id)) {
    } else {

$: if(map) syncMarkers(markers, enabledIds);

At the time I realized that this is basically the same thing that Svelte's #each loop does to convert the "declarative" state of an array into the imperative "do stuff in the DOM and/or make components" that the compiler generates, but it was a month or so ago that I realized I could actually take advantage of this. I saw a snippet of a React app based around the Google Maps API that did something like this: <GoogleMaps>{ => <Circle center={} />}</GoogleMaps> (or whatever, I don't really know JSX but it was kind of like that)

And while I didn't see the underlying implementation it gave me the idea that I could get the same thing working in Svelte by making components that didn't make any DOM elements but just interacted with the Leaflet map in onMount and onDestroy. So I decided to give it a try for the presentation demo app, and it turned out to be much easier. All the "non-Sveltey" code is encapsulated in small, easy-to-manage components, which is great both for working within the app and for making things easier to use on my next mapping project.

  {#each lines as line}
    <Polyline latLngs={line.latLngs} color={line.color} />
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