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Created October 26, 2015 07:02
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import System.IO
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Exception.Base (evaluate)
data ColumnHeaders = FirstLine | None
withCSV :: FilePath -> (Handle -> IO r) -> IO r
withCSV path action = do
putStrLn "opening file"
h <- openFile path ReadWriteMode
r <- action h
hClose h
putStrLn "file closed"
return r
withCSVLifted :: MonadIO mIO => FilePath -> (Handle -> mIO r) -> mIO r
withCSVLifted path action = do
liftIO $putStrLn "opening file"
h <- liftIO $ openFile path ReadMode
r <- action h
liftIO $ hClose h
liftIO $ putStrLn "file closed"
return r
getFileContentsLifted :: ReaderT ColumnHeaders IO String
getFileContentsLifted = withCSVLifted "data.csv" myReadFile
myReadFile :: Handle -> ReaderT ColumnHeaders IO String
myReadFile handle = do
header <- ask
case header of
None -> return ""
FirstLine -> liftIO $ hGetLine handle -- skip first line then
text <- liftIO $ hGetContents handle
liftIO $ evaluate (length text) -- force lazy IO
return text
getFileContents :: ReaderT ColumnHeaders IO String
getFileContents = liftIO $ withCSV "data.csv" myReadFile
myReadFile :: Handle -> IO String
myReadFile handle = do
let header = None -- header <- ask --- OOOPPSss!!! Can't ask.
case header of
None -> return ""
FirstLine -> hGetLine handle -- skip first line
text <- hGetContents handle
evaluate (length text) -- force lazy IO
return text
main = do
cs <- runReaderT getFileContentsLifted FirstLine
print cs
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