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Created April 20, 2017 01:14
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A non-biased way to generate random integers in a given range
import Control.Monad.Random.Class
import System.Random
import Data.Word
maxIterations :: Int
maxIterations = 100
acceptReject :: (Random a, MonadRandom m) => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> m b
acceptReject = acceptReject' (Just maxIterations)
-- First argument may specify max number of iterations
acceptReject' :: (Random a, MonadRandom m) => Maybe Int -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> b) -> m b
acceptReject' (Just 0) _ _ = error "acceptReject': Too many failed iterations, check your source of randomness."
acceptReject' iter accept convert = do
sample <- getRandom
if accept sample
then return (convert sample)
else acceptReject' (subtract 1 <$> iter) accept convert
-- maxBound is 1 less than what we want, but that's ok,
-- it will just make the range (maxBound+1)/2 be innefficiently mapped, but it will only be
-- as slow as (maxBound+1)/2 + 1 already was (i.e. about twice as many iterations needed)
inUniformRange :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Bool
inUniformRange i x = x < (maxBound `div` i) * i
constrainToRange :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64
constrainToRange range sample = sample `mod` range
getRandLessThan :: MonadRandom m => Word64 -> m Word64
getRandLessThan range = acceptReject (inUniformRange range) (constrainToRange range)
-- This may fail if:
-- h-l+1 > (maxBound :: Int)
-- OR h-l+1 > (maxBound :: Word64)
getRandInRange :: MonadRandom m => Int -> Int -> m Int
getRandInRange l h | l > h = error "getRandInRange: lower bound must be smaller than or equal to upper bound"
getRandInRange l h = do
r <- getRandLessThan (fromIntegral $ h - l + 1)
return $ l + fromIntegral r
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