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Created September 24, 2014 09:09
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Django - 1.5.4 - active
Fabric - 1.5.3 - active
GeoIP - 1.2.9 - active
Hoover - 0.6.0 - active
Pillow - 2.0.0 - active
Python - 2.7.3 - active development (/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload)
South - 0.8 - active
Unidecode - 0.04.14 - active
amqp - 1.0.11 - active
anyjson - 0.3.3 - active
argparse - 1.2.1 - active development (/usr/lib/python2.7)
billiard - - active
boto - 2.8.0 - active
celery - 3.0.19 - active
django-annoying - 0.7.7 - active
django-autoslug - 1.6.1 - active
django-cities-light - 2.1.12 - active
django-debug-toolbar - 0.9.4 - active
django-haystack - 2.1.0 - active
django-kronos - 0.3 - active
django-nose - 1.1 - active
django-oauth2-provider - 0.2.4 - active
django-phonenumber-field - 0.6 - active
django-redis - 3.6.2 - active
django-rosetta - 0.7.4 - active
django-ses - 0.4.1 - active
django-storages - 1.1.8 - active
django-suit - 0.2.4 - active
djangorestframework - 2.2.0 - active
docopt - 0.4.0 - active
drf-extensions - 0.2.3 - active
eventlet - 0.12.1 - active
gevent - 0.13.8 - active
greenlet - 0.4.0 - active
gunicorn - 19.0.0 - active
httplib2 - 0.8 - active
kombu - 2.5.10 - active
kronos - 0.2.2 - active
mandrill - 1.0.53 - active
nose - 1.3.0 - active
paramiko - 1.9.0 - active
paymill - 0.1.1 - active
phonenumbers - 6.2.0 - active
pip - 1.2.1 - active
polib - 1.0.4 - active
progressbar - 2.3 - active
psycopg2 - 2.4.6 - active
pycrypto - 2.6 - active
pyelasticsearch - 0.6.1 - active
pymill - 0.1.2 - active
python-dateutil - 2.1 - active
pytz - 2013b - active
raven - 3.1.13 - active
redis - 2.10.1 - active
requests - 2.3.0 - active
setuptools - 0.6c11 - active
shortuuid - 0.3 - active
simplejson - 3.3.0 - active
six - 1.3.0 - active
solanddis - 1.0.27 - active
sorl-thumbnail - 11.12 - active
twilio - 3.4.5 - active
unittest2 - 0.5.1 - active
wsgiref - 0.1.2 - active development (/usr/lib/python2.7)
yolk - 0.4.3 - active
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