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Created June 15, 2014 13:40
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A Python implementation of the paper "Accurate Eye Center Location through Invariant Isocentric Patterns".
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import io
img = io.imread('eye.png')
# Left eye
img = np.around(img[0:img.shape[0], 0:img.shape[1]/2])
gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
gray_image = np.float32(gray_image)
# Note: at higher scales the isophotes curvature might degenerate with the inherent
# effect of losing important structures in the image.
gray_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray_image,(9,9),0)
# Calculate Isophotes curvature k where Lx and Ly are the first order derivatives
# of the luminance function L(x,y) in the x and y dimension, respectively.
# The sign of the isophote depends on the intensity of the outer side of the curve,
# so its vector direction will always point towards the highest change in the luminance.
Ly,Lx = np.gradient(gray_image)
Lxy, Lxx = np.gradient(Lx)
Lyy, Lyx = np.gradient(Ly)
Lvv = Ly**2 * Lxx - 2*Lx * Lxy * Ly + Lx**2 * Lyy
Lw = Lx**2 + Ly**2
k = - Lvv / (Lw**1.5)
# The displacement vectors Dx and Dy, point to the estimated position of the centers.
Dx = -Lx * (Lw / Lvv)
Dy = -Ly * (Lw / Lvv)
magnitude_displacement = np.sqrt(Dx**2 + Dy**2)
# The curvedness indicates how curved a shape is.
curvedness = np.absolute(np.sqrt(Lxx**2 + 2 * Lxy**2 + Lyy**2))
# Sometimes the isophote curvature could assume extremely small or big values.
# This indicates that we are dealing with a “straight line” or a “single dot”
# isophote. Since the estimated radius to the isophote center would be too high
# to fall into the centermap or too little to move away from the originating pixel,
# the calculation of the displacement vectors in these extreme cases can simply
# be avoided.
minrad = 2
maxrad = 20
# A negative sign indicates a change in the direction of the gradient
# (i.e. from brighter to darker areas). Therefore, it is possible to
# discriminate between dark and bright centers by analyzing the sign of the
# curvature
center_map = np.zeros(gray_image.shape, gray_image.dtype)
(height, width)=center_map.shape
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
if Dx[y][x] == 0 and Dy[y][x] == 0:
if (y + Dx[y][x])>0 and (x + Dy[y][x])>0:
if (x + Dx[y][x]) < center_map.shape[1] and (y + Dy[y][x]) < center_map.shape[0] and k[y][x]<0:
if magnitude_displacement[y][x] >= minrad and magnitude_displacement[y][x] <= maxrad:
center_map[int(y+Dy[y][x])][int(x+Dx[y][x])] += curvedness[y][x]
# Since every vector gives a rough estimate of the center, the accumulator
# is convolved with a Gaussian kernel so that each cluster of
# votes will form a single center estimate.
center_map = cv2.GaussianBlur(center_map,(5,5),0)
# Maximum isocenter (MIC) in the centermap will be used as the most probable
# estimate for the soughtafter location of the center of the eye.
mic = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(center_map), center_map.shape)
# Draw it
fig = plt.figure()
plt.subplot(121),plt.imshow(gray_image, cmap = 'gray'),plt.title('Input')
plt.subplot(122),plt.imshow(center_map, cmap = 'gray'),plt.title('Output')
from pylab import *
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Hello, I was wondering what's the python version ? I'm getting an error on line 9. And my img is not null.
Thank you in advance.

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