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Last active January 27, 2025 20:55
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getopts function helper
# Helper utility to simplify using Bash's getopts utility, and make it usable with functions.
# Example usage:
# foo() {
# local _usage=... # optional usage string
# eval "$(parse_opts 'ab:f:v')" # provide a standard getopts optstring
# echo "f is $f" # opts are now local variables
# if (( a )); then # check boolean flags with (( ... ))
# echo "Saw -a"
# fi
# echo "$@" # opts are removed from $@, positional args remain
# }
# This script eliminates the gruntwork and verbosity of using getopts, allowing you to
# focus on actual behavior rather than argument parsing. It handles looping over getopts,
# parsing each result, and reporting errors. Each parsed option is set as a local variable
# in the calling function, enabling easy and safe access to all values.
# No-arg options are set to 0 by default and 1 if passed as an argument, allowing concise
# testing with (( ... )).
# Options that accept an argument are set to the empty string by default, and otherwise
# set to the value passed as an argument. To check if a (non-empty) argument was passed
# use [[ -n "$..." ]].
# Numeric options, such as -0 which is often used to configure NUL-byte delimited output,
# are also supported but are prefixed with "o" to distinguish from the positional arguments.
# All parsed arguments are shift-ed out of $@, leaving any subsequent positional arguments
# in-place. A -- argument can be used to halt option parsing early, e.g. `-a -- -b` will
# only parse -a and leave -b as an argument.
# parse_opts takes two optional arguments, min_args and max_args, which constrain the
# number of positional arguments. For example `eval $(parse_opts '...' 2 4)` requires at
# least two but no more than four positional args.
# Parsing errors cause the calling function to return with exit code 2. If a _usage
# variable is in scope its contents will be included in the error message.
# The output of this function is intended to be passed to eval, therefore we try to
# minimize what it prints and delegate most of the heavy lifting to a separate function.
# Expected output:
# local OPTIND=1 a b c=0 # vars are dynamically parsed
# _parse_opts_helper a:b:c 0 '' "$@" || return
# shift $((OPTIND - 1)); OPTIND=1
parse_opts() {
local i char last_char var vars=() optstring=${1:-} min_args=${2:-0} max_args=${3:-}
optstring="${optstring#:}" # ensure string is not prefixed with :
if ! [[ "$optstring" =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9:]*$ ]] || [[ "$optstring" == *::* ]]; then
echo "Invalid optstring: $optstring" >&2
echo 'return 2' # for eval-ing
return 2
for (( i=${#optstring}-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )); do
if [[ "$char" != ":" ]]; then
if [[ "$var" =~ [0-9] ]]; then
# prefix with 'o' so numeric flags aren't confused for positional args
if [[ "$last_char" == ":" ]]; then
# Do as little work as possible here, as it will be eval-ed by the caller.
echo "local OPTIND=1 ${vars[*]}"
printf '_parse_opts_helper %q %q %q "$@" || return\n' "$optstring" "$min_args" "$max_args"
echo 'shift $((OPTIND - 1)); OPTIND=1'
# Actual parser implementation; assumes all variables it sets are local,
# which parse_opts sets up. Do not call directly.
_parse_opts_helper() {
local OPTARG opt failed=0
# $1 and $3 can be empty strings, so ? instead of :?
local optstring=${1?optstring} min_args=${2:?min_args} max_args=${3?max_args}
shift 3
# ensure optstring _is_ prefixed with :
while getopts ":${optstring#:}" opt; do
case "${opt}" in
case "${opt}" in
:) echo "Option '-${OPTARG}' requires an argument" >&2 ;;
[?]) echo "Unknown option '-${OPTARG}'" >&2 ;;
if [[ "$optstring" != *"${opt}:"* ]]; then
if [[ "$opt" =~ [0-9] ]]; then
printf -v "$opt" '%s' "$OPTARG"
local pos_args=$(( $# - OPTIND + 1 ))
if (( pos_args < min_args )); then
echo "Insufficient arguments; minimum ${min_args}" >&2
elif [[ -n "$max_args" ]] && (( pos_args > max_args )); then
echo "Too many arguments; maximum ${max_args}" >&2
if (( failed )); then
if [[ -n "${_usage:-}" ]]; then
echo "Usage: $_usage" >&2
return 2
# Demo (delete the rest of this file if importing somewhere):
main() {
local _usage=' [-a] [-b] [-f val] [-v val] [args ...]'
eval "$(parse_opts 'f:v:ab' 0 5)"
if (( a )); then
echo "Saw -a"
echo "f=$f v=$v a=$a b=$b -- $#: $*"
main "$@"
# script arguments are unaffected
echo "f=$f v=$v a=$a b=$b -- $#: $*"
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