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Parens And Performance

Years ago, some smart folks that worked on JS engines realized that not all JS that's loaded into a page/app initially is needed right away. They implemented JIT to optimize this situation.

JIT means Just-In-Time, which means essentially that the engine can defer processing (parsing, compiling) certain parts of a JS program until a later time, for example when the function in question is actually needed. This deferral means the engine is freer to spend the important cycles right now on the code that's going to run right now. This is a really good thing for JS performance.

Some time later, some JS engine devs realized that they needed to get some hints from the code as to which functions would run right away, and which ones wouldn't. In technical speak, these hints are called heuristics.

So they realized that one very common pattern for knowing that a function was going to run right away is if the first character before the function keyword was a (, because that usually m

(function(window) {
'use strict';
var toggleEvent = function(el, name, fn, unbind) {
var methodName = (unbind ? 'remove' : 'add') + 'EventListener';
el[methodName](name, fn, false);
kshnurov / jquery.photoswipe.js
Created February 23, 2015 23:37
PhotoSwipe: init from DOM using jQuery
(function( $ ) {
$.fn.photoswipe = function(options){
var galleries = [],
_options = options;
var init = function($this){
galleries = [];
$this.each(function(i, gallery){
id: i,
dimsemenov / vcl-regex-cheat-sheet
Last active March 12, 2022 19:01
Regular expression cheat sheet for Varnish (.vcl). Examples of vcl regexp. Found here (by Kristian Lyngstøl)
Regular expression cheat sheet for Varnish
Varnish regular expressions are NOT case sensitive. Varnish uses POSIX
regular expressions, for a complete guide, see: "man 7 regex"
Basic matching:
req.url ~ "searchterm"
True if req.url contains "searchterm" anywhere.
req.url == "searchterm"
ronkorving / ios6-timers.js
Last active March 9, 2022 03:40
iOS6 webkit timer bug workaround
(function (window) {
// This library re-implements setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout, clearInterval for iOS6.
// iOS6 suffers from a bug that kills timers that are created while a page is scrolling.
// This library fixes that problem by recreating timers after scrolling finishes (with interval correction).
// This code is released in the public domain. Do with it what you want, without limitations. I do not promise
// that it works, or that I will provide support (don't sue me).
// Author:
var timeouts = {};
inlikealion / Dummy Text
Created April 7, 2011 13:53
Dummy text provided by Matthew Smith of Squared Eye
This is dummy copy. It is not meant to be read. It has been placed here solely to demonstrate the look and feel of finished, typeset text. Only for show. He who searches for meaning here will be sorely disappointed. These words are here to provide the reader with a basic impression of how actual text will appear in its final presentation. Think of them merely as actors on a paper stage, in a performance devoid of content yet rich in form. That being the case, there is really no point in your continuing to read them. After all, you have many other things you should be doing. Who's paying you to waste this time, anyway?
This is dummy copy. It's Greek to you. Unless, of course, you're Greek, in which case, it really makes no sense. Why, you can't even read it! It is strictly for mock-ups. You may mock it up as strictly as you wish.
Meaningless mock-up, mock turtle soup spilled on a mock turtle neck. Mach I Convertible copy. To kill a mockingbird, you need only force it to read this copy. This is Meaningless
bentruyman / jquery-pubsub.js
Created February 14, 2011 23:16
Simple Pub/Sub Implementation for jQuery
* Simple Pub/Sub Implementation for jQuery
* Inspired by work from Peter Higgins (
* This is about the simplest way to write a pubsub JavaScript implementation for use with jQuery.
(function( $ ) {
// Cache of all topics