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Created January 10, 2018 22:14
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Refactoring script to port to kotlin view extensions
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Turtle
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Control.Foldl as Fold
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad (filterM)
data ViewBindings = ViewBindings { controllerFile :: FilePath
, layoutFile :: FilePath
, bindings :: [Binding]
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- property name, property type, property layout id
data Binding = Binding { propertyName :: Text
, propertyType :: Text
, propertyLayoutId :: Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- pasted from foldl-1.3.5 to not mess with stack for now
prefilter :: (a -> Bool) -> Fold a r -> Fold a r
prefilter f (Fold step begin done) = Fold step' begin done
step' x a = if f a then step x a else x
{-# INLINABLE prefilter #-}
snakeToCamel :: T.Text -> T.Text
snakeToCamel t = case T.splitOn "_" t of
[] -> t
(w:ws) -> T.concat (T.toLower w : map T.toTitle ws)
kotlinIdPattern :: Pattern Text
kotlinIdPattern = do
rid <- text ""
identifier <- plus (alphaNum <|> char '_')
return $ rid <> (snakeToCamel identifier)
bindViewPattern :: Pattern Binding
bindViewPattern = do
text "val"
plus space
propName <- plus alphaNum
char ':'
plus space
propType <- plus alphaNum
plus space
text "by"
plus space
text "BindView("
propLayoutId <- plus (alphaNum <|> char '_')
char ')'
return $ Binding propName propType propLayoutId
-- finds a layout identifier for controller views
viewLayoutPattern :: Pattern Text
viewLayoutPattern = do
text "inflater.inflate(R.layout."
layoutId <- text "content_" <> plus (alphaNum <|> char '_')
char ','
return layoutId
-- finds a layout "@id"/"@+id" attributes, returns only name part,
-- i.e. "@+id/some_id" -> "some_id"
idAttrPattern :: Pattern Text
idAttrPattern = do
char '@'
optional (char '+')
text "id/"
propLayoutId <- plus (alphaNum <|> char '_')
return propLayoutId
argsParser :: Parser FilePath
argsParser = argPath "SRC_DIR" "A source directory to find file to refactor"
nonNullShell :: Shell a -> IO Bool
nonNullShell sh = not <$> fold sh Fold.null
findLayoutFileById :: Text -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findLayoutFileById lid dir = fold (find (suffix layoutFileName) dir) $ prefilter (not . isInBuildDir) Fold.head
where layoutFileName = text (lid <> ".xml")
isInBuildDir fp = any (\p -> p == fromText "build/") $ splitDirectories fp
extractLayoutFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
extractLayoutFilePath dir fp = do
let inputShell = input fp
let grepShell = grep (has viewLayoutPattern) inputShell
let sedShell = sed (has viewLayoutPattern) grepShell
layoutId <- fold sedShell Fold.head
case layoutId of
Just id -> findLayoutFileById (lineToText id) dir
Nothing -> return Nothing
extractViewBindings :: FilePath -> IO [Binding]
extractViewBindings fp = do
let inputShell = input fp
let grepShell = lineToText <$> grep (has bindViewPattern) inputShell
let matchFirst p t = head $ match p t
let sedShell = matchFirst (has bindViewPattern) <$> grepShell
fold sedShell Fold.list
main :: IO ()
main = do
sourceDir <- options "Refactors BindView delegate to kotlin extensions" argsParser
files <- fold (find (suffix ".kt") sourceDir) Fold.list
let fileShells = map (\filePath -> (filePath, grep (has bindViewPattern) (input filePath))) files
filtered <- filterM (\(_, sh) -> nonNullShell sh) fileShells
let filesWithBinds = map fst filtered
layoutFilesMaybes <- sequence $ map (extractLayoutFilePath sourceDir) filesWithBinds
viewBindings <- sequence $ map extractViewBindings filesWithBinds
let layoutFiles = map fromJust layoutFilesMaybes
let bindings = zipWith3 (\cf lf vb -> ViewBindings cf lf vb) filesWithBinds layoutFiles viewBindings
do if (length filesWithBinds /= length bindings) then error "not all bindings found!" else return ()
putStrLn ("found " ++ (show (length bindings)) ++ " files with bindings")
return ()
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