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Created June 24, 2014 21:22
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Simple Browser proposed changes
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using SimpleBrowser.Network;
using SimpleBrowser.Parser;
using SimpleBrowser.Query;
namespace SimpleBrowser
public class Browser
const string TARGET_SELF = "_self";
internal const string TARGET_BLANK = "_blank";
const string TARGET_TOP = "_top";
private readonly List<Browser> _allWindows;
private HashSet<string> _extraHeaders = new HashSet<string>();
private List<HtmlElement> _allActiveElements = new List<HtmlElement>();
private List<NavigationState> _history = new List<NavigationState>();
private int _historyPosition = -1;
private WebProxy _proxy;
private int _timeoutMilliseconds = 30000;
private NameValueCollection _includeFormValues;
private XDocument _doc;
private HttpRequestLog _lastRequestLog;
private List<LogItem> _logs = new List<LogItem>();
private IWebRequestFactory _reqFactory;
static Browser()
if (ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue)
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; };
public Browser(IWebRequestFactory requestFactory = null, string name = null, List<Browser> context = null)
this._allWindows = context ?? new List<Browser>();
UserAgent = "SimpleBrowser (";
RetainLogs = true;
UseGZip = true;
Cookies = new CookieContainer();
if (requestFactory == null)
requestFactory = new DefaultRequestFactory();
_reqFactory = requestFactory;
WindowHandle = name;
public event Action<Browser, string> MessageLogged;
public event Action<Browser, HttpRequestLog> RequestLogged;
public event Action<Browser, Browser> NewWindowOpened;
#region public properties start
public string Accept { get; set; }
public string ContentType { get { return CurrentState.ContentType; } }
public string DocumentType { get { return CurrentState.XDocument.DocumentType.ToString(); } }
public CookieContainer Cookies { get; set; }
public string CurrentHtml { get { return CurrentState.Html; } }
public KeyStateOption KeyState{get;set;}
/// <summary>
/// This collection allows you to specify additional key/value pairs that will be sent in the next request. Some
/// websites use JavaScript or other dynamic methods to dictate what is submitted to the next page and these
/// cannot be determined automatically from the originating HTML. In those cases, investigate the process using
/// an HTTP sniffer, such as the HttpFox plugin for Firefox, and determine what values are being sent in the
/// form submission. The additional unexpected values can then be automated by populating this property. Any
/// values specified here are cleared after each request.
/// </summary>
public NameValueCollection ExtraFormValues
get { return _includeFormValues ?? (_includeFormValues = new NameValueCollection()); }
public IEnumerable<Browser> Frames
var doc = this.XDocument; // this will force the document to be parsed. It could result in more windows
return Windows.Where(b => b.ParentWindow == this);
public WebException LastWebException { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Returns a dictionary reflecting the current navigation history. The keys are integers reflecting the position in the history,
/// where the current page equals 0, the history has negative numbers and the future (pages you can navigate forward to) have positive
/// numbers.
/// </summary>
public IDictionary<int, Uri> NavigationHistory
return _history.Select((s, i) => new { Index = i, State = s })
.ToDictionary((i) => i.Index - _historyPosition, (i) => i.State.Url);
/// <summary>
/// Set the Initial Http Referer
/// </summary>
public string Referer { get; set; }
public string ResponseText { get { return CurrentState.Html /*TODO What is the difference here?*/; } }
public bool RetainLogs { get; set; }
public string Text { get { return XDocument.Root.Value; } }
public Uri Url { get { return CurrentState.Url; } }
public string UserAgent { get; set; }
public bool UseGZip { get; set; }
public string WindowHandle { get; private set; }
public IEnumerable<Browser> Windows
return _allWindows;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the current HTML document parsed and converted to a valid XDocument object. Note that the
/// originating HTML does not have to be valid XML; the parser will use a variety of methods to convert any
/// invalid markup to valid XML.
/// </summary>
public XDocument XDocument
if (CurrentState.XDocument == null)
CurrentState.XDocument = CurrentHtml.ParseHtml();
catch (Exception ex)
Log("Error converting HTML to XML for URL " + Url, LogMessageType.Error);
Log(ex.Message, LogMessageType.Error);
Log("<b>Exception Stack Trace:</b><br />" + ex.StackTrace.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br />"), LogMessageType.StackTrace);
CurrentState.XDocument = HtmlParser.CreateBlankHtmlDocument();
// check if we need to create sob-browsers for frames
foreach (var frame in this.FindAll("iframe"))
Log("found iframe +" + frame.CurrentElement.Value);
return CurrentState.XDocument;
#endregion public properties end
#region internal properties start
internal NavigationState CurrentState
if (_historyPosition == -1)
return null;
return _history[_historyPosition];
#endregion internal properties end
#region private properties start
private Browser ParentWindow { get; set; }
#endregion private properties end
#region public methods start
public void ClearException()
LastWebException = null;
public void ClearWindows()
public void Close()
_history = null;
/// <summary>
/// Performs a culture-invariant text search on the current document, ignoring whitespace, html elements and case, which reduces the
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public bool ContainsText(string text)
Log("Looking for text: " + text, LogMessageType.Internal);
text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(text);
string source = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(XDocument.Root.Value).Replace("&nbsp;", " ");
var found = new Regex(Regex.Replace(Regex.Escape(text).Replace(@"\ ", " "), @"\s+", @"\s+"), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant).IsMatch(source);
Log("&rarr; Text " + (found ? "" : "NOT ") + "found!", LogMessageType.Internal);
return found;
public Browser CreateReferenceView()
Browser b = new Browser(context:_allWindows)
Cookies = Cookies,
_doc = _doc,
_extraHeaders = _extraHeaders,
_includeFormValues = _includeFormValues,
_lastRequestLog = _lastRequestLog,
_logs = _logs,
_proxy = _proxy,
_timeoutMilliseconds = _timeoutMilliseconds,
Accept = Accept,
LastWebException = LastWebException,
RetainLogs = RetainLogs,
UserAgent = UserAgent
b.MessageLogged = MessageLogged;
return b;
public Browser GetWindowByName(string name)
return Windows.FirstOrDefault(b => b.WindowHandle == name);
#region Finding
public HtmlResult Find(ElementType elementType, FindBy findBy, string value)
return GetHtmlResult(FindElement(elementType, findBy, value));
public HtmlResult Find(string tagName, FindBy findBy, string value)
return GetHtmlResult(FindElement(FindElements(tagName), findBy, value));
public HtmlResult Find(string id)
return GetHtmlResult(FilterElementsByAttribute(XDocument.Descendants().ToList(), "id", id, false));
public HtmlResult Find(ElementType elementType, string attributeName, string attributeValue)
var elementsOfCorrectType = FindElements(elementType);
return GetHtmlResult(FilterElementsByAttribute(elementsOfCorrectType, attributeName, attributeValue, false));
public HtmlResult Find(ElementType elementType, object elementAttributes)
var list = FindElements(elementType);
foreach (var p in elementAttributes.GetType().GetProperties())
object o = p.GetValue(elementAttributes, null);
if (o == null)
list = FilterElementsByAttributeName(list, p, o.ToString(), false);
return GetHtmlResult(list);
public HtmlResult Find(string tagName, object elementAttributes)
var list = FindElements(tagName);
foreach (var p in elementAttributes.GetType().GetProperties())
object o = p.GetValue(elementAttributes, null);
if (o == null)
list = FilterElementsByAttribute(list, p.Name, o.ToString(), false);
return GetHtmlResult(list);
public HtmlResult FindAll(string tagName)
return GetHtmlResult(FindElements(tagName));
public HtmlResult FindClosestAncestor(HtmlResult element, string ancestorTagName, object elementAttributes = null)
XElement anc = element.CurrentElement.Element;
for (; ; )
anc = anc.GetAncestorOfSelfCI(ancestorTagName);
if (elementAttributes == null)
bool succeeded = true;
foreach (var p in elementAttributes.GetType().GetProperties())
object o = p.GetValue(elementAttributes, null);
if (o == null)
var attr = GetAttribute(anc, p.Name);
if (attr == null || attr.Value.ToLower() != o.ToString().ToLower())
succeeded = false;
if (succeeded)
anc = anc.Parent;
return GetHtmlResult(anc);
#endregion Finding
#region Logging
public void Log(string message, LogMessageType type = LogMessageType.User)
if (RetainLogs)
_logs.Add(new LogMessage(message, type));
if (MessageLogged != null)
MessageLogged(this, message);
public void LogRequestData()
HttpRequestLog log = RequestData();
if (RetainLogs)
if (log != null && RequestLogged != null)
RequestLogged(this, log);
internal void RaiseNewWindowOpened(Browser newWindow)
if (this.NewWindowOpened != null)
this.NewWindowOpened(this, newWindow);
public bool Navigate(string url)
return Navigate(new Uri(url));
public bool Navigate(string url, int timeoutMilliseconds)
return Navigate(new Uri(url), timeoutMilliseconds);
public bool Navigate(Uri url)
return DoRequest(url, "GET", null, null, null, null, _timeoutMilliseconds);
public bool Navigate(Uri url, string postData, string contentType)
return DoRequest(url, "POST", null, postData, contentType, null, _timeoutMilliseconds);
public bool Navigate(Uri url, NameValueCollection postData, string contentType = null, string encodingType = null)
return DoRequest(url, "POST", postData, null, contentType, encodingType, _timeoutMilliseconds);
public bool Navigate(Uri url, int timeoutMilliseconds)
_timeoutMilliseconds = timeoutMilliseconds;
return Navigate(url);
public bool NavigateBack()
if (_historyPosition > 0)
return true;
return false;
public bool NavigateForward()
if (_history.Count > _historyPosition + 1)
return true;
return false;
public void RemoveHeader(string header)
public string RenderHtmlLogFile(string title = "SimpleBrowser Session Log")
var formatter = new HtmlLogFormatter();
return formatter.Render(_logs, title);
/// <summary>
/// Return the information related to the last request
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public HttpRequestLog RequestData()
return _lastRequestLog;
/// <summary>
/// This is an alternative to Find and allows the use of jQuery selector syntax to locate elements on the page.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query">The query to use to locate elements</param>
/// <returns>An HtmlResult object containing zero or more matches</returns>
public HtmlResult Select(string query)
var result = new HtmlResult(XQuery.Execute(query, XDocument).Select(CreateHtmlElement).ToList(), this);
Log("Selected " + result.TotalElementsFound + " element(s) via jQuery selector: " + query, LogMessageType.Internal);
return result;
/// <summary>
/// Overwrites the CurrentHtml property with new content, allowing it to be queried and analyzed as though it
/// was navigated to in the last request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="content">A string containing a</param>
public void SetContent(string content)
if (CurrentState == null)
AddNavigationState(new NavigationState());
CurrentState.Html = content;
CurrentState.ContentType = "image/html";
CurrentState.XDocument = null;
CurrentState.Url = new Uri("http://dummy-url-to-use.with/relative/urls/");
public void SetHeader(string header)
public void SetProxy(string host, int port)
_proxy = new WebProxy(host, port);
public void SetProxy(string host, int port, string username, string password)
SetProxy(host, port);
_proxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
#endregion public methods end
#region internal methods start
internal void AddNavigationState(NavigationState state)
while (_history.Count > _historyPosition + 1)
while (_history.Count > 20)
internal Browser CreateChildBrowser(string name = null)
Browser child = new Browser(this._reqFactory, name, _allWindows);
child.ParentWindow = this;
// no RaiseNewWindowOpened here, because it is not really a new window. It can be navigated to using
// the frames collection of the parent
return child;
internal HtmlElement CreateHtmlElement(XElement element)
var htmlElement = HtmlElement.CreateFor(element);
if (htmlElement != null)
htmlElement.OwningBrowser = this;
htmlElement.NavigationRequested += htmlElement_NavigationRequested;
return htmlElement;
internal T CreateHtmlElement<T>(XElement element) where T : HtmlElement
var result = CreateHtmlElement(element);
if (result is T)
return (T)result;
throw new InvalidOperationException("The element was not of the corresponding type");
internal bool DoRequest(Uri uri, string method, NameValueCollection userVariables, string postData, string contentType, string encodingType, int timeoutMilliseconds)
* HttpWebRequest has a bug where if a 302 redirect is encountered (such as from a Response.Redirect), any cookies
* generated during the request are ignored and discarded during the internal redirect process. The headers are in
* fact returned, but the normal process where the cookie headers are turned into Cookie objects in the cookie
* container is skipped, thus breaking the login processes of half the sites on the internet.
* The workaround is as follows:
* 1. Turn off AllowAutoRedirect so we can intercept the redirect and do things manually
* 2. Read the Set-Cookie headers from the response and manually insert them into the cookie container
* 3. Get the Location header and redirect to the location specified in the "Location" response header
* Worth noting that even if this bug has been solved in .Net 4 (I haven't checked) we should still use manual
* redirection so that we can properly log responses.
* OBSOLETE ISSUE: (Bug has been resolved in the .Net 4 framework, which this library is now targeted at)
* //CookieContainer also has a horrible bug relating to the specified cookie domain. Basically, if it contains
* //a cookie where the "domain" token is specified as "" and you attempt to request http://domain.ext,
* //the cookies are not retrievable via that Uri, as you would expect them to be. CookieContainer is incorrectly
* //assuming that the leading dot is a prerequisite specifying that a subdomain is required as opposed to the
* //correct behaviour which would be to take it to mean that the domain and all subdomains are valid for the cookie.
* //
* //The workaround is as follows:
* //When retrieving the response, iterate through the Set-Cookie header and any cookie that explicitly sets
* //the domain token with a leading dot should also set the cookie without the leading dot.
bool handle301Or302Redirect;
int maxRedirects = 10;
string html;
string postBody = "";
if (maxRedirects-- == 0)
Log("Too many 302 redirects", LogMessageType.Error);
return false;
handle301Or302Redirect = false;
IHttpWebRequest req = null;
req = PrepareRequestObject(uri, method, contentType, timeoutMilliseconds);
catch (NotSupportedException)
// Happens when the URL cannot be parsed (example: 'javascript:')
return false;
foreach (var header in _extraHeaders)
if (header.StartsWith("host:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
req.Host = header.Split(':')[1];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(encodingType))
req.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentEncoding, encodingType);
if (_includeFormValues != null)
if (userVariables == null)
userVariables = _includeFormValues;
if (userVariables != null)
if (method == "POST")
postBody = StringUtil.MakeQueryString(userVariables);
byte[] data = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes(postBody);
req.ContentLength = data.Length;
using (Stream stream = req.GetRequestStream())
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
uri = new Uri(
uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port + uri.AbsolutePath
+ ((userVariables.Count > 0) ? "?" + StringUtil.MakeQueryString(userVariables) : "")
req = PrepareRequestObject(uri, method, contentType, timeoutMilliseconds);
else if (postData != null)
if (method == "GET")
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot call DoRequest with method GET and non-null postData");
postBody = postData;
byte[] data = Encoding.GetEncoding(28591).GetBytes(postData);
req.ContentLength = data.Length;
using (Stream stream = req.GetRequestStream())
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
if (contentType != null)
req.ContentType = contentType;
_lastRequestLog = new HttpRequestLog
Method = method,
PostData = userVariables,
PostBody = postBody,
RequestHeaders = req.Headers,
Url = uri
using (IHttpWebResponse response = req.GetResponse())
Encoding responseEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; //default
string charSet = response.CharacterSet;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(charSet))
responseEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(charSet);
catch (ArgumentException)
responseEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; // try using utf8
//ensure the stream is disposed
using (Stream rs = response.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(rs, responseEncoding))
html = reader.ReadToEnd();
_doc = null;
_includeFormValues = null;
_lastRequestLog.Text = html;
_lastRequestLog.ResponseHeaders = response.Headers;
_lastRequestLog.StatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
if (method == "GET" && uri.Query.Length > 0 && uri.Query != "?")
_lastRequestLog.QueryStringData = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri.Query);
if ((int)response.StatusCode == 302 || (int)response.StatusCode == 301)
uri = new Uri(uri, response.Headers["Location"]);
handle301Or302Redirect = true;
Debug.WriteLine("Redirecting to: " + uri);
method = "GET";
postData = null;
userVariables = null;
catch (WebException ex)
_lastRequestLog.StatusCode = (int)ex.Status.GetTypeCode();
if (ex.Response != null)
_lastRequestLog.ResponseHeaders = ex.Response.Headers;
//ensure the stream is disposed
using (Stream rs = ex.Response.GetResponseStream())
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(rs))
html = reader.ReadToEnd();
_lastRequestLog.Text = html;
LastWebException = ex;
switch (ex.Status)
case WebExceptionStatus.Timeout:
Log("A timeout occurred while trying to load the web page", LogMessageType.Error);
case WebExceptionStatus.ReceiveFailure:
Log("The response was cut short prematurely", LogMessageType.Error);
Log("An exception was thrown while trying to load the page: " + ex.Message, LogMessageType.Error);
return false;
} while (handle301Or302Redirect);
this.RemoveChildBrowsers(); //Any frames contained in the previous state should be removed. They will be recreated if we ever navigate back
this.AddNavigationState(new NavigationState() { Html = html, Url = uri, ContentType = contentType });
return true;
internal void RemoveChildBrowsers()
_allWindows.RemoveAll((b) => b.ParentWindow == this);
#endregion internal methods end
#region private methods start
private void CheckDisposed()
if (_history == null)
throw new ObjectDisposedException("This browser has been closed. You cannot access the content or history after closing.");
#region Finding
private List<XElement> FindElements(string tagName)
return XDocument.Descendants()
.Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == tagName.ToLower())
private List<XElement> FindElements(ElementType elementType)
List<XElement> list;
switch (elementType)
case ElementType.Anchor:
list = XDocument.Descendants()
.Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "a" && h.Attributes()
.Where(k => k.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "href").Count() > 0)
case ElementType.Button:
list = XDocument.Descendants()
.Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "button" ||
(h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "input" && h.Attributes()
.Where(k => k.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "type"
&& (k.Value.ToLower() == "submit" || k.Value.ToLower() == "image")).Count() > 0))
case ElementType.TextField:
list = XDocument.Descendants()
.Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "textarea" ||
(h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "input" && h.Attributes()
.Where(k => k.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "type"
&& (k.Value.ToLower() == "text" || k.Value.ToLower() == "password" || k.Value.ToLower() == "hidden")).Count() > 0))
list.AddRange(XDocument.Descendants() // also add input elements with no "type" attribute (they default to type="text")
.Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "input" && h.Attributes()
.Where(k => k.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "type").Count() == 0));
case ElementType.Checkbox:
list = XDocument.Descendants()
.Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "input" && h.Attributes()
.Where(k => k.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "type" && k.Value.ToLower() == "checkbox").Count() > 0)
case ElementType.RadioButton:
list = XDocument.Descendants()
.Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "input" && h.Attributes()
.Where(k => k.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "type" && k.Value.ToLower() == "radio").Count() > 0)
case ElementType.SelectBox:
list = XDocument.Descendants()
.Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "select")
case ElementType.Script:
list = XDocument.Descendants()
.Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == "script")
list = new List<XElement>();
return list;
private List<XElement> FilterElementsByAttribute(List<XElement> elements, string attributeName, string value, bool allowPartialMatch)
if (allowPartialMatch)
return elements.Where(h => h.Attributes()
.Where(k => k.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == attributeName.ToLower()
&& k.Value.ToLower().Contains(value.ToLower())).Count() > 0)
return elements.Where(h => h.Attributes()
.Where(k => k.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == attributeName.ToLower()
&& k.Value.ToLower() == value.ToLower()).Count() > 0)
private List<XElement> FilterElementsByAttributeName(List<XElement> list, PropertyInfo p, string value, bool allowPartialMatch)
var matchesByAttribute = FilterElementsByAttribute(list, p.Name, value, allowPartialMatch);
if (!matchesByAttribute.Any())
if (p.Name.Contains('_'))
var attributeName = p.Name.Replace('_', '-');
matchesByAttribute = FilterElementsByAttribute(list, attributeName, value, allowPartialMatch);
list = matchesByAttribute;
return list;
private List<XElement> FilterElementsByAttributeNameToken(List<XElement> elements, string attributeName, string value, bool allowPartialMatch)
return elements.Where(elm =>
string attrValue = elm.GetAttribute(attributeName);
if (attrValue == null)
return false;
string[] tokens = attrValue.ToLower().Split(new char[] { ' ', '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (allowPartialMatch)
return tokens.Any(t => t.Contains(value.ToLower()));
return tokens.Any(t => t == value.ToLower());
private List<XElement> FilterElementsByInnerText(List<XElement> elements, string tagName, string value, bool allowPartialMatch)
if (allowPartialMatch)
return elements.Where(h => (tagName == null || h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == tagName.ToLower())
&& h.Value.ToLower().Trim().Contains(value.ToLower().Trim()))
return elements.Where(h => (tagName == null || h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == tagName.ToLower())
&& h.Value.ToLower().Trim() == value.ToLower().Trim())
private List<XElement> FindElement(ElementType elementType, FindBy findBy, string value)
return FindElement(FindElements(elementType), findBy, value);
private List<XElement> FindElement(List<XElement> elements, FindBy findBy, string value)
switch (findBy)
case FindBy.Text:
return FilterElementsByInnerText(elements, null, value, false);
case FindBy.Class:
return FilterElementsByAttributeNameToken(elements, "class", value, false);
case FindBy.Id:
return FilterElementsByAttribute(elements, "id", value, false);
case FindBy.Name:
return FilterElementsByAttribute(elements, "name", value, false);
case FindBy.Value:
var newlist = FilterElementsByAttribute(elements, "value", value, false);
newlist.AddRange(FilterElementsByInnerText(elements, "textarea", value, false));
newlist.AddRange(FilterElementsByInnerText(elements, "button", value, false));
return newlist;
case FindBy.PartialText:
return FilterElementsByInnerText(elements, null, value, true);
case FindBy.PartialClass:
return FilterElementsByAttributeNameToken(elements, "class", value, true);
case FindBy.PartialId:
return FilterElementsByAttribute(elements, "id", value, true);
case FindBy.PartialName:
return FilterElementsByAttribute(elements, "name", value, true);
case FindBy.PartialValue:
var newlist = FilterElementsByAttribute(elements, "value", value, true);
newlist.AddRange(FilterElementsByInnerText(elements, "textarea", value, true));
newlist.AddRange(FilterElementsByInnerText(elements, "button", value, true));
return newlist;
return null;
private XAttribute GetAttribute(XElement element, string name)
return element.Attributes().Where(h => h.Name.LocalName.ToLower() == name.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
private HtmlResult GetHtmlResult(List<XElement> list)
List<HtmlElement> xlist = new List<HtmlElement>();
foreach (var e in list) {
var element = CreateHtmlElement(e);
if (element != null) {
return new HtmlResult(xlist, this);
private HtmlResult GetHtmlResult(XElement e)
return new HtmlResult(CreateHtmlElement(e), this);
private bool htmlElement_NavigationRequested(HtmlElement.NavigationArgs args)
Uri fullUri = new Uri(this.Url, args.Uri);
if (args.TimeoutMilliseconds == 0)
args.TimeoutMilliseconds = _timeoutMilliseconds;
Browser browserToNav = null;
if (args.Target == TARGET_SELF || String.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Target))
browserToNav = this;
else if (args.Target == TARGET_BLANK)
browserToNav = new Browser(this._reqFactory,context:_allWindows);
browserToNav = Windows.FirstOrDefault(b => b.WindowHandle == args.Target);
if (browserToNav == null)
browserToNav = new Browser(this._reqFactory, args.Target, context:_allWindows);
return browserToNav.DoRequest(fullUri, args.Method, args.UserVariables, args.PostData, args.ContentType, args.EncodingType, args.TimeoutMilliseconds);
private void InvalidateAllActiveElements()
foreach (var element in _allActiveElements)
private IHttpWebRequest PrepareRequestObject(Uri url, string method, string contentType, int timeoutMilliseconds)
IHttpWebRequest req = _reqFactory.GetWebRequest(url);
req.Method = method;
req.ContentType = contentType; // "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
req.UserAgent = UserAgent;
req.Accept = Accept ?? "*/*";
req.Timeout = timeoutMilliseconds;
req.AllowAutoRedirect = false;
if (UseGZip)
req.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.Deflate | DecompressionMethods.GZip;
req.CookieContainer = Cookies;
if (_proxy != null)
req.Proxy = _proxy;
if (CurrentState != null)
req.Referer = this.Url.AbsoluteUri;
else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Referer))
req.Referer = Referer;
return req;
private void Register(Browser browser)
if (browser.WindowHandle == null)
browser.WindowHandle = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 8);
#endregion private methods end
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