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Created May 6, 2016 20:53
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Generates JNLP file from an Oracle Forms application to use locally or on a web server. Allows Oracle Forms application to run without a web browser.
Generates JNLP file from an Oracle Forms application.
Tested against an Oracle Forms 11g server.
Information from:
Jan Carlin's Blog - Forms and Java Web Start
#Requires -Version 3
Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0
function New-Jnlp
Generates JNLP file from an Oracle Forms application.
This will generate a JNLP file based on information from a specified Oracle Forms application.
.PARAMETER OracleFormsUrl
URL of your Oracle Forms application.
.PARAMETER WebServerHostUrl
URL that will host the JNLP files.
If not provided, local JNLP files will be created.
.PARAMETER DownloadPath
Location to save the optional JNLP files to.
If not provided, the optional JNLP files will not be generated.
$jnlpParams = @{
OracleFormsUrl = 'https://my-oracle-forms-webserver/forms/frmservlet?config=TEST'
DownloadPath = 'V:\save-jnlp'
[IO.File]::WriteAllLines('V:\save-jnlp\forms.jnlp', (New-Jnlp @jnlpParams))
Creates a JNLP for https://my-oracle-forms-webserver/forms/frmservlet?config=TEST, saves JNLP to V:\save-jnlp\forms.jnlp, downloads optional JNLP files to V:\save-jnlp.
$jnlpParams = @{
OracleFormsUrl = 'https://my-oracle-forms-webserver/forms/frmservlet?config=TEST'
WebServerHostUrl = 'https://localhost/1.7-my-oracle-forms-webserver/'
New-Jnlp @jnlpParams
Creates a JNLP for https://my-oracle-forms-webserver/forms/frmservlet?config=TEST, with JNLP configured for https://localhost/1.7-my-oracle-forms-webserver/, display JNLP content to the screen.
$jnlpParams = @{
OracleFormsUrl = 'https://my-oracle-forms-webserver/forms/frmservlet?config=TEST'
New-Jnlp @jnlpParams
Creates a JNLP for https://my-oracle-forms-webserver/forms/frmservlet?config=TEST, display JNLP content to the screen. All JARs must be signed with the same SSL certificate or an error will be displayed when launching the main application JNLP file.
In the generated JNLP file, replace the string '__REPLACE_WITH_RANDOM_ID__' with a time-based counter.
$oracleFormsUri = [System.Uri]$OracleFormsUrl
$javaVersion = ''
$jarFiles = @()
$codeBase = ''
$code = ''
$param = @{}
$codeBaseUrl = ''
$request = Invoke-WebRequest -Method 'Get' -Uri $OracleFormsUrl
$request.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('param') | ForEach-Object {
$paramName = ''
$paramValue = ''
$_.attributes | Where-Object {
$_.specified -eq $true
} | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.nodeName -eq 'name')
$paramName = $_.nodeValue
if ($_.nodeName -eq 'value')
$paramValue = $_.nodeValue -replace '\.\d+&', '.__REPLACE_WITH_RANDOM_ID__&'
$param.Add($paramName, $paramValue)
if ($paramName -eq 'type')
$javaVersion = ($paramValue -split '=')[1]
if ($paramName -eq 'archive')
$jarFiles = $paramValue -split ','
if ($paramName -eq 'codebase')
$codeBase = $paramValue
if ($paramName -eq 'code')
$code = $paramValue
$codeBaseUrl = "$($oracleFormsUri.Scheme)://$($oracleFormsUri.Host):$($oracleFormsUri.Port)$($codeBase)"
$xmlSettings = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
$xmlSettings.Indent = $true
$xmlSettings.IndentChars = ' ' * 4
$memoryStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.MemoryStream
$xmlWriter = [System.XMl.XmlTextWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlSettings)
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('spec', '1.0+')
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('codebase', $codeBaseUrl)
$xmlWriter.WriteElementString('title', $request.ParsedHtml.title)
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # information
$xmlWriter.WriteElementString('all-permissions', '')
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # security
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('check', 'timeout')
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('policy', 'always')
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # update
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('version', $JavaVersion + ('+', '')[($JavaVersion -like '*+*')])
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # java
$jarFiles | ForEach-Object {
if ($null -ne $DownloadPath -and $DownloadPath.Length -gt 0)
# Bypass same certificate JAR signing error by using either a local or hosted JNLP file.
[IO.File]::WriteAllLines((Join-Path -Path $DownloadPath -ChildPath "$($_).jnlp"), (New-JarXml -CodeBase $codeBaseUrl -Title $request.ParsedHtml.title -JavaVersion $javaVersion -JarFile $_))
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('name', $_)
if ($null -ne $WebServerHostUrl -and $WebServerHostUrl.Length -gt 0)
# Use hosted JNLP file.
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('href', "$($WebServerHostUrl)$($_).jnlp")
# Download JAR file. Not necessary for application to work.
# (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("$($codeBaseUrl)/$($_)", (Join-Path -Path $DownloadPath -ChildPath $_))
# Use local JNLP file.
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('href', "file://localhost/$($DownloadPath)\$($WebServerHostUrl)$($_).jnlp")
# Use original JAR files on server.
# All JAR files must be signed with the same certificate or an error message is displayed.
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('href', $_)
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # extension/jar
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # resources
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('name', $request.ParsedHtml.title)
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('main-class', $code)
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('width', '1024')
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('height', '768')
$param.Keys | ForEach-Object {
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('name', $_)
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('value', $param.Item($_))
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # param
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # applet-desc
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # jnlp
function New-JarXml
$xmlSettings = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings
$xmlSettings.Indent = $true
$xmlSettings.IndentChars = ' ' * 4
$memoryStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.MemoryStream
$xmlWriter = [System.XMl.XmlTextWriter]::Create($memoryStream, $xmlSettings)
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('spec', '1.0+')
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('codebase', $CodeBase)
$xmlWriter.WriteElementString('title', $Title)
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # information
$xmlWriter.WriteElementString('all-permissions', '')
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # security
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('version', $JavaVersion + ('+', '')[($JavaVersion -like '*+*')])
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # j2se
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('href', $JarFile)
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('size', '')
$xmlWriter.WriteAttributeString('main', 'false')
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # jar
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # resources
$xmlWriter.WriteElementString('component-desc', '')
$xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() # jnlp
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