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Created June 20, 2017 14:36
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Updates simple property files.
function Set-PropertyValue
param($Path, $Key, $Value, $Separator='=', $Comment="# ", $Backup=$true)
$ini = Get-Content -Path $Path
$newIniPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
$found = $false
$ini.Split("`n") |% {
$line = $_.Trim()
$iniLine = $line.Split('=')
if ($iniLine.Count -eq 2 -and $iniLine[0].Trim() -like $Key)
$found = $true
if ($iniLine[1].Trim() -notlike $Value)
if ($Comment.Length -gt 0)
Write-Verbose -Message "Updated key [$($Key)] from [$($iniLine[1].Trim())] to [$($Value)]."
($Comment + $line) | Add-Content -Path $newIniPath -Encoding Ascii
$line = $iniLine[0].Trim() + $Separator + $Value
$line | Add-Content -Path $newIniPath -Encoding Ascii
if ($found -eq $false)
Write-Verbose -Message "New key [$($Key)] = [$($Value)]."
$Key + $Separator + $Value | Add-Content -Path $newIniPath -Encoding Ascii
if ($Backup -eq $true)
$oldIniPath = $Path + '.BAK.' + (Get-Date).ToFileTimeUtc()
Move-Item -Path $Path -Destination $oldIniPath -Force
Write-Verbose -Message "Old INI has been saved as [$($oldIniPath)]."
Move-Item -Path $newIniPath -Destination $Path -Force
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