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Created April 1, 2017 13:55
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" Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings (much better!).
" This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
set nocompatible
set hlsearch
set incsearch
" ================ General Config ====================
colorscheme default
set number "Line numbers are good
set backspace=indent,eol,start "Allow backspace in insert mode
set history=1000 "Store lots of :cmdline history
set showcmd "Show incomplete cmds down the bottom
set showmode "Show current mode down the bottom
set gcr=a:blinkon0 "Disable cursor blink
set visualbell "No sounds
set autoread "Reload files changed outside vim
" This makes vim act like all other editors, buffers can
" exist in the background without being in a window.
set hidden
set term=xterm-256color
"turn on syntax highlighting
syntax on
" Change leader to a comma because the backslash is too far away
" That means all \x commands turn into ,x
" The mapleader has to be set before vundle starts loading all
" the plugins.
let mapleader=","
" ================ Turn Off Swap Files ==============
set noswapfile
set nobackup
set nowb
" ================ Persistent Undo ==================
" Keep undo history across sessions, by storing in file.
" Only works all the time.
" NOT WORKING: Didnt work when yanked right out of YADR
"silent !mkdir ~/.vim/backups > /dev/null 2>&1
"set undodir=~/.vim/backups
"set undofile
" ================ Indentation ======================
set autoindent
set smartindent
set smarttab
set shiftwidth=2
set softtabstop=2
set tabstop=2
set expandtab
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
" Display tabs and trailing spaces visually
set wrap "Wrap lines
set linebreak "Wrap lines at convenient points
" ================ Completion =======================
set wildmode=list:longest
set wildmenu "enable ctrl-n and ctrl-p to scroll thru matches
set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*~ "stuff to ignore when tab completing
set wildignore+=*vim/backups*
set wildignore+=*sass-cache*
set wildignore+=*DS_Store*
set wildignore+=vendor/rails/**
set wildignore+=vendor/cache/**
set wildignore+=*.gem
set wildignore+=log/**
set wildignore+=tmp/**
set wildignore+=*.png,*.jpg,*.gif
" ================ Scrolling ========================
set scrolloff=8 "Start scrolling when we're 8 lines away from margins
set sidescrolloff=15
set sidescroll=1
" ========================================
" Vim plugin configuration
" ========================================
" This file contains the list of plugin installed using vundle plugin manager.
" Once you've updated the list of plugin, you can run vundle update by issuing
" the command :BundleInstall from within vim or directly invoking it from the
" command line with the following syntax:
" vim --noplugin -u vim/vundles.vim -N "+set hidden" "+syntax on" +BundleClean! +BundleInstall +qall
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