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Abdullah Irfan dingavinga1

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dingavinga1 / golang_bookstore_rest_api.go
Created July 1, 2023 13:26
A simple REST API for adding, deleting, listing and updating books written in Golang
package main //giving package name- telling to compile as executable and not library
import ( //importing any external packages
"fmt" //formatted input/output
"log" //logging
"net/http" //HTTP server functionality
"" //Enhanced Router functionality for HTTP Server
dingavinga1 / Linux TCP Reverse Shell Shellcode
Last active December 6, 2022 13:49 — forked from 0x89/Linux TCP Reverse Shell Shellcode
Linux TCP Reverse Shell Shellcode
*Title: tcp reverse shell with password polymorphic version 122 bytes
*Author: Sathish kumar
*Copyright: (c) 2016 iQube. (
*Release Date: January 29, 2016
*Description: x64 Linux reverse TCP port shellcode on port 4444 with reconfigurable password
*Tested On: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
dingavinga1 /
Created November 12, 2022 14:27 — forked from tothi/
reverse PowerShell cmdline payload generator (base64 encoded)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# generate reverse powershell cmdline with base64 encoded args
import sys
import base64
def help():
print("USAGE: %s IP PORT" % sys.argv[0])
dingavinga1 /
Last active April 10, 2023 20:51
My own implementation of n-bit RSA encryption/decryption in pure python
from Crypto.Util import number
import random
phi=lambda p, q: (p-1)*(q-1) #euler totient
def eGCD(a, b): #extended euclidean algorithm
if a==0:
return b, 0, 1
gcd, x1, y1= eGCD(b%a, a)