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Created March 16, 2017 07:35
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Full WordPress coding standard lint rules - includes style guide recommendations and error checks
"root": true,
"globals": {
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"$": false,
"Backbone": false,
"JSON": false,
"jQuery": false,
"wp": false
"env": {
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"es6": true
"rules": {
"array-bracket-spacing": [ "error", "always", { "singleValue": false, "objectsInArrays": true, "arraysInArrays": true } ],
"block-scoped-var": "warning",
"block-spacing": "error",
"brace-style": [ "error", "1tbs" ],
"camelcase": [ "error" ],
"comma-spacing": [ "error", { "before": false, "after": true } ],
"curly": "error",
"default-case": "error",
"eol-last": [ "error", "always" ],
"eqeqeq": [ "error", "smart" ],
"func-call-spacing": [ "error", "never" ],
"indent": [ "error", "tab", { "SwitchCase": true, "MemberExpression": true, "ArrayExpression": true, "ObjectExpression": true } ],
"init-declarations": [ "warning", "always", { "ignoreForLoopInit": true } ],
"key-spacing": [ "error", { "beforeColon": false, "afterColon": true, "singleLine": { "beforeColon": false, "afterColon": true }, "multiLine": { "beforeColon": false, "afterColon": true }, "align": { "beforeColon": false, "afterColon": true, "on": "colon" } } ],
"keyword-spacing": ["error", { "before": true, "after": true }],
"lines-around-comment": [ "error", { "beforeBlockComment": true, "beforeLineComment": true, "allowBlockStart": true } ],
"newline-per-chained-call": [ "error", { "ignoreChainWithDepth": 2 } ],
"no-alert": "warning",
"no-array-constructor": "error",
"no-eval": "error",
"no-extra-semi": "error",
"no-compare-neg-zero": "error",
"no-cond-assign": "error",
"no-console": "error",
"no-constant-condition": [ "warning", { "checkLoops": false } ],
"no-debugger": "error",
"no-delete-var": "error",
"no-dupe-args": "error",
"no-dupe-keys": "error",
"no-duplicate-case": "error",
"no-else-return": "error",
"no-empty": "error",
"no-empty-function": "warning",
"no-eq-null": "watning",
"no-extra-boolean-cast": "warning",
"no-fallthrough": "error",
"no-func-assign": "error",
"no-global-assign": "error",
"no-implicit-coercion": "warning",
"no-implicit-globals": "warning",
"no-inner-declarations": ["error", "var"],
"no-lonely-if": "error",
"no-loop-func": "warning",
"no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": [ "error", "smart-tabs" ],
"no-multi-spaces": "error",
"no-new-object": "error",
"no-obj-calls": "error",
"no-octal": "error",
"no-octal-escape": "error",
"no-redeclare": "error",
"no-return-assign": "error",
"no-self-assign": "error",
"no-self-compare": "error",
"no-sparse-arrays": "error",
"no-trailing-spaces": [ "error", { "skipBlankLines": false } ],
"no-undef": "error",
"no-undefined": "error",
"no-unexpected-multiline": "error",
"no-unneeded-ternary": "error",
"no-unreachable": "error",
"no-unsafe-negation": "warning",
"no-unused-vars": "error",
"no-use-before-define": "error",
"no-useless-concat": "error",
"no-useless-return": "error",
"object-curly-newline": [ "error", { "multiline": true } ],
"object-curly-spacing": [ "error", "always" ],
"object-property-newline": [ "error", { "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": true } ],
"one-var-declaration-per-line": [ "error", "initializations" ],
"operator-linebreak": [ "error", "after" ],
"quote-props": [ "error", "as-needed" ],
"quotes": [ "error", "single" ],
"radix": [ "error", "as-needed" ],
"semi": [ "error", "always", { "omitLastInOneLineBlock": true } ],
"semi-spacing": [ "error", { "before": false, "after": true } ],
"space-before-function-paren": [ "error", "never" ],
"space-in-parens": [ "error", "always", { "exceptions": [ "()", "{}", "[]", "empty" ] } ],
"space-infix-ops": "error",
"space-unary-ops": [ "error", { "words": true, "nonwords": false, "overrides": { "!": true } } ],
"spaced-comment": [ "error", "always" ],
"use-isnan": "warning",
"valid-typeof": "error",
"vars-on-top": "warning",
"wrap-iife": [ "warning", "outside" ],
"yoda": [ "error", "always", { "onlyEquality": true } ],
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