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Created August 11, 2011 20:51
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Jim Breen's WWWJDIC regexp
# source:
# example_url:
# output:
# 先生 [せんせい] /(n) (1) teacher/master/doctor/(suf) (2) with names of teachers, etc. as an honorific/(P)/
# 先生に就く [せんせいにつく] /(exp,v5k) to study under (a teacher)/
# 先生の述 [せんせいのじゅつ] /(n) teachers statement (expounding)/
# 先生方 [せんせいがた] /(n) doctors/teachers/
# regexp
dictionary = do |entry|
entry.scan(/(.*) \[(.*)\] \/(.*)\//).map do |(headword, kana, definition)|
{ headword: headword, kana: kana, definition: definition }
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