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{"cause":null,"stackTrace":[{"classLoaderName":null,"moduleName":null,"moduleVersion":null,"methodName":"decode","fileName":"","lineNumber":56,"nativeMethod":false,"className":"vn.gobiz.canines.alaska.client.error.ProblemErrorDecoder"}],"title":"tenant_domain_not_found","status":"BAD_REQUEST","detail":"Can not find the tenant domain of tenant 'vnlog'","parameters":{},"message":"tenant_domain_not_found: Can not find the tenant domain of tenant 'vnlog'","instance":null,"type":"about:blank","suppressed":[{"cause":null,"stackTrace":[{"classLoaderName":null,"moduleName":null,"moduleVersion":null,"methodName":"decode","fileName":"","lineNumber":56,"nativeMethod":false,"className":"vn.gobiz.canines.alaska.client.error.ProblemErrorDecoder"},{"classLoaderName":null,"moduleName":null,"moduleVersion":null,"methodName":"lambda$decode$0","fileName":"","lineNumber":49,"nativeMethod":false,"className":"reactivefeign.client.statushandler.ReactiveStatu
dinhnguyen / Thống kê đơn Shopee
Last active September 10, 2021 06:05
Thống kê đơn Shopee
var tongDonHang = 0;
var tongTienDuocGiamMggShopee=0;
var tongTienDuocGiamMggShopeeShop=0;
var tongTienChiTieu = 0;
var tongTienTietKiem=0;
var tongTienHang = 0;
var tongTienVanChuyenChuaGiam = 0;
var tongTienVanChuyenDuocGiam = 0;
var tongSanPhamDaMua = 0;
var trangThaiDonHangConKhong = true;
74 QUÁN cafe "tạm gọi" là SPECIALTY tại HÀ NỘI !!
Cotero coffee: tô ngọc vân
Ta coffee: cạnh khách sạn tây hồ cũ
Capella coffee: Tô ngọc vân
Tapies coffee: đối diện chợ hoa quảng bá
Le Chat cafe: Nguyễn Đình Thi
Cotero: Nguyễn trung trực
Oriberry : Xuân Diệu

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am dinhnguyen on github.
  • I am dinhnguyen ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDBUnJ5-G-JJPXEpcqsdGCyUKHGXN6VyDD--0RcWfQuGQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

DECLARE startValue integer := 41;
DECLARE endValue integer := 60;
DECLARE counter integer;
DECLARE prefix text = 'bonotox';
counter := startValue;
LOOP exit when counter > endValue;
insert into hq_user(id, username, email, fullname, password, created_by, created_at)
<ul id="products">
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<h2>{{ }}</h2>
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