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#grg_zm_wrapper {
position: relative;
width: 820px;
height: auto;
background: #fff;
}sdsfdfs df sdf sdf
#grg_zm_wrapper #grg_container {
background: url("../_i/single/grg_bg1.jpg") repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
height: auto;
Plugin Name: Facebook Like
Plugin URI:
Description: Like button in below post
Version: 0.8.2
Author: Saturngod
Author URI:
dinhnguyen / gist:3856450
Created October 9, 2012 03:42
Rolling Stone 500 greatest songs Stone 500 greatest songs//001 Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone.mp3 Stone 500 greatest songs/002 The Rolling Stones - (I Can%27t Get No) Satisfaction.mp3 Stone 500 greatest songs/003 John Lennon - Imagine.mp3 Stone 500 greatest songs/004 Marvin Gaye - Whats Going On.mp3 Stone 500 greatest songs/005 Aretha Franklin - Respect.mp3 Stone 500 greatest songs/006 The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations.mp3 Stone 500 greatest songs/007 Chuck Berry - Jonny B. Goode.mp3 Stone 500 greatest songs/008 The Beatles - Hey Jude.mp3 Stone 500 greatest songs/009 Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit.mp3
dinhnguyen / gist:3864110
Created October 10, 2012 08:37
Developing with LESS on Windows: getting lessc comamnd line

Developing with LESS on Windows: getting lessc comamnd line

If you are developing on Windows, and use LESS, you've probably being using some GUI tools to translate *.less to *.css. These work quite good, but what if you still need the lessc command line, which is originally developed by LESS developers? For example, you might need one because you want to compile LESS automatically with your build scripts (or if you're just a command line geek like me)? This is easy on Linux (you may use the one provided with less.js itself), but what about Windows users?

It turns out there is a very clean way to get the lessc command on the Windows command line. It only requires you to install node.js, which is required by the original lessc anyway.

So, install node.js and install "less" module for node.js. The latter provides lessc.cmd as well, so you should only make sure it gets under your PATH in Windows.

If you don't have node.js yet, here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Install node.js

Nested / Sub Dropdown Menu for Any Timberized Shopify theme

  1. Replace site-nav.liquid with the snippet below.
  2. Add the styles below to timber.scss.liquid.
  3. Go make popcorn.
  4. Check your homepage to see if this has worked.
  5. It didn't work.
  6. Eat the popcorn and try to figure out what went wrong.


Shopify.queryParams = {};
if ( {
for (var aKeyValue, i = 0, aCouples ='&'); i < aCouples.length; i++) {
aKeyValue = aCouples[i].split('=');
if (aKeyValue.length > 1) {
Shopify.queryParams[decodeURIComponent(aKeyValue[0])] = decodeURIComponent(aKeyValue[1]);
dinhnguyen / time format
Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
time format
"current": {
"brand_type": "image",
"brand_text": "",
"min_height_logo": "131",
"show_header_search": true,
"search_placeholder": "search",
"display_social": true,
"facebook_link": "",
"twitter_link": "",
# Alot of these configs have been taken from the various places
# on the web, most from here
# Set the colours you can use
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var selectCallback = function(variant, selector) {
if (variant && variant.available == true) {
// selected a valid variant
jQuery('.purchase').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); // remove unavailable class from add-to-cart button, and re-enable button
jQuery('.price-field').html(Bizweb.formatMoney(variant.price, "{{store.money_with_currency_format}}")); // update price field
} else {
// variant doesn't exist