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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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# from @toasterlovin's implementation:
require "spec_helper"
describe "Check for orphaned routes" do
def defined_routes do |route|
# Turn the route path spec into a string:
# - Remove the "(.:format)" bit at the end
# - Use "1" for all params
path = route.path.spec.to_s.gsub(/\(\.:format\)/, "").gsub(/:[a-zA-Z_]+/, "1")
# Route verbs are stored as regular expressions; convert them to symbols
verb = %W{ GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE }.grep(route.verb).first.downcase.to_sym
# Return a hash with two keys: the route path and it's verb
{ path: path, verb: verb }
it "ensures no orphaned routes exist" do
orphaned_routes = []
# Ignore the assets route
defined_routes.reject { |route| route[:path].starts_with?("/assets") }.each do |route|
# Use the route's verb to access the route's path
request_via_redirect(route[:verb], route[:path])
rescue ActionController::RoutingError, AbstractController::ActionNotFound
# ActionController::RoutingError means the controller doesn't exist
# AbstractController::ActionNotFound means the action doesn't exist
orphaned_routes << "#{route[:verb]} #{route[:path]}"
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, ActionController::ParameterMissing
# ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound happens because we are using 1 for all the route params
# ActionController::ParameterMissing happens because we aren't submitting params to create or update
# Fail if we have any orphaned routes
assert orphaned_routes.empty?,
"The following routes lead to nowhere: \n\t#{orphaned_routes.uniq.join("\n\t")}"
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