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Last active February 9, 2019 14:23
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Migrate Notepad++ plugins to the new plugins directory used since version 7.6
:: Main script
@echo off & setlocal
:: Basic configuration
::Path for temporary VBScript
set "VBScript=%Temp%\NppMigrationElevate.vbs"
:: Startup sequence
::Parse command line and jump to other code section according to return value
call :ParseCommandLine %*
if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto :DoJob
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto :ErrorExit
::Display intro screen if script has been started normally
call :DisplayIntroScreen || goto :UserExit
:: Search installation directory of local or hybrid installation of Notepad++
::Set default Notepad++ installation path for local and hybrid installations
set "Npp32BitDir=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Notepad++"
set "NppNativeDir=%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++"
::Search installation directory of Notepad++
set "NppDir="
for %%a in ("%Npp32BitDir%" "%NppNativeDir%") do (
if exist "%%~a\notepad++.exe" set "NppDir=%%~a"
::Nothing found, maybe we have a portable installation
if "%NppDir%" equ "" goto :PromptForPortableInstallation1
:: Set old and new plugins path according to installation type "Local",
:: "Localv7.6", "Localv7.6.1" or "Hybrid"
REM Check for local installation
if not exist "%NppDir%\allowAppDataPlugins.xml" (
dir /b /a:-d "%NppDir%\plugins\*.dll" 1>NUL 2>NUL && (
REM Set plugins path for local installations of Notepad++ prior v7.6
set "PluginsSrc=%NppDir%\plugins"
set "PluginsDst=%NppDir%\plugins"
set "InstType=Local"
) || (
dir /s /b /a:-d "%LocalAppData%\Notepad++\plugins\*.dll" 1>NUL 2>NUL && (
REM Set plugins path for local installation of Notepad++ v7.6
set "PluginsSrc=%LocalAppData%\Notepad++\plugins"
set "PluginsDst=%NppDir%\plugins"
set "InstType=Localv7.6"
) || (
dir /s /b /a:-d "%ProgramData%\Notepad++\plugins\*.dll" 1>NUL 2>NUL && (
REM Set plugins path for local installation of Notepad++ v7.6.1
set "PluginsSrc=%ProgramData%\Notepad++\plugins"
set "PluginsDst=%NppDir%\plugins"
set "InstType=Localv7.6.1"
) || (
REM Show error message and quit when plugins directory could not been found
echo There seems to be a local installation of Notepad++ on this machine but its
echo plugins directory could not been found.
goto :ErrorExit
REM Assume hybrid installation
) else (
REM Set plugins path for hybrid installations
set "PluginsSrc=%AppData%\Notepad++\plugins"
set "PluginsDst=%NppDir%\plugins"
set "InstType=Hybrid"
:: Show menu where user can choose to migrate the local or hybrid installation
:: found above or to migrate an additional portable installation
echo There has been found a Notepad++ installation at
echo "%NppDir%"
echo Please select an option:
echo a) Migrate the plugins of this installation
echo b) Migrate the plugins of an additional portable installation
echo Press A+ENTER to migrate the installation found and B+ENTER to migrate a
echo portable installation. Press only ENTER to exit.
set "KbInput="
set /p "KbInput=Your choice: "
::In case user pressed only ENTER, terminate script
if "%KbInput%" equ "" (
goto :UserExit
::In case user choosed to migrate the local or hybrid installation found above,
::restart script with elevated user rights
if /i "%KbInput%" equ "A" (
call :RestartElevated "%PluginsSrc%" "%PluginsDst%" "%InstType%"
goto :RestartExit
::In case user choosed to migrate an additional local installation, jump to input
::query for its path
if /i "%KbInput%" equ "B" (
goto :PromptForPortableInstallation2
::In all other cases show menu again
goto :SelectMigrationType
:: Show input query to retrieve path of a portable installation to migrate
echo There has been no local or hybrid installation of Notepad++ found on this
echo machine. If you run a portable installation of Notepad++ please enter the
echo complete path to its directory (without quotes). If you want to exit press
echo only ENTER.
goto :InputPortableInstallation
echo Please enter the complete path to the directory of your portable Notepad++
echo installation (without quotes). If you want to exit press only ENTER.
set "InstType=Portable"
set "NppDir="
set /p "NppDir=Enter path: "
::In case user pressed only ENTER, terminate script
if "%NppDir%" equ "" (
goto :UserExit
::In case user provided a non-existent directory or the directory doesn't contain
::a portable installation, terminate script
if not exist "%NppDir%\doLocalConf.xml" (
echo This directory doesn't look like the home of a portable installation,
echo aborting plugin migration.
goto :ErrorExit
:: Set old and new plugins path according to installation type "Portable"
set "PluginsSrc=%NppDir%\plugins"
set "PluginsDst=%NppDir%\plugins"
:: Do some error checkings
::Check if source and destination directories exist
dir /b /a:d "%PluginsSrc%" 1>NUL 2>NUL || (
echo Directory "%PluginsSrc%" not found, aborting plugin migration.
goto :ErrorExit
dir /b /a:d "%PluginsDst%" 1>NUL 2>NUL || (
echo Directory "%PluginsDst%" not found, aborting plugin migration.
goto :ErrorExit
:: Move plugins and companion files to new plugins location
::In case of a portable, hybrid or prior v7.6 local installation we have to create
::the new plugin directory structure
if /i "%InstType:~0,9%" neq "Localv7.6" (
for %%a in ("%PluginsSrc%\*.dll") do (
echo ===============================================================================
echo Processing plugin %%~na
echo ===============================================================================
REM Process directory under "plugins" related to current plugin
REM If it already exists move it one level down in directory hierarchy
dir /b /a:d "%PluginsDst%\%%~na" 1>NUL 2>NUL && (
echo ---- Move directory ----
echo "%PluginsDst%\%%~na"
echo to
echo "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\%%~na"
move "%PluginsDst%\%%~na" "%PluginsDst%\%%~na_MigTemp" 1>NUL
md "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\%%~na" 1>NUL
xcopy /eikqy "%PluginsDst%\%%~na_MigTemp\*.*" "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\%%~na" 1>NUL
rd /s /q "%PluginsDst%\%%~na_MigTemp" 1>NUL
) || (
dir /b /a:d "%PluginsSrc%\%%~na" 1>NUL 2>NUL && (
echo ---- Move directory ----
echo "%PluginsSrc%\%%~na"
echo to
echo "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\%%~na"
md "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\%%~na" 1>NUL
xcopy /eikqy "%PluginsSrc%\%%~na\*.*" "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\%%~na" 1>NUL
rd /s /q "%PluginsSrc%\%%~na" 1>NUL
REM Process directory under "plugins\doc" related to current plugin
dir /b /a:d "%PluginsSrc%\doc\%%~na" 1>NUL 2>NUL && (
echo ---- Move directory ----
echo "%PluginsSrc%\doc\%%~na"
echo to
echo "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\doc\%%~na"
md "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\doc\%%~na" 1>NUL 2>NUL
xcopy /eikqy "%PluginsSrc%\doc\%%~na\*.*" "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\doc\%%~na" 1>NUL
rd /s /q "%PluginsSrc%\doc\%%~na" 1>NUL
REM Process files under "plugins\doc" related to current plugin
dir /b /a:-d "%PluginsSrc%\doc\%%~na*.*" 1>NUL 2>NUL && (
echo ---- Move files ----
echo "%PluginsSrc%\doc\%%~na*.*"
echo to
echo "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\doc"
md "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\doc" 1>NUL 2>NUL
move "%PluginsSrc%\doc\%%~na*.*" "%PluginsDst%\%%~na\doc" 1>NUL
REM Process plugin DLL file
echo ---- Move file ----
echo "%%~a"
echo to
echo "%PluginsDst%\%%~na"
md "%PluginsDst%\%%~na" 1>NUL 2>NUL
move "%%~a" "%PluginsDst%\%%~na" 1>NUL
REM In case of a v7.6 or above local installation we only have to move the
REM already existing plugin directory structure
) else (
for /d %%a in ("%PluginsSrc%\*.*") do (
echo ===============================================================================
echo Processing plugin %%~nxa
echo ===============================================================================
echo ---- Move directory ----
echo "%PluginsSrc%\%%~nxa"
echo to
echo "%PluginsDst%\%%~nxa"
md "%PluginsDst%\%%~nxa" 1>NUL
xcopy /eikqy "%PluginsSrc%\%%~nxa\*.*" "%PluginsDst%\%%~nxa" 1>NUL
rd /s /q "%PluginsSrc%\%%~nxa" 1>NUL
:: Final message
echo Plugin migration finished
set /a ExitCode=0
goto :CleanUp
:: Exit points for different cases
echo Aborted by user 1>&2
set /a ExitCode=1
goto :CleanUp
echo Something went wrong 1>&2
set /a ExitCode=3
goto :CleanUp
set /a ExitCode=2
goto :Terminate
:: Cleanup and termination
del "%VBScript%" 1>NUL 2>NUL
goto :Quit
exit /b %ExitCode%
:: Subroutines
echo *******************************************************************************
echo This script moves the DLL and companion files of all Notepad++ plugins
echo from their current loction to the new plugin folder of Notepad++ v7.6.3
echo Please note
echo -----------
echo This script uses a generic algorithm to do this task. There may be files
echo and/or directories at the current location which you have to move manually
echo to the new location. There may also be files and/or directories which get
echo moved by the script but which would have to stay at their current location.
echo This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
echo ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
echo FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The author is not responsible for any damage caused
echo by running this script. It is highly recommended to back up the directories
echo processed by this script and any critical data you may have stored on your
echo. hard disk.
echo *******************************************************************************
set "KbInput="
set /p "KbInput=Press ENTER to continue and E+ENTER to exit: "
if /i "%KbInput%" equ "E" exit /b 1
exit /b 0
set "PluginsSrc=%~1"
set "PluginsDst=%~2"
set "InstType=%~3"
if "%PluginsSrc%" equ "" exit /b 0
if "%PluginsDst%" equ "" exit /b 1
if "%InstType%" equ "" exit /b 1
exit /b 2
chcp 1252 > NUL
> "%VBScript%" echo.Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
>>"%VBScript%" echo.Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
>>"%VBScript%" echo.
>>"%VBScript%" echo.strApplication = "cmd.exe"
>>"%VBScript%" echo.strArguments = "/c """"" ^& objFSO.BuildPath("%~dp0", "%~nx0") ^& """ ""%~1"" ""%~2"" ""%~3"""""
>>"%VBScript%" echo.
>>"%VBScript%" echo.objShell.ShellExecute strApplication, strArguments, "", "runas", 1
chcp 850 > NUL
cscript /nologo "%VBScript%"
exit /b 0
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