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// Argument-converted Sass Functions
@function fpAppend($item, $list) {
@return append($list, $item);
@function fpJoin($list2, $list1) {
@return join($list1, $list2);
@function fpNth($list, $item) {
@return nth($item, $list);
// convenience type-checking functions
@function is_list($val) {@return type-of($val) == list;}
@function is_color($val) {@return type-of($val) == color;}
@function is_string($val) {@return type-of($val) == string;}
@function is_boolean($val) {@return type-of($val) == boolean;}
@function is_number($val) {@return type-of($val) == number;}
@function is_null($val) {@return type-of($val) == null;}
@function is_map($val) {@return type-of($val) == map;}
// String Functions
@function prefixStr($prefix, $str){
@return '#{$prefix}#{$str}';
@function suffixStr($suffix, $str){
@return '#{$str}#{$suffix}';
@function repeat-into-list($times, $item) {
$result: ();
@for $i from 1 through $times {
$result: append($result, $item);
@return $result;
// converts a string to a list by splitting on a passed string
// explode('-', 'selector-one'); => ('selector', 'one')
@function explode($separator, $str) {
$result: ();
$sep-length: str-length($separator);
$index: str-index($str, $separator);
@while $index != null {
$item: str-slice($str, 1, $index - 1);
$result: append($result, $item);
$str: str-slice($str, $index + $sep-length);
$index: str-index($str, $separator);
$result: append($result, $str);
@return $result;
// converts a list to a string with a passed string
// implode('-', ('selector', 'one')); => 'selector-one'
@function implode($glue: '', $list: ()) {
$result: null;
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
$appendor: if($i != length($list), $glue, '');
$item: suffixStr($appendor, nth($list, $i));
$result: suffixStr($item, $result);
@return $result;
// allows for getting at nested attributes in a Sass map
// ensures a null return for any unrecognized paths
// $colors: (header:(one: #333, two: #444), footer: #666);
// prop('header.two', $colors); => #444
// prop('footer', $colors); => #666
// prop('body', $colors); => null
@function prop($path, $map) {
$keys: explode('.', $path);
@each $key in $keys {
@if not is_map($map) {
$map: (_mt_: null);
$map: map-get($map, $key);
@return $map;
// allows for merging deeply nested maps
@function assign($parent-map, $child-map) {
$result: $parent-map;
@each $key, $value in $child-map {
@if (not map-has-key($result, $key)) or (type-of(map-get($result, $key)) != type-of($value)) or (not (type-of(map-get($result, $key)) == map and type-of($value) == map)) {
$result: map-merge($result, ($key: $value));
@else {
$result: map-merge($result, ($key: assign(map-get($result, $key), $value)));
@return $result;
// takes a value and appends the supplied unit
// $x: 50;
// applyUnit(px, $x); => 50px
// applyUnit(em, $x); => 50em
@function applyUnit($unit, $val) {
@return unquote('#{$val}#{$unit}');
// shortcut function to apply px unit
@function px($val) {
@return applyUnit('px', $val);
// shortcut function to apply em unit
@function em($val) {
@return applyUnit('em', $val);
// shortcut function to apply vw unit
@function vw($val) {
@return applyUnit('vw', $val);
// shortcut function to apply vh unit
@function vh($val) {
@return applyUnit('vh', $val);
// shortcut function to apply rem unit
@function rem($val) {
@return applyUnit('rem', $val);
// accepts a function name, a list, and an initial value.
// outputs the accumulated result of running the function on each list member
@function reduce($callback, $initial, $list) {
$accumulated: $initial;
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
$accumulated: call($callback, $accumulated, nth($list, $i));
@return $accumulated;
// returns either a null if the predicaste when false
// or the $item back when true
@function filterItem($predicateFn, $item) {
@return if(call($predicateFn, $item), $item, null);
// accepts a predicate and a list
// outputs a new list consisting of all the members of the initial list for which the predicate is true
@function filter($predicate, $list) {
$accumulated: ();
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
$accumulated: append($accumulated, filterItem($predicate, nth($list, $i)));
@return $accumulated;
// accepts a function name and a list.
// outputs a new list where each member has had the function run against it
@function map($fn, $list) {
$accumulated: ();
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
$accumulated: append($accumulated, call($fn, nth($list, $i)));
@return $accumulated;
// returns a part of a list from a start value to an end
@function slice($start, $end, $list) {
$accumulated: ();
@for $i from $start through $end {
$accumulated: append($accumulated, nth($list, $i));
@return $accumulated;
// returns the first member of a list
@function head($list) {
@return nth($list, 1);
// returns all but the first member of a list
@function tail($list) {
@return slice(2, length($list), $list);
// returns all but the last member of a list
@function init($list) {
@return slice(1, length($list) - 1, $list);
// returns the last member of a list
@function last($list) {
@return nth($list, length($list));
// flattens a list
@function flatten($list...) {
// compose and pipe can pass these along as arguments
// so this is a 'preflight' step to ensure the input is a list
@return _flatten($list);
// internal method that actually does the flattening
@function _flatten($list) {
$result: ();
@each $item in $list {
@if is_list($item) {
$flatten: _flatten($item);
@each $i in $flatten {
$result: append($result, $i);
@else {
$result: append($result, $item);
@return $result;
// internal
// accepts a single function name or
// list where the first member is a function name.
// outputs the result of function call
@function _item-fn-call($fnName, $input) {
$fn: head($fnName);
@if is_list($fnName) {
$input: append(tail($fnName), $input);
@return call($fn, $input...);
// accepts a list of function names and initial data.
// outputs the result of each of the functions being run
// on the successive results from first to last
@function pipe($params...) {
$args: head($params);
$function-list: init($args);
$result: last($args);
@each $item in $function-list {
$result: _item-fn-call($item, $result);
@return $result;
// same as pipe function, but runs in reverse order
@function compose($params...) {
$args: head($params);
$function-list: init($args);
$result: last($args);
@for $i from length($function-list) * -1 through -1 {
$item: nth($function-list, abs($i));
$result: _item-fn-call($item, $result);
@return $result;
// Mathematical Functions
@function add($x, $y) {
@return $x + $y;
@function multiply($x, $y) {
@return $x * $y;
@function subtract($x, $y) {
@return $x - $y;
@function divide($x, $y) {
@return $x / $y;
@function percent($x, $y) {
@return percentage(divide($x, $y));
@function square($x) {
@return multiply($x, $x);
@function double($x) {
@return add($x, $x);
@function inc($x) {
@return add($x, 1);
@function dec($x) {
@return subtract($x, 1);
// sum is a reduce using the 'add' function with a 0 initial value
@function sum($num-list...) {
@return reduce(add, 0, $num-list);
// allows for the raising of a positive number to a certain power
// power(20, 2) * 1px; => 400px
@function power($num: 1, $exponent: 1) {
$list: repeat-into-list($exponent, $num);
@return reduce(multiply, 1, $list);
// takes a decimal number and limits its significant digits to the value of the 2nd argument passed. defaults to 2
// to-decimal-places(33.33333) => 33.33
// to-decimal-places(33.33333, 1) => 33.3
@function to-decimal-places($base-number, $digits: 2) {
@return floor($base-number * power(10, $digits)) / power(10, $digits);
@function darkenbyten($color) {
@return darken($color, 10%);
@function gt5($val) {
@return $val > 5;
.test {
content: (null null 'abd' null);
content: filter(gt5, (4,5,6,7));
content: compose(
(map, darkenbyten),
(#fff, red, (#222, (#333, #444), #555, (#666, #777)))
content: pipe(
(map, square),
content: compose(
sum, // could be replaced with (reduce, add, 0)
(map, square),
content: compose(
(prefixStr, '.'),
(implode, '-'),
(fpJoin, ('xyz', 'asdf')),
(join, 'abc'),
('a', 'b', 'c')
content: reduce(prefixStr, '.', ('alex', 'billy', 'charlie'));
content: to-decimal-places(33.33333, 1);
content: compose(
(multiply, 1/10),
(reduce, multiply, 1),
(33.33333, 10)
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