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Created February 1, 2018 11:58
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type vec =
{ off : int option
; len : int option }
type 'a state = 'a Lavoisier.state
type encoder = Lavoisier.encoder
type bigstring = Lavoisier.bigstring
type 'a t =
{ run : 'r. (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> 'a -> 'r state }
type 'a s =
{ sub : 'r. (encoder -> 'r state) -> encoder -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'a -> 'r state }
let char : char t = { run = fun k e v -> Lavoisier.write_char v k e }
let int8 : int t = { run = fun k e v -> Lavoisier.write_uint8 v k e }
let beint16 : int t = { run = fun k e v -> Lavoisier.BE.write_uint16 v k e }
let beint32 : int32 t = { run = fun k e v -> Lavoisier.BE.write_uint32 v k e }
let beint64 : int64 t = { run = fun k e v -> Lavoisier.BE.write_uint64 v k e }
let leint16 : int t = { run = fun k e v -> Lavoisier.LE.write_uint16 v k e }
let leint32 : int32 t = { run = fun k e v -> Lavoisier.LE.write_uint32 v k e }
let leint64 : int64 t = { run = fun k e v -> Lavoisier.LE.write_uint64 v k e }
let bool : bool t = { run = fun k e -> function
| true -> k e '1'
| false -> k e '0' }
let substring : string s = { sub = fun k e ?off ?len v -> Lavoisier.write_string ?off ?len v k e }
let subbytes : bytes s = { sub = fun k e ?off ?len v -> Lavoisier.write_bytes ?off ?len v k e }
let subbigstring : bigstring s = { sub = fun k e ?off ?len v -> Lavoisier.write_bigstring ?off ?len v k e }
let blitter length blit : _ s = { sub = fun k e ?off ?len v ->
Lavoisier.write k ~blit ~length ?off ?len v e }
let whole (a : 'v s) : 'v t = { run = fun k e v -> a.sub ?off:None ?len:None k e v }
let sub (a : 'v s) : (vec * 'v) t = { run = fun k e ({ off; len; }, v) -> a.sub ?off ?len k e v }
let string : string t = whole substring
let bytes : bytes t = whole subbytes
let bigstring : bigstring t = whole subbigstring
let list ?sep a : 'a list t =
let sep k e = match sep with
| None -> k e
| Some a -> k e () in
let rec run k e : _ list -> _ state = function
| [] -> k e
| [ x ] -> k e x
| x :: r -> (sep (fun e -> run k e r)) e x in
{ run }
let nop = { run = fun k e _ -> k e }
let option f : 'a option t =
{ run = fun k e -> function
| Some v -> k e v
| None -> k e }
let compose f g = { run = fun k e (x, y) -> (fun e -> k e y) e x }
let using a f =
{ run = fun k e v -> k e (f v) }
let map a f =
{ run = fun k e v -> (f a).run k e v }
let const a v =
{ run = fun k e () -> k e v }
let ( >>= ) = map
let ( >>| ) = using
let ( <*> ) = compose
let ( <!> ) = const
let prefix p r =
{ run = fun k e v -> (fun e -> k e v) e () }
let suffix s r =
{ run = fun k e v -> (fun e -> k e ()) e v }
let ( <+> ) r s = suffix s r
let l_brack = string <!> "["
let r_brack = string <!> "]"
let l_paren = string <!> "("
let r_paren = string <!> ")"
let l_brace = string <!> "{"
let r_brace = string <!> "}"
let newline = int8 <!> 0x0a
let flush a = { run = fun k e v -> (fun e -> Lavoisier.flush k e) e v }
let bracks a = a >>= prefix l_brack >>= suffix r_brack
let parens a = a >>= prefix l_paren >>= suffix r_paren
let braces a = a >>= prefix l_brace >>= suffix r_brace
let dquote = char <!> '"'
let comma = char <!> ','
type json =
[ `Null
| `Bool of bool
| `Float of float
| `String of string
| `A of json list
| `O of (string * json) list ]
let rec json : json t =
{ run = fun k e -> function
| `Null -> k e "null"
| `Bool true -> k e "true"
| `Bool false -> k e "false"
| `Float f -> k e (Fmt.strf "%.16g" f)
| `String s -> (string >>= prefix dquote >>= suffix dquote).run k e s
| `A arr -> (list ~sep:comma json >>= bracks).run k e arr
| `O ass -> (list ~sep:comma (binding json) >>= braces).run k e ass }
and binding mu = (string >>= prefix dquote >>= suffix dquote) <+> (char <!> ':') <*> mu
let keval
: 'v 'r. (encoder -> 'r state) -> (Lavoisier.IOVec.t list -> int) -> encoder -> 'v t -> 'v -> 'r
= fun k w e t v ->
let rec go = function
| Lavoisier.End v -> v
| Lavoisier.Continue { continue; encoder; } ->
continue encoder |> go
| Lavoisier.Flush { continue; iovecs; } ->
let len = w iovecs in
continue len |> go in k e v |> go
let eval w e t v = keval (fun e -> Lavoisier.End ()) w e (flush t) v
module Option =
type 'a t = 'a option
let map_default default f = function
| Some v -> f v
| None -> default
module Queue =
type 'a digit =
| Zero
| One of 'a
| Two of 'a * 'a
| Three of 'a * 'a * 'a
type 'a t =
| Shallow of 'a digit
| Deep of { s : int
; f : 'a digit
; m : ('a * 'a) t Lazy.t
; r : 'a digit }
let empty = Shallow Zero
exception Empty
let _one x = Shallow (One x)
let _two x y = Shallow (Two (x, y))
let _deep s f m r =
assert (f <> Zero && r <> Zero);
Deep { s; f; m; r; }
let is_empty = function
| Shallow Zero -> true
| Shallow (One _ | Two _ | Three _) | Deep _ -> false
let _empty = Lazy.from_val empty
let rec push : 'a. 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t
= fun q x -> match q with
| Shallow Zero -> _one x
| Shallow (One y) -> Shallow (Two (y, x))
| Shallow (Two (y, z)) -> Shallow (Three (y, z, x))
| Shallow (Three (y, z, z')) ->
_deep 4 (Two (y, z)) _empty (Two (z', x))
| Deep { r = Zero; _ } -> assert false
| Deep { s; f; m; r = One y; } ->
_deep (s + 1) f m (Two (y, x))
| Deep { s; f; m; r = Two (y, z) } ->
_deep (s + 1) f m (Three (y, z, x))
| Deep { s; f; m = lazy q'; r = Three (y, z, z') } ->
_deep (s + 1) f (lazy (push q' (y, z))) (Two (z', x))
let map_last_digit f = function
| Zero -> Zero
| One x -> One (f x)
| Two (x, y) -> Two (x, f y)
| Three (x, y, z) -> Three (x, y, f z)
let map_last : 'a. ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t
= fun f -> function
| Shallow v ->
Shallow (map_last_digit f v)
| Deep ({ r; _ } as deep) ->
Deep { deep with r = map_last_digit f r }
let rec shift : 'a. 'a t -> ('a * 'a t)
= fun q -> match q with
| Shallow Zero -> raise Empty
| Shallow (One x) -> x, empty
| Shallow (Two (x, y)) -> x, Shallow (One y)
| Shallow (Three (x, y, z)) -> x, Shallow (Two (y, z))
| Deep { f = Zero; _ } -> assert false
| Deep { s; f = One x; m = lazy q'; r; } ->
if is_empty q'
then x, Shallow r
let (y, z), q' = shift q' in
x, _deep (s - 1) (Two (y, z)) (Lazy.from_val q') r
| Deep { s; f = Two (x, y); m; r; } ->
x, _deep (s - 1) (One y) m r
| Deep { s; f = Three (x, y, z); m; r; } ->
x, _deep (s - 1) (Two (y, z)) m r
let rec cons : 'a. 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t
= fun q x -> match q with
| Shallow Zero -> Shallow (One x)
| Shallow (One y) -> Shallow (Two (x, y))
| Shallow (Two (y, z)) -> Shallow (Three (x, y, z))
| Shallow (Three (y, z, z')) ->
_deep 4 (Two (x, y)) _empty (Two (z, z'))
| Deep { f = Zero; _ } -> assert false
| Deep { s; f = One y; m; r; } ->
_deep (s + 1) (Two (x, y)) m r
| Deep { s; f = Two (y, z); m; r; } ->
_deep (s + 1) (Three (x, y, z)) m r
| Deep { s; f = Three (y, z, z'); m = lazy q'; r; } ->
_deep (s + 1) (Two (x, y)) (lazy (cons q' (z, z'))) r
let _digit_to_seq d k = match d with
| Zero -> ()
| One x -> k x
| Two (x, y) -> k x; k y
| Three (x, y, z) -> k x; k y; k z
type 'a sequence = ('a -> unit) -> unit
let rec to_seq : 'a. 'a t -> 'a sequence
= fun q k -> match q with
| Shallow d -> _digit_to_seq d k
| Deep { f; m = lazy q'; r; _ } ->
_digit_to_seq f k;
to_seq q' (fun (x, y) -> k x; k y);
_digit_to_seq r k
let iter f q = to_seq q f
let _fold_digit f acc d = match d with
| Zero -> acc
| One x -> f acc x
| Two (x, y) -> f (f acc x) y
| Three (x, y, z) -> f (f (f acc x) y) z
let rec fold : 'a 'b. ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a t -> 'b
= fun func acc q -> match q with
| Shallow d -> _fold_digit func acc d
| Deep { f; m = lazy q'; r; _ } ->
let acc = _fold_digit func acc f in
let acc = fold (fun acc (x, y) -> func (func acc x) y) acc q' in
_fold_digit func acc r
let to_list q =
let l = ref [] in
to_seq q (fun x -> l := x :: !l);
List.rev !l
let of_list l =
List.fold_left push empty l
let pp ppv ppf q = ppf "[ %a ]"
(Fmt.hvbox (Fmt.list ~sep:(Fmt.unit ";@ ") ppv)) (to_list q)
module type VALUE =
type t
val weight : t -> int
val merge : t -> t -> t option
val pequal : t -> t -> bool
val pp : t Fmt.t
module RBQ (V : VALUE) =
type t =
{ c : int
; w : int
; l : value option
; q : value Queue.t }
and value = V.t
let make capacity =
{ c = capacity
; w = 0
; l = None
; q = Queue.empty }
let pp ppf { c; w; l; q; } = ppf "{ @[<hov>c = %d;@ \
w = %d;@ \
l = %a;@ \
q = %a;@] }"
c w
(Fmt.option ~none:(Fmt.const Fmt.string "<none>") (Fmt.always "<some>")) l
(Fmt.hvbox (Queue.pp V.pp)) q
let available t =
t.c - t.w
let push t v =
let w = t.w + V.weight v in
if w > t.c
then Error t
else match Option.map_default false (V.pequal v) t.l with
| true ->
let updated = ref false in
let q = Queue.map_last
(fun v' -> match V.merge v' v with
| Some v'' -> updated := true; v''
| None -> v')
t.q in
Ok { t with w; l = Some v; q = if not !updated then Queue.push q v else q }
| false ->
Ok { t with w; l = Some v; q = Queue.push t.q v }
let shift t = match Queue.shift t.q with
| (v, q) -> Some v, { t with w = t.w - V.weight v
; q }
| exception Queue.Empty -> None, t
let cons t v =
let w = t.w + V.weight v in
if w > t.c
then Error t
else Ok { t with w; q = Queue.cons t.q v }
let cons_exn t v =
{ t with w = t.w + V.weight v; q = Queue.cons t.q v }
let weight t =
Queue.fold (fun acc x -> acc + V.weight x) 0 t.q
let to_list t =
Queue.to_list t.q
type bigstring = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
let pp_chr =
(function '\032' .. '\126' as x -> x
| _ -> '.')
let pp_scalar : type buffer. get:(buffer -> int -> char) -> length:(buffer -> int) -> buffer Fmt.t
= fun ~get ~length ppf b ->
let l = length b in
for i = 0 to l / 16
do ppf "%08x: " (i * 16);
let j = ref 0 in
while !j < 16
do if (i * 16) + !j < l
then ppf "%02x" (Char.code @@ get b ((i * 16) + !j))
else ppf " ";
if !j mod 2 <> 0 then ppf " ";
incr j;
done; ppf " ";
j := 0;
while !j < 16
do if (i * 16) + !j < l
then ppf "%a" pp_chr (get b ((i * 16) + !j))
else ppf " ";
incr j;
done; ppf "@\n"
let pp_string = pp_scalar ~get:String.get ~length:String.length
let pp_bytes = pp_scalar ~get:Bytes.get ~length:Bytes.length
let pp_bigstring = pp_scalar ~get:Bigarray.Array1.get ~length:Bigarray.Array1.dim
module RBA =
type t =
{ r : int
; w : int
; c : int
; b : bigstring }
let is_power_of_two x =
(x <> 0) && ((x land (lnot x + 1)) = x)
let create capacity =
if not (is_power_of_two capacity)
then invalid_arg "RBA.create: the capacity need to be a power of two";
{ r = 0
; w = 0
; c = capacity
; b = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout capacity }
let mask t v = v land (t.c - 1)
let empty t = t.r = t.w
let size t = t.w - t.r
let available t = t.c - size t
let full t = size t = t.c
let pp ppf ({ r; w; c; b; } as t) =
let pp_rb r w m ppf b =
if (mask t r) < (mask t w)
then ppf "%a"
(Fmt.hvbox pp_bigstring)
(Bigarray.Array1.sub b (mask t r) (w - r))
else if empty t
then ppf "<empty>"
else ppf "@[<hov>%a and %a@]"
(Fmt.hvbox pp_bigstring) (Bigarray.Array1.sub b (mask t r) (m - (mask t r)))
(Fmt.hvbox pp_bigstring) (Bigarray.Array1.sub b 0 (mask t w))
in ppf
"{ @[<hov>r = %d;@ \
w = %d;@ \
c = %d;@ \
b = %a;@] }"
r w c (Fmt.hvbox (pp_rb r w c)) b
let push t v =
assert (not (full t));
Bigarray.Array1.set t.b (mask t t.w) v;
{ t with w = t.w + 1 }
let shift t _ =
assert (not (empty t));
let r = Bigarray.Array1.get t.b (mask t t.r) in
r, { t with r = t.r + 1 }
module N =
let push t ~blit ~length ?(off = 0) ?len v =
let len = match len with
| None -> length v
| Some len -> len
assert (available t >= len);
let pre = t.c - mask t t.w in
let extra = len - pre in
let areas =
if extra > 0
then begin
blit v off t.b (mask t t.w) pre;
blit v (off + pre) t.b 0 extra;
[ Bigarray.Array1.sub t.b (mask t t.w) pre
; Bigarray.Array1.sub t.b 0 extra ]
end else begin
blit v off t.b (mask t t.w) len;
[ Bigarray.Array1.sub t.b (mask t t.w) len ]
areas, { t with w = t.w + len }
let keep t ~blit ~length ?(off = 0) ?len v =
let len = match len with
| None -> length v
| Some len -> len
assert (size t >= len);
let pre = t.c - mask t t.r in
let extra = len - pre in
if extra > 0
then begin
blit t.b (mask t t.r) v off pre;
blit t.b 0 v (off + pre) extra;
end else
blit t.b (mask t t.r) v off len
let shift t len =
assert (size t >= len);
{ t with r = t.r + len }
module Buffer =
type t =
[ `Bigstring of bigstring
| `String of string
| `Bytes of Bytes.t ]
let weight = function
| `Bigstring raw -> Bigarray.Array1.dim raw
| `String raw -> String.length raw
| `Bytes raw -> Bytes.length raw
let ppw_bigstring ppf b =
let len = Bigarray.Array1.dim b in
for i = 0 to len - 1
do Fmt.char ppf (Bigarray.Array1.unsafe_get b i) done
let ppw ppf = function
| `Bigstring b -> ppw_bigstring ppf b
| `String b -> Fmt.string ppf b
| `Bytes b -> Fmt.string ppf (Bytes.unsafe_to_string b)
let pp ppf = function
| `Bigstring b -> ppf "(`Bigstring %a)"
(Fmt.hvbox pp_bigstring) b
| `Bytes b -> ppf "(`Bytes %a)"
(Fmt.hvbox pp_bytes) b
| `String b -> ppf "(`String %a)"
(Fmt.hvbox pp_string) b
let sub buffer off len = match buffer with
| `Bigstring b -> `Bigstring (Bigarray.Array1.sub b off len)
| `String b -> `String (String.sub b off len)
| `Bytes b -> `Bytes (Bytes.sub b off len)
(* XXX(dinosaure): this code checks if a [bs]] is a sub of [bt]. *)
let check bt bs =
let be = Bigarray.Array1.sub bt (Bigarray.Array1.dim bt) 0 in
let sub_ptr : int = Obj.magic @@ Obj.field (Obj.repr bs) 1 in
let raw_ptr : int = Obj.magic @@ Obj.field (Obj.repr bt) 1 in
let end_ptr : int = Obj.magic @@ Obj.field (Obj.repr be) 1 in
(sub_ptr >= raw_ptr && sub_ptr <= end_ptr)
module IOVec =
type t =
{ buffer : Buffer.t
; off : int
; len : int }
let weight { len; _ } = len
let make buffer off len =
{ buffer
; off
; len }
let length { len; _ } = len
let lengthv = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> length x + acc) 0
let shift { buffer; off; len; } n =
assert (n <= len);
{ buffer
; off = off + n
; len = len - n }
let split { buffer; off; len; } n =
assert (n <= len);
{ buffer = Buffer.sub buffer off n
; off = 0
; len = n },
{ buffer = Buffer.sub buffer (off + n) (len - n)
; off = 0
; len = len - n }
let xor a b = match a, b with
| true, true | false, false -> false
| true, false | false, true -> true
let pequal a b = match a, b with
| { buffer = `Bytes a; _ }, { buffer = `Bytes b; _ } -> a == b
| { buffer = `Bigstring a; _ }, { buffer = `Bigstring b; _ } -> a == b || (check a b <> check b a)
| _, _ -> false
let merge a b = match a, b with
| { buffer = `Bytes a'; _ }, { buffer = `Bytes b'; _ } ->
assert (a' == b');
if + a.len =
then Some { buffer = `Bytes a'; off =; len = a.len + b.len }
else None
| { buffer = `Bigstring a'; _ }, { buffer = `Bigstring b'; _ } ->
assert (a' == b' || (check a' b' <> check b' a'));
(match a' == b' with
| true ->
if + a.len =
then Some { buffer = `Bigstring a'; off =; len = a.len + b.len }
else None
| false -> None)
| _, _ -> None
let ppw ppf = function
| { buffer = `Bigstring b
; off
; len } -> Buffer.ppw_bigstring ppf (Bigarray.Array1.sub b off len)
| { buffer = `String b
; off
; len } -> Fmt.string ppf (String.sub b off len)
| { buffer = `Bytes b
; off
; len } -> Fmt.string ppf (Bytes.sub_string b off len)
let pp ppf { buffer; off; len; } = ppf "{ @[<hov>buffer = %a;@ \
off = %d;@ \
len = %d:@] }"
(Fmt.hvbox Buffer.pp) buffer off len
module RBS = RBQ(IOVec)
type encoder =
{ sched : RBS.t
; write : RBA.t
; flush : (int * (int -> encoder -> unit)) Queue.t
; written : int
; received : int }
let pp ppf { sched; write; _ } = ppf "{ @[<hov>sched = %a;@ \
write = %a;@] }"
(Fmt.hvbox RBS.pp) sched (Fmt.hvbox RBA.pp) write
type 'v state =
| Flush of { continue : int -> 'v state
; iovecs : IOVec.t list }
| Continue of { continue : encoder -> 'v state
; encoder : encoder }
| End of 'v
and 'v k = encoder -> 'v
let create len =
{ sched = RBS.make (len * 2)
; write = RBA.create len
; flush = Queue.empty
; written = 0
; received = 0 }
let check iovec t = match iovec with
| { IOVec.buffer = `Bigstring bigstring
; _ } ->
check t.write.RBA.b bigstring
| _ -> false
let shift_buffers n t =
let rec aux rest acc t = match RBS.shift t.sched with
| (Some iovec, shifted) ->
let len = IOVec.length iovec in
if rest > len
then aux (rest - len) (iovec :: acc)
{ t with sched = shifted
; write = if check iovec t
then RBA.N.shift t.write len
else t.write }
else if rest > 0
then let last, rest = IOVec.split iovec rest in
List.rev (last :: acc),
{ t with sched = RBS.cons_exn shifted rest
; write = if check iovec t
then RBA.N.shift t.write (IOVec.length last)
else t.write }
else List.rev acc, t
| (None, sched) ->
List.rev acc, { t with sched }
aux n [] t
let shift_flushes n t =
let rec aux t =
let (threshold, f), flush = Queue.shift t.flush in
if compare (t.written + n - min_int) (threshold - min_int) >= 0 (* unsigned int *)
then let () = f n { t with flush } in aux { t with flush }
else t
with Queue.Empty -> t
aux t
let shift n t =
let lst, t = shift_buffers n t in
lst, (shift_flushes (IOVec.lengthv lst) t |> fun t -> { t with written = t.written + n })
let has t =
RBS.weight t.sched
let drain drain t =
let rec go rest t = match RBS.shift t.sched with
| (Some iovec, shifted) ->
let len = IOVec.length iovec in
if rest > len
then go (rest - len) { t with sched = shifted
; write = if check iovec t
then RBA.N.shift t.write len
else t.write }
else { t with sched = RBS.cons_exn shifted (IOVec.shift iovec rest)
; write = if check iovec t
then RBA.N.shift t.write rest
else t.write }
| (None, sched) ->
assert (rest = 0);
{ t with sched }
go drain t |> fun t -> { t with written = t.written + drain }
let flush k t =
let t = shift_flushes (has t) t in
let continue n =
let t = drain n t in
k { t with written = t.written + n }
Flush { continue
; iovecs = RBS.to_list t.sched }
let continue continue encoder =
Continue { continue
; encoder }
let rec schedule k ~length ~buffer ?(off = 0) ?len v t =
let len = match len with
| Some len -> len
| None -> length v - off in
match RBS.push t.sched (IOVec.make (buffer v) off len) with
| Ok sched ->
continue k { t with sched
; received = t.received + len }
| Error _ ->
let max = RBS.available t.sched in
let k t = (schedule[@tailcall]) k ~length ~buffer ~off:(off + max) ~len:(len - max) v t in
schedule (flush k)
~length ~buffer ~off ~len:max v t
let schedule_string =
let length = String.length in
let buffer x = `String x in
fun k t ?(off = 0) ?len v -> schedule k ~length ~buffer ~off ?len v t
let schedule_bytes =
let length = Bytes.length in
let buffer x = `Bytes x in
fun k t ?(off = 0) ?len v -> schedule k ~length ~buffer ~off ?len v t
let schedule_bigstring =
let length = Bigarray.Array1.dim in
let buffer x = `Bigstring x in
fun k t ?(off = 0) ?len v -> schedule k ~length ~buffer ~off ?len v t
let schedule_flush f t =
{ t with flush = Queue.push t.flush (t.received, f) }
external identity : 'a -> 'a = "%identity"
let schedulev k l t =
let rec aux t = function
| [] -> continue k t
| (length, off, len, buffer) :: r ->
schedule (fun t -> (aux[@tailcall]) t r) ~length ?off ?len ~buffer:identity buffer t
in aux t l
let rec write k ~blit ~length ?(off = 0) ?len buffer t =
let len = match len with
| Some len -> len
| None -> length buffer - off in
(* XXX(dinosaure): we can factorize the first and the second branch. *)
if RBA.available t.write >= len
then begin
let areas, write = RBA.N.push t.write ~blit ~length ~off ~len buffer in
schedulev k
(fun x -> (function `Bigstring x -> Bigarray.Array1.dim x
| _ -> assert false),
Some 0,
`Bigstring x) areas)
{ t with write }
end else if RBA.available t.write > 0
then begin
let max = RBA.available t.write in
let k t = (write[@tailcall]) k ~blit ~length ~off:(off + max) ~len:(len - max) buffer t in
let areas, write = RBA.N.push t.write ~blit ~length ~off ~len:max buffer in
schedulev (flush k)
(fun x -> (function `Bigstring x -> Bigarray.Array1.dim x
| _ -> assert false),
Some 0,
`Bigstring x) areas)
{ t with write }
end else
let k t = (write[@tailcall]) k ~blit ~length ~off ~len buffer t in
flush k t
let writev k l t =
let rec aux t = function
| [] -> continue k t
| (blit, length, off, len, buffer) :: r ->
write (fun t -> (aux[@tailcall]) t r) ~blit ~length ?off ~len buffer t
in aux t l
let bigarray_blit_from_string src src_off dst dst_off len =
for i = 0 to len - 1
do Bigarray.Array1.unsafe_set
dst (dst_off + i)
(String.unsafe_get src (src_off + i)) done
let bigarray_blit_from_bytes src src_off dst dst_off len =
for i = 0 to len - 1
do Bigarray.Array1.unsafe_set
dst (dst_off + i)
(Bytes.unsafe_get src (src_off + i)) done
let bigarray_blit src src_off dst dst_off len =
Bigarray.Array1.(blit (sub src src_off len) (sub dst dst_off len))
let bigarray_blit_to_bytes src src_off dst dst_off len =
for i = 0 to len - 1
do Bytes.set dst (dst_off + i)
(Bigarray.Array1.unsafe_get src (src_off + i)) done
let write_string =
let length = String.length in
let blit = bigarray_blit_from_string in
fun ?(off = 0) ?len a k t ->
write k ~blit ~length ~off ?len a t
let write_bytes =
let length = Bytes.length in
let blit = bigarray_blit_from_bytes in
fun ?(off = 0) ?len a k t ->
write k ~blit ~length ~off ?len a t
let write_bigstring =
let length = Bigarray.Array1.dim in
let blit = bigarray_blit in
fun ?(off = 0) ?len a k t ->
write k ~blit ~length ~off ?len a t
let write_char =
let length _ = assert false in
let blit src src_off dst dst_off len =
assert (src_off = 0);
assert (len = 1);
EndianBigstring.BigEndian_unsafe.set_char dst dst_off src
fun a k t -> write k ~length ~blit ~off:0 ~len:1 a t
let write_uint8 =
let length _ = assert false in
let blit src src_off dst dst_off len =
assert (src_off = 0);
assert (len = 1);
EndianBigstring.BigEndian_unsafe.set_int8 dst dst_off src
fun a k t -> write k ~length ~blit ~off:0 ~len:1 a t
module type EndianBigstringSig = EndianBigstring.EndianBigstringSig
module type EndianBytesSig = EndianBytes.EndianBytesSig
module MakeE (EBigstring : EndianBigstringSig) =
let _length _ = assert false
let write_uint16 =
let length = _length in
let blit src src_off dst dst_off len =
assert (src_off = 0);
assert (len = 2);
EBigstring.set_int16 dst dst_off src
fun a k t -> write k ~length ~blit ~off:0 ~len:2 a t
let write_uint32 =
let length = _length in
let blit src src_off dst dst_off len =
assert (src_off = 0);
assert (len = 4);
EBigstring.set_int32 dst dst_off src
fun a k t -> write k ~length ~blit ~off:0 ~len:4 a t
let write_uint64 =
let length = _length in
let blit src src_off dst dst_off len =
assert (src_off = 0);
assert (len = 8);
EBigstring.set_int64 dst dst_off src
fun a k t -> write k ~length ~blit ~off:0 ~len:8 a t
module LE = MakeE(EndianBigstring.LittleEndian_unsafe)
module BE = MakeE(EndianBigstring.BigEndian_unsafe)
module Queue:
type +'a t
exception Empty
val empty: 'a t
val is_empty: 'a t -> bool
val push: 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t
val map_last: ('a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t
val shift: 'a t -> ('a * 'a t)
val cons: 'a t -> 'a -> 'a t
val iter: ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
val fold: ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a t -> 'b
val to_list: 'a t -> 'a list
val of_list: 'a list -> 'a t
val pp: 'a Fmt.t -> 'a t Fmt.t
module type VALUE =
type t
val weight: t -> int
val merge: t -> t -> t option
val pequal: t -> t -> bool
val pp: t Fmt.t
module RBQ (V: VALUE):
type t
type value = V.t
val make: int -> t
val pp: t Fmt.t
val available: t -> int
val push: t -> value -> (t, t) result
val shift: t -> value option * t
val cons: t -> value -> (t, t) result
val cons_exn: t -> value -> t
val weight: t -> int
val to_list: t -> value list
type bigstring = (char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
module RBA:
type t
val create: int -> t
val mask: t -> int -> int
val empty: t -> bool
val size: t -> int
val available: t -> int
val full: t -> bool
val pp: t Fmt.t
val push: t -> char -> t
val shift: t -> 'a -> char * t
module N:
val push: t -> blit:('buffer -> int -> bigstring -> int -> int -> unit) -> length:('buffer -> int) -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'buffer -> bigstring list * t
val keep: t -> blit:(bigstring -> int -> 'buffer -> int -> int -> unit) -> length:('buffer -> int) -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'buffer -> unit
val shift: t -> int -> t
module Buffer:
type t =
[ `Bigstring of bigstring
| `Bytes of Bytes.t
| `String of string ]
val weight: t -> int
val pp: t Fmt.t
val sub: t -> int -> int -> t
module IOVec:
type t = { buffer : Buffer.t; off : int; len : int; }
val weight: t -> int
val make: Buffer.t -> int -> int -> t
val length: t -> int
val lengthv: t list -> int
val shift: t -> int -> t
val split: t -> int -> t * t
val pequal: t -> t -> bool
val merge: t -> t -> t option
val pp: t Fmt.t
module RBS :
type t
val make: int -> t
val pp: t Fmt.t
val available: t -> int
val push: t -> IOVec.t -> (t, t) result
val shift: t -> IOVec.t option * t
val cons: t -> IOVec.t -> (t, t) result
val cons_exn: t -> IOVec.t -> t
val weight: t -> int
val to_list: t -> IOVec.t list
type encoder
val pp : encoder Fmt.t
type 'v state =
| Flush of { continue : int -> 'v state; iovecs : IOVec.t list; }
| Continue of { continue : encoder -> 'v state; encoder : encoder; }
| End of 'v
and 'v k = encoder -> 'v
val create: int -> encoder
val shift: int -> encoder -> IOVec.t list * encoder
val drain: int -> encoder -> encoder
val has: encoder -> int
val flush: (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val continue: (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val schedule:
(encoder -> 'a state) ->
length:('buffer -> int) ->
buffer:('buffer -> Buffer.t) ->
?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'buffer -> encoder -> 'a state
val schedule_string:
(encoder -> 'a state) ->
encoder -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> string -> 'a state
val schedule_bytes:
(encoder -> 'a state) ->
encoder -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bytes -> 'a state
val schedule_bigstring:
(encoder -> 'a state) ->
encoder -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> bigstring -> 'a state
val schedule_flush: (int -> encoder -> unit) -> encoder -> encoder
val schedulev:
(encoder -> 'a state) ->
((Buffer.t -> int) * int option * int option * Buffer.t) list ->
encoder -> 'a state
val write:
(encoder -> 'a state) ->
blit:('buffer -> int -> bigstring -> int -> int -> unit) ->
length:('buffer -> int) -> ?off:int -> ?len:int -> 'buffer -> encoder -> 'a state
val write_string:
?off:int ->
?len:int -> string -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val write_bytes:
?off:int ->
?len:int -> bytes -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val write_bigstring:
?off:int ->
?len:int -> bigstring -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val write_char: char -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val write_uint8: int -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
module LE:
val write_uint16: int -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val write_uint32: int32 -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val write_uint64: int64 -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
module BE :
val write_uint16: int -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val write_uint32: int32 -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
val write_uint64: int64 -> (encoder -> 'a state) -> encoder -> 'a state
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