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Created April 23, 2021 12:47
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let compress stdin stdout =
let jsonm = Jsonm.encoder `Manual in
let o = Bigstringaf.create De.io_buffer_size in
let i = Bytes.create De.io_buffer_size in
let t = Bigstringaf.create De.io_buffer_size in
let stop = ref false in
let rec encode gz = function
| `Partial ->
let len = Bytes.length i - Jsonm.Manual.dst_rem jsonm in
Bigstringaf.blit_from_bytes i ~src_off:0 t ~dst_off:0 ~len ;
Jsonm.Manual.dst jsonm i 0 (Bytes.length i) ;
compress (Gz.Def.src gz t 0 len)
| `Ok ->
match stdin () with
| `End ->
stop := true ; encode gz (Jsonm.encode jsonm `End)
| #Jsonm.lexeme as lexeme -> encode gz (Jsonm.encode jsonm (`Lexeme lexeme))
and compress gz = match Gz.Def.encode gz with
| `Await gz when not !stop -> encode gz (Jsonm.encode jsonm `Await)
| `Await gz ->
compress (Gz.Def.src gz De.bigstring_empty 0 0)
| `Flush gz ->
let len = Bigstringaf.length o - Gz.Def.dst_rem gz in
let tmp = Bigstringaf.substring o ~off:0 ~len in
stdout (Some tmp) ;
compress (Gz.Def.dst gz o 0 (Bigstringaf.length o))
| `End gz ->
let len = Bigstringaf.length o - Gz.Def.dst_rem gz in
let tmp = Bigstringaf.substring o ~off:0 ~len in
stdout (Some tmp) ;
stdout None in
let q = De.Queue.create 0x1000 in
let w = De.Lz77.make_window ~bits:15 in
let gz = Gz.Def.encoder `Manual `Manual ~mtime:0l Gz.Unix ~q ~w ~level:4 in
let gz = Gz.Def.dst gz o 0 (Bigstringaf.length o) in
Jsonm.Manual.dst jsonm i 0 (Bytes.length i) ;
encode gz `Ok
let unserialize stdin (stdout : [ `End | Jsonm.lexeme ] -> unit) =
let jsonm = Jsonm.decoder (`Channel stdin) in
let rec unserialize () = match Jsonm.decode jsonm with
| `Await -> assert false
| `Error error -> failwith "Bad JSON input!"
| `Lexeme lexeme ->
stdout (lexeme :> [ `End | Jsonm.lexeme ]) ;
unserialize ()
| `End ->
stdout `End in
unserialize ()
let () =
let q = Queue.create () in
unserialize stdin (fun lexeme -> Queue.push lexeme q) ;
match compress (fun () -> Queue.pop q) ( (output_string stdout)) with
| Some () -> assert false
| None -> ()
(* echo "[1]" | ./a.out | gzip -d --stdout *)
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