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Created November 13, 2019 11:12
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let ( <.> ) f g = fun x -> f (g x)
module Buffer : sig
type 'a t = private bytes
and 'a rd = < rd : unit; .. > as 'a
and 'a wr = < wr : unit; .. > as 'a
and ro = < rd: unit; >
and rdwr = < rd: unit; wr: unit; >
val ro : bytes -> ro t
val rdwr : bytes -> rdwr t
end = struct
type 'a t = bytes
and 'a rd = < rd : unit; .. > as 'a
and 'a wr = < wr : unit; .. > as 'a
and ro = < rd: unit; >
and rdwr = < rd: unit; wr: unit; >
let ro : bytes -> ro t = fun x -> x
let rdwr : bytes -> rdwr t = fun x -> x
let failwith fmt = Format.kasprintf failwith fmt
type encode =
| Done | Wr of { k : int -> encode; o : int; l : int; v : Buffer.t }
type 'a decode =
| Done of 'a | Rd of { k : int -> 'a decode; o : int; l : int; v : Buffer.rdwr Buffer.t }
(* GROUND *)
let io_buffer_size = 65536
type encoder =
{ payload : bytes
; mutable pos : int }
let make_encoder () =
{ payload= Bytes.create io_buffer_size
; pos= 0 }
let flush k0 encoder =
if encoder.pos > 0
let rec k1 n =
if n < encoder.pos
then Wr { k= (fun m -> k1 (n + m))
; o= n; l= encoder.pos - n
; v= encoder.payload }
else ( encoder.pos <- 0 ; k0 () ) in
k1 0
else k0 ()
let write encoder s =
let max = Bytes.length encoder.payload in
let go j l encoder =
let rem = max - encoder.pos in
let len = if l > rem then rem else l in
Bytes.blit_string s j encoder.payload encoder.pos len ;
if len < l then assert false in
go 0 (String.length s) encoder
type decoder =
{ buffer : bytes
; mutable pos : int
; mutable max : int }
let make_decoder () =
{ buffer= Bytes.create io_buffer_size
; pos= 0
; max= 0 }
let at_least_one_line decoder =
let pos = ref decoder.pos in
let chr = ref '\000' in
let has_cr = ref false in
while !pos < decoder.max
&& ( chr := Bytes.get decoder.buffer !pos
; not (!chr = '\n' && !has_cr) )
do has_cr := !chr = '\r' ; incr pos done ;
!pos < decoder.max && !chr = '\n' && !has_cr
let safe k decoder : 'v decode =
try k decoder with exn -> assert false
let prompt k decoder =
if decoder.pos > 0
( let rest = decoder.max - decoder.pos in
Bytes.blit decoder.buffer decoder.pos decoder.buffer 0 rest ;
decoder.max <- rest ;
decoder.pos <- 0 ) ;
let rec go off =
if off = Bytes.length decoder.buffer
then assert false
else if not (at_least_one_line { decoder with max= off })
then Rd { k= (fun len -> go (off + len))
; o= off; l= Bytes.length decoder.buffer - off
; v= Buffer.rdwr decoder.buffer }
( decoder.max <- off
; safe k decoder ) in
go decoder.max
let end_of_input decoder = decoder.max
let peek_while_eol decoder =
let idx = ref decoder.pos in
let chr = ref '\000' in
let has_cr = ref false in
while !idx < end_of_input decoder
&& ( chr := Bytes.get decoder.buffer !idx
; not (!chr = '\n' && !has_cr) )
do has_cr := !chr = '\r' ; incr idx done ;
if !idx < end_of_input decoder && !chr = '\n' && !has_cr
then decoder.buffer, decoder.pos, !idx + 1 - decoder.pos
else assert false
let line k decoder =
let raw_crlf, off, len = peek_while_eol decoder in
k (Bytes.sub_string raw_crlf off (len - 2))
let decode decoder k =
if at_least_one_line decoder
then safe (line k) decoder
else prompt (line k) decoder
type context =
{ encoder : encoder
; decoder : decoder }
let make_context () =
{ encoder= make_encoder ()
; decoder= make_decoder () }
type value =
[ `EHLO | `PP_250 ]
let encode encoder v : encode =
let return () : encode = Done in
match v with
| `EHLO -> write encoder "EHLO\r\n" ; flush return encoder
| `PP_250 -> write encoder "250\r\n" ; flush return encoder
let decode decoder : value decode =
let return v : _ decode = Done v in
decode decoder @@ function
| "EHLO" -> return `EHLO
| "250" -> return `PP_250
| _ -> assert false
module Scheduler = struct
type 'a t =
| Rd of { k : int -> 'a t
; o : int; l : int
; v : Buffer.rdwr Buffer.t }
| Wr of { k : int -> 'a t
; o : int; l : int
; v : Buffer.t }
| Done of 'a
let return x = Done x
let rec go ~f m len = match m len with
| Done v -> f v
| Rd { k; o; l; v; } -> Rd { k= go ~f k; o; l; v; }
| Wr { k; o; l; v; } -> Wr { k= go ~f k; o; l; v; }
let bind : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t = fun m ~f -> match m with
| Done v -> f v
| Rd { k; o; l; v; } ->
Rd { k= go ~f k; o; l; v; }
| Wr { k; o; l; v; } ->
Wr { k= go ~f k; o; l; v; }
let encode
: type a. context -> value -> (context -> 'r t) -> 'r t
= fun ctx x k ->
let rec go : encode -> 'a t = function
| Wr { k; o; l; v; } ->
let continue n = go (k n) in
Wr { k= continue; o; l; v; }
| Done -> k ctx in
(go <.> encode ctx.encoder) x
let decode
: context -> (context -> value -> 'r t) -> 'r t
= fun ctx k ->
let rec go : value decode -> 'a t = function
| Rd { k; o; l; v; } ->
let continue n = go (k n) in
Rd { k= continue; o; l; v; }
| Done v -> k ctx v in
go (decode ctx.decoder)
type 'a linear = { linear : 'a }
type 'a data = { data : 'a }
type (_, _, _, _) lens =
| Zero : ('a, 'b, [ `cons of 'a * 'xs ], [ `cons of 'b * 'xs ]) lens
| Succ : ('x, 'y, 'xs, 'ys) lens -> ('x, 'y, [ `cons of 'a * 'xs ], [ `cons of 'a * 'ys ]) lens
| Other : ('xs -> 'x) * ('xs -> 'y -> 'ys) -> ('x, 'y, 'xs, 'ys) lens
let rec get
: type x y xs ys. (x, y, xs, ys) lens -> xs -> x
= fun l xs -> match l, xs with
| Zero, (`cons (hd, _)) -> hd
| Succ l, (`cons (_, tl)) -> get l tl
| Other (get, _), xs -> get xs
let rec put
: type x y xs ys. (x, y, xs, ys) lens -> xs -> y -> ys
= fun l xs b -> match l, xs with
| Zero, (`cons (_, tl)) -> `cons (b, tl)
| Succ l, (`cons (hd, tl)) -> `cons (hd, put l tl b)
| Other (_, put), xs -> put xs b
module type SCHEDULER = sig
type 'a t
val bind : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t
val return : 'a -> 'a t
module type MONAD = sig
module Scheduler : SCHEDULER
type 'a s = 'a Scheduler.t
type ('p, 'q, 'a) t = { m : ('p -> ('q * 'a) s) }
val return : 'a -> ('p, 'p, 'a data) t
val bind : ('p, 'q, 'a data) t -> f:('a -> ('q, 'r, 'b) t) -> ('p, 'r, 'b) t
val (>>=) : ('p, 'q, 'a data) t -> ('a -> ('q, 'r, 'b) t) -> ('p, 'r, 'b) t
val (>>) : ('p, 'q, 'a data) t -> ('q, 'r, 'b) t -> ('p, 'r, 'b) t
val run : f:(unit -> (unit, unit, 'a data) t) -> 'a s
module type LENS = sig
module Monad : MONAD
type all_empty = [ `cons of unit * 'xs ] as 'xs
val ( @> ) : ('p, 'q, 'a) Monad.t -> ('p, 'q, 'pr, 'ps) lens -> ('pr, 'ps, 'a) Monad.t
val ( <@ ) : ('p, 'q, 'pr, 'ps) lens -> ('p, 'q, 'a) Monad.t -> ('pr, 'ps, 'a) Monad.t
val l0 : ('a, 'b, [ `cons of 'a * 'xs ], [ `cons of 'b * 'xs ]) lens
val l1 : ('a, 'b, [ `cons of 'x1 * [ `cons of 'a * 'xs ] ], [ `cons of 'x1 * [ `cons of 'b * 'xs ] ]) lens
val l2 : ('a, 'b, [ `cons of 'x1 * [ `cons of 'x2 * [ `cons of 'a * 'xs ] ] ],
[ `cons of 'x1 * [ `cons of 'x2 * [ `cons of 'b * 'xs ] ] ]) lens
val run : ('a -> (all_empty, all_empty, 'b data) Monad.t) -> 'a -> 'b Monad.s
val extend : ('p, [ `cons of unit * 'p ], unit data) Monad.t
val shrink : ([ `cons of unit * 'p ], 'p, unit data) Monad.t
module type LINEAR = sig
module Monad : MONAD
type 'f bind
val ( >>- ) : ('p, 'q, 'a linear) Monad.t -> ('a linear -> ('q, 'r, 'b) Monad.t) bind -> ('p, 'r, 'b) Monad.t
val put_linear : (unit, 'a linear, 'q, 'r) lens -> ('p, 'q, 'a linear) Monad.t -> ('p, 'r, unit data) Monad.t
val put_linear_val : (unit, 'a linear, 'p, 'q) lens -> 'a -> ('p, 'q, unit data) Monad.t
val get_linear : ('a linear, unit, 'p, 'q) lens -> ('p, 'q, 'a linear) Monad.t
val return_linear : 'a -> ('p, 'p, 'a linear) Monad.t
val bind : 'f -> 'f bind
module Monad (Scheduler : SCHEDULER) : MONAD with module Scheduler = Scheduler = struct
module Scheduler = Scheduler
type 'a s = 'a Scheduler.t
type ('p, 'q, 'a) t = { m : ('p -> ('q * 'a) s) }
let return a = { m= fun p -> Scheduler.return (p, { data= a }) }
let bind m ~f = { m= fun p -> Scheduler.bind (m.m p) (fun (q, { data= a }) -> (f a).m q) }
let (>>=) x f = bind x ~f
let (>>) m1 m2 = { m= fun p -> Scheduler.bind (m1.m p) (fun (q, _) -> m2.m q) }
let run ~f = Scheduler.bind ((f ()).m ()) ~f:(fun (_, { data }) -> Scheduler.return data)
module Lens (Scheduler : SCHEDULER) (Monad : MONAD with module Scheduler = Scheduler) : LENS with module Monad := Monad = struct
type all_empty = [ `cons of unit * 'xs ] as 'xs
let ( @> )
: 'p 'q 'pr 'ps 'a. ('p, 'q, 'a) Monad.t -> ('p, 'q, 'pr, 'ps) lens -> ('pr, 'ps, 'a) Monad.t
= fun m l ->
{ m= fun p -> Scheduler.bind (m.m (get l p)) ~f:(fun (q, a) -> Scheduler.return (put l p q, a)) }
let ( <@ ) l m = m @> l
let l0 = Zero
let l1 = Succ Zero
let l2 = Succ (Succ Zero)
let run = fun f x ->
let rec all_empty = `cons ((), all_empty) in
Scheduler.bind ((f x).Monad.m all_empty) ~f:(fun (_, { data }) -> Scheduler.return data)
let extend : 'pr. ('pr, [ `cons of unit * 'pr ], unit data) Monad.t
= { m= fun pr -> Scheduler.return (`cons ((), pr), { data= () }) }
let shrink : type pr. ([ `cons of unit * pr ], pr, unit data) Monad.t
= { m= fun (`cons ((), pr)) -> Scheduler.return (pr, { data= () }) }
module Linear
(Scheduler : SCHEDULER)
(Monad : MONAD with module Scheduler = Scheduler) : LINEAR with module Monad := Monad = struct
type 'f bind = 'f
let ( >>- )
: 'p 'q 'a 'r 'b. ('p, 'q, 'a linear) Monad.t -> ('a linear -> ('q, 'r, 'b) Monad.t) bind -> ('p, 'r, 'b) Monad.t
= fun m f -> { m= fun p -> Scheduler.bind (m.Monad.m p) (fun (q, x) -> (f x).m q) }
let put_linear
: 'a 'q 'r 'p. (unit, 'a linear, 'q, 'r) lens -> ('p, 'q, 'a linear) Monad.t -> ('p, 'r, unit data) Monad.t
= fun l m -> { m= fun p -> Scheduler.bind (m.m p) ~f:(fun (q, v) -> Scheduler.return (put l q v, { data= () })) }
let put_linear_val
: 'a 'p 'q. (unit, 'a linear, 'p, 'q) lens -> 'a -> ('p, 'q, unit data) Monad.t
= fun l v ->
{ m= fun p -> Scheduler.return (put l p { linear= v }, { data= () }) }
let get_linear
: 'a 'p 'q. ('a linear, unit, 'p, 'q) lens -> ('p, 'q, 'a linear) Monad.t
= fun l -> { m= fun p -> Scheduler.return (put l p (), get l p) }
let return_linear
: 'a 'p. 'a -> ('p, 'p, 'a linear) Monad.t
= fun v -> { m= fun p -> Scheduler.return (p, { linear= v }) }
let bind : 'f. 'f -> 'f bind = fun f -> f
module Make (Scheduler : SCHEDULER) = struct
module Monad = Monad (Scheduler)
include Monad
include Lens(Scheduler)(Monad)
include Linear(Scheduler)(Monad)
type ehlo = EHLO
type auth = AUTH
type password = PASSWORD
type recipient = RECIPIENT
type pp_250 = PP_250
type tp_334 = TP_334
type authentication =
| PP_235
| PN_500
| PN_501
| PN_535
module Protocol = struct
type 'a t =
| EHLO : ehlo t
| AUTH : auth t
| PASSWORD : password t
| PP_250 : pp_250 t
| TP_334 : tp_334 t
| Authentication_result : authentication t
| MAIL_FROM : recipient t
| Magic : 'a t
let to_value : type a. a t -> a -> value = fun w v -> assert false
let of_value : type a. a t * value -> a = fun (_w, _v) -> assert false
module Channel : sig
type 'a t = 'a Protocol.t
val encode : context -> 'a t -> 'a -> unit Scheduler.t
val decode : context -> 'a t -> 'a Scheduler.t
end = struct
type 'a t = 'a Protocol.t
let ( <.> ) f g = fun x -> f (g x)
let encode ctx w v =
Scheduler.encode ctx (Protocol.to_value w v) (fun ctx -> Scheduler.return ())
let decode ctx w =
Scheduler.decode ctx (fun ctx v ->
let v = Protocol.of_value (w, v) in
Scheduler.return v)
module Ground = Make (Scheduler)
module Session = struct
let unlinear { linear } = linear
type ('v, 's) send = 'v Protocol.t * 's linear
type ('v, 's) recv = 'v Protocol.t * 's linear
type close = Close
type 'a prot = 'a
let (@?>)
: 'v Protocol.t -> ('s * 'c) prot -> (('v, 's) send * ('v, 'c) recv) prot
= fun w (s, c) ->
((w, { linear= s }), (w, { linear = c }))
let (@!>)
: 'v Protocol.t -> ('s * 'c) prot -> (('v, 's) recv * ('v, 's) send) prot
= fun a b -> a @?> b
let finish : (close * close) prot = Close, Close
let send
: context -> (('v, 's) send linear, unit, 'p, 'q) lens -> 'v -> ('p, 'q, 's linear) Ground.t
= fun ctx l v ->
{ m= (fun p ->
let w, cont = unlinear (get l p) in
let encode = Channel.encode ctx w v in
Scheduler.bind encode ~f:(fun () -> Scheduler.return (put l p (), cont))) }
let receive
: context -> (('v, 's) recv linear, unit, 'p, 'q) lens -> ('p, 'q, ('s linear * 'v data) linear) Ground.t
= fun ctx l ->
{ m= (fun p ->
let w, cont = unlinear (get l p) in
let decode = Channel.decode ctx w in
Scheduler.bind decode ~f:(fun v ->
let s = put l p () in
let v = { linear= (cont, { data= v; }) } in
Scheduler.return (s, v))) }
let close
: (close linear, unit, 'p, 'q) lens -> ('p, 'q, unit data) Ground.t
= fun l -> { m= fun p -> Scheduler.return (put l p (), { data= () }) }
let accept
: context -> ('s * 'c) Channel.t -> ('p, 'p, 's linear) Ground.t
= fun ctx w -> { m= fun p ->
let decode = Channel.decode ctx w in
Scheduler.bind decode ~f:(fun (s, _) -> Scheduler.return (p, { linear= s })) }
let connect
: context -> ('s * 'c) Channel.t -> ('s * 'c) -> ('p, 'p, 'c linear) Ground.t
= fun ctx w (s, c) ->
{ m= fun p ->
let encode = Channel.encode ctx w (s, c) in
Scheduler.bind encode ~f:(fun () -> Scheduler.return (p, { linear= c })) }
module SList = struct
type 'a w =
| [] : 'a w
| (::) : 'a linear * 'a t -> 'a w
and 'a t = 'a w linear
module SEither = struct
type ('a, 'b) w =
| L : 'a linear -> ('a, 'b) w
| R : 'b linear -> ('a, 'b) w
and ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) w linear
let run_client ctx w recipients =
let rec go = function
| Scheduler.Rd { k; o; l; v; } ->
let n = input stdin (v :> bytes) o l in go (k n)
| Scheduler.Wr { k; o; l; v; } ->
output stdout (v :> bytes) o l ; go (k l)
| Scheduler.Done v -> v in
let open Ground in
let s = l0 in
let m =
let ( let* ) x f = x >>- (bind (fun { linear= w } -> put_linear_val s w >> f s)) in
let ( let+ ) x f = x >>- (bind (fun { linear= { linear= w }, { data= v } } -> put_linear_val s w >> f (s, v))) in
let* s = Session.connect ctx w
@?> Protocol.PP_250
@!> Protocol.AUTH
@?> Protocol.TP_334
@!> Protocol.PASSWORD
@?> Protocol.Authentication_result
@!> finish) in
let* s = Session.send ctx s EHLO in
let+ s, PP_250 = Session.receive ctx s in
let* s = Session.send ctx s AUTH in
let+ s, TP_334 = Session.receive ctx s in
let* s = Session.send ctx s PASSWORD in
let+ s, v = Session.receive ctx s in
match v with
| PP_235 ->
Session.close s
| PN_500 ->
Session.close s
| PN_501 ->
Session.close s
| PN_535 ->
Session.close s in
let fiber = run (fun m -> return ()) m in
go fiber
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