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Created January 4, 2018 17:06
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Save dinosaure/8acc87541918796df7086721101f4509 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
#use "topfind";;
#require "unix";;
#require "git-unix";;
#require "mtime";;
#require "mtime.clock.os";;
#require "fmt.tty";;
module Option =
let map f = function
| Some v -> Some (f v)
| None -> None
let pad n x =
if String.length x > n
then x
else x ^ String.make (n - String.length x) ' '
let pp_header ppf (level, header) =
let level_style =
match level with
| Logs.App -> Logs_fmt.app_style
| Logs.Debug -> Logs_fmt.debug_style
| Logs.Warning -> Logs_fmt.warn_style
| Logs.Error -> Logs_fmt.err_style
| Logs.Info -> Logs_fmt.info_style
let level = Logs.level_to_string (Some level) in ppf "[%a][%a]"
(Fmt.styled level_style Fmt.string) level
(Fmt.option Fmt.string) ( (pad 10) header)
let reporter ppf =
let report src level ~over k msgf =
let k _ = over (); k () in
let with_src_and_stamp h _ k fmt =
let dt = Mtime.Span.to_us (Mtime_clock.elapsed ()) in
Fmt.kpf k ppf ("%s %a %a: @[" ^^ fmt ^^ "@]@.")
(pad 10 (Fmt.strf "%+04.0fus" dt))
pp_header (level, h)
Fmt.(styled `Magenta string)
(pad 10 @@ src)
msgf @@ fun ?header ?tags fmt ->
with_src_and_stamp header tags k fmt
{ = report }
let setup_logs style_renderer level =
Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ?style_renderer ();
Logs.set_level level;
Logs.set_reporter (reporter Fmt.stdout)
let () = setup_logs (Some `Ansi_tty) (Some Logs.Debug)
let repository = Uri.of_string ""
let root = Fpath.v "camelus"
let locks = Fpath.(root / ".locks")
open Lwt_result
let ( >!= ) = Lwt_result.bind_lwt_err
module Store = Git_unix.FS
module Sync = Git_unix.HTTP(Store)
module Index = Git.Index.Container(Store)
let references =
let open Store.Reference in
Map.add Path.(heads / master) [ Path.(heads / master) ]
@@ Map.add Path.(heads / "2.0.0") [ Path.(heads / "2.0.0") ]
@@ Map.empty
let pp_updated ppf map =
Fmt.Dump.list (Fmt.Dump.pair Store.Reference.pp Store.Hash.pp) ppf (Store.Reference.Map.bindings map)
let pp_missed ppf map =
Fmt.Dump.list (Fmt.Dump.pair Store.Reference.pp (Fmt.Dump.list Store.Reference.pp)) ppf (Store.Reference.Map.bindings map)
let pp_results ppf lst =
Fmt.Dump.list (Fmt.Dump.result ~ok:Store.Reference.pp ~error:(Fmt.Dump.pair Store.Reference.pp Fmt.string)) ppf lst
let ( >|= ) = Lwt.bind
let err_store x = Lwt.return (`Store x)
let err_ref x = Lwt.return (`Ref x)
let err_sync x = Lwt.return (`Sync x)
let err_index x = Lwt.return (`Index x)
let fetch () =
(Store.create ~root () >!= err_store) >>= fun t ->
(Sync.fetch_some t ~locks
>!= err_sync) >>= fun (updated, missed) ->
Fmt.(pf stdout) "updated: %a.\n%!"
(Fmt.hvbox pp_updated) updated;
Fmt.(pf stdout) "missed: %a.\n%!"
(Fmt.hvbox pp_missed) missed;
(Store.Ref.write t ~locks Store.Reference.head Store.Reference.(Ref Path.(heads / master))
>!= err_ref) >>= fun () ->
(Index.from_reference t Store.Reference.head
>!= err_index) >>= fun entries ->
(Index.from_entries t ~dtmp:(Cstruct.create 0x8000) entries
>!= err_index) >>= fun () ->
Fmt.(pf stdout) "\n%!";
Fmt.(pf stdout) "-=-=-=-=-=- %a -=-=-=-=-=-\n%!"
Fmt.(styled `Yellow string) "FETCH PROCESS";
Fmt.(pf stdout) "\n%!";
Lwt.return (Ok ())
let user =
let epoch = 1514113980L in
let open Git.User in
{ name = "Romain Calascibetta"
; email = ""
; date = (epoch, None) }
let update () =
(Store.create ~root () >!= err_store) >>= fun t ->
Store.Ref.list ~locks t >|= fun local_refs ->
let open Store.Reference in
let hash_of_master = List.assoc Path.(heads / master) local_refs in
let hash_of_2_0_0 = List.assoc Path.(heads / "2.0.0") local_refs in
( t hash_of_master
>!= err_store) >>= fun commit_of_master ->
( t hash_of_2_0_0
>!= err_store) >>= fun commit_of_2_0_0 ->
let readme = Store.Value.Blob.of_cstruct (Cstruct.of_string "New update") in
(Store.write t (Store.Value.blob readme) >!= err_store) >>= fun (hash_blob, _) ->
let root_tree =
let open Store.Value.Tree in
let entry =
{ perm = `Normal
; name = ""
; node = hash_blob } in
of_list [ entry ]
(Store.write t (Store.Value.tree root_tree) >!= err_store) >>= fun (hash_tree, _) ->
let commit =
~parents:[ hash_of_master
; hash_of_2_0_0 ]
"Not a merge."
(Store.write t (Store.Value.commit commit) >!= err_store) >>= fun (hash_commit, _) ->
let open Store.Reference in
(Store.Ref.write t ~locks Path.(heads / master) (Hash hash_commit) >!= err_ref) >>= fun () ->
Fmt.(pf stdout) "\n%!";
Fmt.(pf stdout) "-=-=-=-=-=- %a -=-=-=-=-=-\n%!"
Fmt.(styled `Yellow string) "UPDATE PROCESS";
Fmt.(pf stdout) "\n%!";
Lwt.return (Ok ())
let token = ""
let headers ~user ~token =
(Cohttp.Header.init ())
(`Basic (user, token))
let push () =
(Store.create ~root () >!= err_store) >>= fun t ->
(Sync.update_and_create t
~headers:(headers ~user:"dinosaure" ~token)
>!= err_sync) >>= fun results ->
Fmt.(pf stdout) "results: %a.\n%!"
(Fmt.hvbox pp_results) results;
Fmt.(pf stdout) "\n%!";
Fmt.(pf stdout) "-=-=-=-=-=- %a -=-=-=-=-=-\n%!"
Fmt.(styled `Yellow string) "PUSH PROCESS";
Fmt.(pf stdout) "\n%!";
Lwt.return (Ok ())
let ( <.> ) f g = fun x -> f (g x)
let pp_error ppf = function
| `Store err -> ppf "(`Store %a)" Store.pp_error err
| `Sync err -> ppf "(`Sync %a)" Sync.pp_error err
| `Ref err -> ppf "(`Ref %a)" Store.Ref.pp_error err
| `Index err -> ppf "(`Index %a)" Index.pp_error err
let result t = let open Lwt.Infix in t >>= function
| Ok v -> Lwt.return v
| Error err -> (Failure (Fmt.strf "%a" pp_error err))
let () = ((result <.> (fun x -> fetch x >>= update >>= fetch >>= push >>= fetch)) ())
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